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E-pistle for January 7, 2008

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                        Dr. Dan Hite, President                   FreeWay Foundation                   January 7, 2008

"Legitimate Leaders and Faithful Followers"

Judges 6-7

Dr. Curt Scarborough

        It was the Twelfth Century B.C.  Midianite and Amalekite desert nomads

repeatedly raided the nation of Israel.  Their use of camels allowed them to

ride in, destroy crops, take plunder, and then escape back into the desert with

such speed the Israelites could not catch them.

        Judges 6 begins with a description of this situation and the call of Gideon

to do something about it.  Although his name means "one who cuts to pieces,"

Gideon was not a "sharp" willing volunteer.  But his 40-year career as a leader

in Israel and his inclusion in the Faith Hall of Fame (Hebrews 11:32) make a

study of his example profitable to us today.

Ten Things Which Identify Legitimate Leaders

1.      Gideon's call to fulfill his life's destiny was based on a solid "Thus

        says the Lord God," (6:8).  Although the prophet here is unidentified,

        the message clearly is authentic.  A legitimate spiritual leader much

        base his life on God's word.

2.      As Gideon, no doubt, relived in his memory the original call of God,

        so we should revisit (in memory, if not literally) that spot when God

        called us out to serve Him.  Perhaps your call, like Gideon's included

        dealing with doubts, questions, and arguments, and perhaps it also

        included prophecy, signs, and revelations, (6:11-24).

3.      A legitimate leader must start by cleaning up his own life, through

        confession and repentance.  Like Gideon, we may have some sinful

        idols which need to be cast down and destroyed, (6:25-33).

4.      Gideon tarried for Spirit anointing before leading God's people into

        battle, 6:34, 35.  Jesus instructed His disciples, and us to do the same,

        (Acts 1:4-8)

5.      God understands and responds to our prayer for additional assurance

        of His power and presence, 6:36-40.  The fleece episode was not to

        determine what God's will was – Gideon already had heard that word

        clearly.  Rather, this timid leader was like many of us:  needing just

        a bit more evidence to bolster his weak and wavering faith.

        6.   Don't worry about the numbers or the odds against success, 7:1-8.

                   Frequently, human wisdom is in direct contrast to the plan and

              program of God.

7.      Listen and learn from what your enemies say about you, 7:9-14.  Often

        there is an element of truth in what they say.

8.      Gideon, out of a private worship experience, spoke prophetic words

        of encouragement and victory to the people, 7:15.  This verse reveals

        a remarkable personal transformation in Gideon's life.  Legitimate

        leaders must have such a "close encounter" with God.

9.      Gideon organized, equipped, and trained his troops for the battle,

        7:16-18.  We modern-day spiritual leaders also need to equip our

        people with trumpets and torches; instruments to sound "charge"

        calling other's into warfare, and lights of clear testimony shining in

        a dark and perverse world, Philippians 2:15.  Our troops must be

        trained to shout in unity, speaking loudly and clearly a single message

        of deliverance.

10.     Gideon led by example.  "Watch me, follow my lead, do exactly as I do,"

        he said, 7:17.  What a statement!  Can we also accept the leadership

        responsibility of being the role model for our people to follow?  Paul

        did in I Corinthians 4:16.

        No one can be a legitimate leader without faithful followers!

Ten Things Which Identify Faithful Followers

1.      Faithful followers recognize the truth that spiritual defeat often is a result

        of spiritual disobedience, 6:10.

2.      Faithful followers seek spiritual perception to know who are the true,

        God-called leaders.  They recognize that sometimes those legitimate

        leaders may arouse opposition and upset the status quo, 6:28-30.

3.      Faithful followers respond to the trumpet call of a Spirit-filled leader,

        6:34, 35.

4.      Faithful followers are courageous.  They do not forsake the leader out

        of fear or discouragement, as 22,000 did, 7:3.

5.      Faithful followers are alert.  They keep their eyes peeled looking for the

        enemy, 7:4-6.

6.      Faithful followers are teachable.  They follow instructions even if the plan

        seems strange, because they have confidence that their leader has heard

        from God, 7:15, 16.

7.      Faithful followers watch their leader, follow his lead, and do exactly as he

        does, 7:17.  A disciple who is fully trained is like his teacher, Jesus taught

        in Luke 6:40.

8.      Faithful followers are good team players.  They do their part on signal in

        cooperation with everyone else, 7:19, 20.

9.      Faithful followers exalt the name of the leader!  They shouted, "sword of the

        Lord and of Gideon!" 7:20.

10.     Faithful followers stand in their assigned places, carry out their assigned

        tasks, and watch while God brings the victory, 7:21-25.

        "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?"  I'm not sure of the answer to

that old conundrum.  But I am sure of the answer to this question" Which comes first,

a legitimate leader or faithful follower?"  The Lord always begins fulfilling His purposes

by calling out a legitimate leader.

        "Father, help me to be a legitimate leader of others by being a faithful

follower of you, Amen."

Harness Your Brainpower

by:  Harvey MacKay

        How much do you know about everything???  OK, how much do you know

about a few things?

        If these seem like odd questions, stop and ponder what you know versus

what you don't.  Then consider how you would get along if you needed good

information on topics that were outside your comfort zone.

        All of us have the ability to gain more knowledge.  The brain is amazing.

While the old theory that we use only 10 percent of our brain has been widely

debunked, there's plenty of evidence that we can increase our brainpower,

retention and focus.  You can take some basic steps to improve your knowledge:

        READ – pick out books, newspapers, Web sites, encyclopedias, anything

                         with information that teaches you something you didn't already

                 know.  Learn something new every day.  I will get on my soapbox

                 here again:  Embrace lifelong learning!

        LISTEN – Sounds simple enough, but it's so easy to be distracted.  Focus

                   on the speaker.  If you don't hear it the first time, ask the person

                           to repeat it.  Make sure that you understand what has been said.

                           You will be surprised what you can learn.


                            Mensa current research shows that at least 52 percent of our

                    intelligence is based on our environment.

MACKAY'S MORALS:  Sometimes being smart means recognizing when you're not!

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