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E-pistle for February 17, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            February 17, 2012


I will lift up my eyes to the hills

(Psalm 121:1-8)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on lifting up one's eyes

            1.  I am not actually to "lift my eyes to the hills," because the hills (nor any other

                 physical thing) are not able to help me, v. 1.

            2.  "From whence comes my help," (v. 1) is a question, and the answer is not

                 "the hills."

            3.  The Psalmist understands that help comes from above and beyond the hills

                 . . . from the Lord," v. 2.

            4.  Divine help only comes from the Creator God, Who made the hills:  "heaven

                 and earth," v. 2.

II.  Meditation:  on the help which God brings

            1.  Peace:  "He will not allow your foot to be moved," v. 3.

            2.  Promise:  "He Who keeps you will not slumber . . . nor sleep," vv. 3-4.

            3.  Protection:  "The Lord is your keeper . . . your shade," vv. 5-6.

            4.  Preservation:  "The Lord shall preserve you from all evil . . . He shall preserve your

                 soul . . . The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in," vv. 7-8.

III.  Revelation:  on the Messianic implications of God's help

            1.  Through Christ, believers receive the peace of knowing and experiencing God's

                 security, John 14:27.

            2.  Through Christ, believers receive the promise of God's continual loving watch-

                 care, Hebrews 13:5.

            3.  Through Christ, believers receive the protection of the power of Almighty God,

                 Hebrews 13:6; Matthew 28:18.

            4.  Through Christ, believers receive the preservation of their lives on earth and

                 throughout eternity:  "from this time forth and even forevermore," v. 8; John 10:27-30.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Seek God's revelation for me beyond the physical realm.

            2.  Recognize that the answers to my problems (and prayers) are not "natural," but

                 "super-natural" . . . divine!

            3.  Relax in the promised peace and security of God's watch-care and protection.

            4.  Trust in the power of Almighty God to protect me in this life and to preserve my soul

                 throughout eternity in His presence.




Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

(Psalm 122:1-9)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the city of Jerusalem

            1.  David captured the city from the Jebusites (including the inner stronghold he called

                 Zion), and Jerusalem became known  as the City of David, v. 3; II Samuel 5:4-9.

            2.  Jerusalem was the place in which the Temple was built, where the twelve tribes of

                 Israel gladly assembled to worship God at least three times annually, vv. 1-2, 4, 9.

            3.  Jerusalem was the place of judgment , the supreme court where major cases were

                 heard and decided, v. 5.

            4.  Jerusalem was the dwelling place (palace) of the King of Israel, v. 5.

II.  Meditation:  on praying for the peace of Jerusalem

            1.  "Jerusalem" means "house of peace" . . . "Shalom" in Hebrew.

            2.  It is first mentioned in the Bible as "Salem," Genesis 14:18.

            3.  The writer of Hebrews interpreted "Salem" to mean "peace," Hebrews 7:2.

            4.  The Psalmist's prayer is that the City of Peace would be the site of God's peace and

                 prosperity . . . the place where God's people ("brethren and companions," v. 8)

                 would gather to worship God, vv. 1-2 . . . and to find true spiritual peace, John 14:27.

III.  Revelation:  on the significance of Jerusalem's "peace"

            1.  The "peace" of Jerusalem is promised to those who love the city, v. 6 . . . and to those

                 who love its King, the Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9:6.

            2.  It is in and through the city of Jerusalem that events occurred which brought "good,"

                 (v. 9) to all people of faith . . . Christ's death and resurrection brought the peace that

                 passes understanding, Philippians 4:7.

            3.  In Jerusalem, Christ, the Son of David, will judge all people and nations, Romans 14:10;

                 II Corinthians 5:10.

            4.  New Jerusalem is the name of the eternal city prepared for God's people . . . heaven,

                 where God's people enjoy final peace, Revelation 21:2.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Pray for the peace (safety) of modern day Jerusalem, which is prophesied to be a key

                 in God's final dealing with mankind on earth.

            2.  Pray for peace between hostile persons and between warring nations.

            3.  Pray for all persons to find peace with God by receiving His Son, Jesus Christ, as their

                 Lord and Savior.

            4.  Pray for personal inner peace which comes from a vital spiritual relationship with God

                 through Christ, and from an "abiding" fellowship with Him through the ministry of the

                 Holy Spirit.


"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."

--Robert Byrne




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