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E-pistle for February 9, 2007

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                                  Dr. Curt Scarborough, President        FreeWay Foundation             February 9, 2007

"Rejoice With Exceeding Great Joy!"

"Though now you do not see Him (Jesus Christ), yet believing,

you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory."

(I Peter 1:8, NKJV)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

        February, the month of Valentine's Day and weddings . . . of celebrations . . . of

rejoicing!  The word "rejoiced" in the text is a compound Greek word, combining "leap"

and "very much."  It suggests shouting and leaping with joy.

        The word occurs a dozen times in the New Testament.  For example, when the

lame man was healed at the temple gate, he "leaped and shouted with joy" (Acts 3:8). 

The Philippian jailer also "rejoiced" that way after his salvation experience (Acts 16:34).


        Jesus, in John 8:56, told His listeners that "Abraham rejoiced to see My day."

Luke records Peter's sermon on the Day of Pentecost.  There he quotes David as saying

that when he saw the Lord, "my heart rejoiced" (Acts 2:26).

        Both these Old Testament characters "shouted and leaped with joy" because

they saw Christ as a future reality.


        "My soul has rejoiced in God my Savior," sang Mary, as recorded in Luke 1:47.

She "shouted and leaped with joy" because God was using her to birth a great spiritual

blessing on the earth.


        "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy," Matthew 2:10.

        What an incredible picture! Imagine these dignified wise men "shouting and

leaping with joy" because they had been divinely led to find and worship the King.


        Luke records in 10:21, "In the hour, Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit."  He had just

instructed His disciples not to rejoice in victories won over Satanic forces, but rather

to rejoice because they had eternal life (names written in heaven).

        Then Jesus immediately rejoiced saying, "I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven

and earth, that You have hidden these things (truths spiritually discerned or perceived)

from the wise men and prudent and revealed them to babes."

        Jesus "shouted and leaped with joy" because His followers were seeing

spiritual reality and victory.


        Matthew 5:11, 12 – Revile and persecute . . . say all kinds of evil against you falsely

for My sake.  Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven."

        I Peter 4:13 – "Rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that

when His glory is revealed, you may be glad with exceeding joy."

        Revelation 19:7 – "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage

of the Lamb has come."


        Fellow Ministers of the Gospel, these are days of celebration, of rejoicing, of

"shouting and leaping with joy!"

1.      With Abraham and David, let us rejoice because we can see

            with eyes of faith the risen, glorified Christ.

2.      With Mary, let us rejoice because we are being used by God

            to birth a new thing, which promises to be a blessing to persons

            in our churches and communities and around the world.

3.      With the Wise Men, let us rejoice because we are being divinely

            led to find and worship the King of Kings.

4.      With Jesus Christ our Lord, let us rejoice because others we have

            influenced are experiencing spiritual victories and seeing spiritual



        I enjoy presiding over the annual graduation ceremony of the Pillsbury College &

Seminary.  Those Commencement Day celebrations always are particularly meaningful

and significant to me.  In a small way on those days in May, I identify with Jesus as He

"shouted and leaped with joy."

        I rejoice because I have taught and encouraged and fellowshipped with those

men for the preceding two or three years.  I rejoice exceedingly because I have witnessed

remarkable spiritual (as well as intellectual) growth exhibited in those fellow ministers.

        I also rejoice because, in a small measure, I shall share in their service and

ministry for Jesus Christ in the days and years to come.  As Jesus put it, there is no

greater joy for a teacher than to observe his students doing "greater things." 

(John 14:12)

Having the Mind of Christ

(Philippians 2:1-17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the grounds for Paul's pastoral advice (v. 1)

        1.  The consolation available in Christ.

        2.  The comfort of mutual love between God and man.

        3.  The fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

        4.  The supporting mutual affection and mercy among believers.

II.  Meditation:  on Paul's plea for unity, which would fulfill his joy (v. 2)

1.      Unity of spirit . . . "like-minded."
2.      Unity of love . . . "same love."
3.      Unity of purpose . . . "of one accord."
4.      Unity of thought . . . "of one mind."

III.  Revelation:  on things Paul encouraged believers to do . . .

1.      Exhibit true humility, v. 3.
2.      Express concern and compassion for the interests of others, v. 4.
3.      Have the mind of Christ, v. 5; What He experienced, we must experience.
(1)     Humility – vv. 6-8.
(2)     Obedience – v. 8.
(3)     Death – v. 8.
(4)     Resurrection and exaltation – vv. 9-11.
4.      "Work out our own salvation" (v. 12) . . . that is, allow God to work in us

        "both TO WILL and TO DO His good pleasure," v. 13.

IV.  Application:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Be blameless, harmless, and faultless, v. 15.
2.      Shine as a light in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, v. 15.
3.      Hold fast (study, proclaim, obey) the word of life . . . the Scriptures, v. 16.
4.      Joyfully be poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of

        my faith, v. 17.

Wit and Wisecrack:  Twain said, "There are those who scoff at the schoolboy,

calling him frivolous and shallow.  Yet it was the schoolboy who said,

'Faith is believing what you know ain't so!'"


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