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E-pistle for January 30, 2015

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation           Dr. Curt Scarborough, President           January 30, 2015




(Job 36:1-33)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Elihu, arguing that his "words are not false," introduces the subject of the attributes

                 of God, vv. 1-10 . . . which he expands upon throughout the entire chapter.

            2.  Elihu contrasts the final state of those who obey and serve God with the ultimate

                 end of the hypocrites in heart, vv. 11-15.

            3.  Elihu tells Job of the blessings which God had intended for him to enjoy if only

                 he (Job) had not behaved wickedly, vv. 16-21.

            4.  Elihu expounds on how God uses His majestic power in nature (clouds, rain, lightning,

                 and thunder) to teach spiritual truths, vv. 22-33.

II.  Meditation and Revelation:  on the attributes of God seen in this chapter

            1.  God is the Creator . . . "Maker," v. 3.

            2.  God is Righteous, v. 3.

            3.  God is omniscient"perfect in knowledge," and "understanding," vv. 4-5.

            4.  God is omnipotent"mighty" and "exalted in power," vv. 5, 22.

            5.  God is just, v. 6.

            6.  God is always watching, v. 7.            

            7.  God convicts men of their sins, v. 9.

            8.  God instructs and enlightens men about repentance, v. 10.

            9.  God provides mercy, salvation, and blessing, v. 11.

            10.God punishes wickedness, v. 12.

            11.God delivers the poor, the needy, and the oppressed, v. 15.

            12.God desires for His people to live in freedom and prosperity, v. 16.

            13.God is the final authority . . . no one tells Him what to do or criticized His actions,

                 v. 23.

            14.God is worthy of all praise and honor, vv. 24-25.

            15.God is transcendent (supreme in excellence, surpassing all human wisdom and

                 knowledge), v. 26.

            16.God is eternal . . . beyond the limits of time, v. 26.

            17.God controls the forces of nature, vv. 27-30.

            18.God is the source of light, v. 30.

            19 God is the supreme judge of all people, v. 31.

            20.God is the provider of all the necessities of life, v. 31.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Worship the Lord God Almighty.

            2.  Praise and Glorify His holy name.

            3.  Stand in reverence and awe before Him.

            4.  Seek to know Him and His divine will for my life.

            5.  Obey His commands and directions for my life.

            6.  Serve Him faithfully, motivated by a heart of love for Him.

            7.  Thank Him for His mercy, grace, salvation, and manifold blessings.




Two kinds of wisdom

(James 3:13-18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Meditation:  on the wisdom from below . . . and their opposites (vv. 14-16)

            1.  Bitterness (sweetness)                         6.  Earthly (heavenly)

            2.  Envy (not covetous)                            7.  Sensual (spiritual)

            3.  Self-seeking (unselfish)                       8.  Demonic (Godly)

            4.  Boasting (modest; humble)                  9.  Confusion (orderly)

            5.  Lying (truthful)                                   10.  Every evil thing (every good thing)

II.  Meditation:  on the wisdom from above . . . with their opposites (v. 17)

            1.  Pure (unclean)                                     5.  Merciful (vengeful)

            2.  Peaceable (belligerent)                        6.  Fruitful (non-productive)

            3.  Gentle (harsh)                                     7.  Unbiased (prejudiced)

            4.  Submissive (unteachable)                    8.  Sincere (fake)

III.  Revelation:  on wisdom from God's perspective

            1.  A wise and understanding person shows by his conduct that his works are

                 done in the proper spirit and with a Godly attitude (meekness, v. 13).

            2.  The wisdom from below is produced by Satan; the wisdom from above

                 Comes from the Holy Spirit and produces His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23).

            3.  These two types of wisdom (heavenly and earthly; divine and human) are

                 direct opposites; they cannot be reconciled by finding a compromise

                 between them.

            4.  God's wisdom is peaceable (v. 17); it is sown in peace (v. 18); it is sown

                 by those who make peace (v. 18).

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Exhibit the meek, gentle spirit of Christ in all that I do.

            2.  Allow the Holy Spirit to produce His fruit in my life.

            3.  Not tolerate in my life characteristics from both lists of "wisdom"

                 (Satanic and Godly) . . . they are mutually exclusive.

            4.  Be a peacemaker, sowing peace . . . introducing persons to the

                 "Prince of Peace," Isaiah 9:6.


Wit and Wisecrack from Mark Twain

"Behold the fool saith, "Put not all thine eggs in the one basket" –

which is but a manner of saying, "Scatter your money and your

attention"; but the wise man saith, "Put all your eggs in the one

basket and  - WATCH THAT BASKET."








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