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E-pistle for February 8, 2008

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                       Dr. Dan Hite, President                     FreeWay Foundation                        February 8, 2008


Romans 5:1-5

Dr. Curt Scarborough

        In Romans 5:1-5, Paul speaks to those of us who are ministers of the gospel.

He says we need three things:  hope, character, and perseverance.

        HOPE not an optimistic outlook or wishful, positive thinking, but confident

expectation based on solid certainty.

        CHARACTER moral vigor or firmness, especially as acquired through


        PERSEVERANCE persistence; steadfast pursuit of an aim or undertaking.

        As fitness coaches say, "NO PAIN, NO GAIN!"  So Paul tells us in this

text how to acquire hope, character, and perseverance . . . suffering!

        How should we react to suffering?  Is it to be avoided?  Expected? 

Endured?  Sought?  Provoked?  Welcomed?  Ignored?  Denied?  Acts 5:41

reveals the right attitude:  "They departed from the presence of the council,

rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name."

        I.  What Jesus said about suffering

                1.  It was NECESSARY for the Christ to suffer.

                     (Luke 9:51; 13:32-33; 24:26; 46; Matthew 16:21)

2.      It is REQUIRED of disciples.

            (Matthew 10:24; Luke 6:22-23, 26; 14:27)

3.      It BRINGS BLESSINGS and rewards.

            (Matthew 5:10-12; Mark 10:29, 30)

4.      Suffering and death PRODUCE MUCH FRUIT,

            (John 12:21; I Corinthians 15:36)

        II. What Peter said about suffering

1.      Christians are called to FOLLOW CHRIST'S EXAMPLE

            OF SUFFERING!  (I Peter 2:21; John 15:18-21; 16:1-4)

2.      Suffering for righteousness BRINGS BLESSEDNESS.

            (I Peter 3:14-18)

                3.   Suffering is connected with having "the MIND OF CHRIST."

                      (I Peter 4:1; Philippians 2:5-8)

                4.   REJOICE because suffering GLORIFIES GOD.

                      (I Peter 4:13-19; Philippians 2:9-11)

        III. What Paul says about suffering

1.      "JOINT-HEIRS" involves suffering with Christ as well as being

            glorified with Him.  (Romans 8:17, 18)

2.      Suffering for Christ is a GRANTED PRIVILEGE, just as is

            believing in Him.  (Philippians 1:29; 3:10; II Thessalonians 1:3-8)

3.      Suffering fills up what is "LACKING" in Christ's afflictions.

            (Colossians 1:24)

4.      All committed Christians WILL SUFFER persecution.

            (II Timothy 3:12; Acts 9:15, 16)

        IV. What Hebrews says about suffering

1.      Suffering made Christ PERFECT (mature).

            (Hebrews 2:10, 11; I Peter 5:10)

2.      Christ learned OBEDIENCE through suffering.

            (Hebrews 5:8)

3.      Illumination (ENLIGHTENMENT; understanding)

            PRECEDES profitable suffering and FOLLOWS it.

            (Hebrews 10:32-34; II Corinthians 4:6-18)

4.      Christ's suffering brought SANCTIFICATION to people;

            so, to some degree, should ours. (Hebrews 13:12, 13;

            II Corinthians 1:3-7)

        Therefore, Christians are to be "POURED OUT" offerings (Philippians 2:17;

II Timothy 4:6).  We are to be "LIVING SACRIFICES" (Romans 12:1, 2)

        Charles Shelton in his classic book, In His Steps, suggests that in every

situation we should ask the question, "What would Jesus do?"  True discipleship

means doing what Jesus would do, and that inevitably involves suffering.

February is Black History Month:  Some Firsts in History:

·       Ralph J. Bunche was the first African American to win the Nobel Peace Prize in
1950.   He was a political scientist and diplomat who received the award for his

      mediation in Palestine in the late 1940s.

·       The first African American to successfully perform open heart surgery is believed

      to be Daniel Hale Williams.  Williams graduated from Chicago Medical School

      in 1883 and performed the surgery with the assistance of five other surgeons in1893.

·       Sgt. William H. Carney was the first African American to win the Congressional

    Medal of Honor in 1900.  Carney was awarded the medal for bravery during the

    Civil War for his role in the assault on Fort Wagner in July, 1863.

·       Thurgood Marshall became the first African American Supreme Court Justice in
1967.   He served until 1991.
·       Colin Powell because the first African American Secretary of State in 2001.  In

    2005, Condolezza Rice became the first female African American Secretary of


"Success is to be measured not so much by the

position that one has reached in his life

as by the obstacles which he has

overcome while trying to succeed."

Booker T. Washington



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