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E-pistle for January 31, 2008

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                                                      Dr. Dan Hite, President          FreeWay Foundation          Janaury 31, 2008

How Jesus Mentored His Disciples

by:  Dr. Curt Scarborough

        What was the best, most memorable gift your father ever gave you?  One

Christmas, my Dad gave me a Johnny Mize mitt; another time he (and Santa) gave

me an electric train.  But the best gift he gave me was not the ball glove, but the

time he spent playing catch with me in the backyard.  His most memorable present

wasn't a model train, but the tales he told me about the years he spent working for

the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Rail Road.  His best give to me?  HIMSELF!

        In John 21, we see Jesus "fathering" His disciples.  Here He sets the example

for ministers who are mentoring those less mature Christians who are following in

our paths.  Notice the techniques Jesus used in dealing with the seven disciples

who had back-slidden to their old ways of life . . . to their old jobs:  fishing.

        In this passage, let's only "read the red" . . . focusing on the WORDS of


1.      Jesus expressed concern about the disciples' needs, desires, and

problems "Children, have you any food?" (verse 5)  A good mentor notices and

expresses concern about the needs and problems of people.  This concern includes

basic food, clothing, and shelter needs, of course, but also involves physical

environment (God's wall of protection and His canopy of blessing).

        Just as earthly parents know how to give good gifts to their children . . .

bread, not a stone; fish, not a snake; egg, not a scorpion . . . even so, mentors

must exhibit concern about meeting the needs, desires, and problems of their

protégés.  (See Matthew 7:7-11 and Luke 11:9-13.)

2.      Jesus gave wise counsel and direction (discipline) which, when

followed, produced positive results . . . based on spiritual insight "Cast the

net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some."  (verse 6).  Jesus was

able to give practical help because He knew where the fish were swimming.

He saw and knew something which the disciples didn't see or know.

        Good mentors both model and give wise counsel and direction.  Jesus

showed them godly attitudes, speech, actions, relationships, and priorities to

follow.  Yet more than that, He gave them needed practical help and instruction

for their immediate situation.

3.      Jesus taught the principle of the blessedness of giving over receiving;

the priority of the spiritual above the material "Bring some of the fish you have

just caught," (verse 10.)  God does not need our fish . . . He has plenty!  But He

does want us to receive gifts from Him with an "open hand" . . . to pass along to

others the abundance He supplies us.  We are to serve others with His compassion,

kindness, generosity, and humility.  Freely we have received; freely we give!

4.      Jesus invited the disciples to have intimate fellowship with Him.

"Come and eat breakfast," (verse 12.)  As believers, we need to partake of

Jesus' provisions . . . through Bible study, prayer, and meditation . . . to experience

His presence.  He knocks on our heart's door, waiting for us to invite Him in for

intimate fellowship with Him. (Revelation 3:20)

        As mentors, we also must graciously offer to share our spiritual provisions

and ourselves with others . . . in intimate friendship.  How true is the saying that

we all need to have (and to be) a Paul, a Barnabus, and a Timothy!

5.      Jesus helped the disciples to "see beyond sight" . . . to have spiritual

vision of God's destiny for them.

        Notice the process of gradual revelation:  "Disciples did not know it

was Jesus," (verse4); to John recognizing Him (verse7); to "None of the disciples

dared ask Him; 'Who are you?'   knowing it was the Lord.: (verse 12); to Jesus

"showed" Himself (verse 14).

        Good mentors must gently guide persons to "see" and to "know" Jesus,

in whose name they serve.  God's mentors help protégés come to spiritual

perception, to a vision of God's destiny for their lives.

6.      Jesus encouraged a cursing, denying, back-slidden disciple to a

renewed commitment based on mutual love "Do you love Me? . . . Feed My

sheep,"  (verses 15-17).  Jesus dealt with Simon Peter in gentleness and

compassion, yet with "tough love," confronting Peter about his problem and

its spiritual consequences.

        Peter denied Jesus three times; Jesus compelled Peter to assert his

love three times.  We, as mentors, in spite of our failures, need to publicly

exclaim, "JESUS, I LOVE YOU!"  Such an open confession will help us . . . and

those following us.

7.      Jesus challenged the disciples to hear again His original call to

total surrender "Follow Me," (verse 19).  These were the same words spoken

by Jesus to Peter three years earlier . . . and at the same locations:  Peter's

wharf (Matthew 4:19).  It is significant that here Jesus addressed the wayward

disciple as "Simon".  Earlier, the Lord has prophesied, "You WILL BE called

Peter," John 1:42.  Later Jesus said, "You ARE Peter,"  Matthew 16:18.  But

here Jesus forced Peter to go back to where it all began, to get a fresh, new

start . . .  calling him, "SIMON, son of John," (verse 15).

        We, as God's mentors, must continually be reminded to revisit our

original call to follow Him.  Our responsibility to those who follow us includes

modeling joyful obedience to Jesus' call to total surrender . . .  to cross-bearing


"I have decided to follow Jesus . . . no turning back."

What is a Mentor?

M  Model:  "example to the believers"

                (I Timothy 4:12)

E   Encourager:  "command . . . encourage . . . strengthen"

                (Deuteronomy 3:28)

N   Nurturer:  "brings them up in the nurture of the Lord"

                (Ephesians 6:4)

T   Tutor:  "commit these to faithful men . . . to teach others"

                (II Timothy 2:2)

O   Observer:  "they watch out for your souls"

                (Hebrews 13:17)

R   Resource:  "supply what is lacking in your faith"

                (I Thessalonians 3:10)

Copied from the St. Louis Fax Times:  After watching football all day Harry fell asleep in

                                                             front of the TV and spent the whole night in his chair.

                                         In the morning, his wife said, "Get up dear, its 20 to

                                                             7."  He woke with a start and said, "Who's winning?"

Since this Sunday is the Super Bowl I thought this joke was good!


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