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E-pistle for July 13, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            July 13, 2012



The ark of the covenant

(Hebrews 9:1-28)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25)

            1.  It was a box made of acacia wood, 27 X 27 X 45 inches, v. 22.

            2.  It was overlaid with pure gold, v. 10.

            3.  It was not to be touched by human hands; rather, it was to be carried by poles

                 through rings attached to the Ark, vv. 12-15.

            4.  It was called by other names (Ark of the Testimony; Ark of the Lord), but always

                 it represented the presence of God among His people.

II.  on the contents of the Ark (Hebrews 9:4-5)

            1.  Tablets of the Covenant – The Ten Commandments carved on two tablets of stone . . .

                 God's word; His law, Exodus 25:16.

            2.  Pot of Manna – bread from heaven collected as a memorial to God's feeding the

                 Israelites through their forty years of wilderness wandering, Exodus 16:33.

            3.  Aaron's rod that budded- demonstrating and affirming that God chooses and

                 Anoints His leaders for fruitful service, Numbers 16-17.

            4.  Cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat – golden lid of the Ark, with angels

                 on each end extending their wings toward the center:  the "mercy seat,"

                 Exodus 25:18-20.  (See John 20:12)

III.  Revelation:  on what the Ark represents

            1.  It represents God's covenant relationship with us, including the behavior He expects

                 from His people (law).

            2.  It represents God's provision for His people . . . supplying all our need according to

                 His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, Philippians 4:19.

            3.  It represents God's anointing of His chosen One (Christ; Messiah) and His anointing        

                 of His people for service by the Holy Spirit.

            4.  It represents God's mercy toward those who believe in Jesus Christ, thus receiving

                 mercy and grace . . . forgiveness and cleansing.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Accent God's word – His clear directions for living my life.

            2.  Acknowledge God's provision – His daily, providential care.

            3.  Affirm God's anointing – experiencing God's filling of the Holy Spirit, for empowered,

                 fruitful service.

            4.  Accept God's mercy – His saving grace; His forgiveness and cleansing.


NOTE:  Jesus is all four of these:  (1) Word (John 1:1), (2) Manna (John 6:31-33), (3) Anointed One

            (Christ; Messiah) (Matthew 16:16), and (4) Mercy Seat- the holy place (Person) where God

            meets man, and where God's presence is manifested in mercy, (Hebrews 4:16).



Jesus' first words on his "birthday"

(Hebrews 10:1-39)

Dr. Curt Scarborough



I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Animal sacrifices are insufficient to obtain forgiveness of sin, vv. 1-4.

            2.  Christ's sacrificial death fulfills the will of God and perfects those being sanctified,

                 vv. 5-18.

            3.  Therefore, draw near to God, hold fast to your confession, and encourage one another

                 toward good works, vv. 19-25.

            4.  Judgment is coming and vengeance is the Lord's; believers must endure with

                 confidence, vv. 26-39.

II.  Meditation:  on "When He came into the world, He said:" (v. 5)

            1.  "Sacrifice and offering You did not desire . . . or take pleasure in," vv. 5-6.

            2.  "A body You have prepared for Me," v. 5.

            3.  "In the volume of the book (Old Testament prophecy) it is written of Me," v. 7.

            4.  "Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God," v. 7.

III.  Observations:  on the Son's doing the Father's will

            1.  The Son cannot do anything of Himself; He only does what He see the Father do, John 5:19.

            2.  The Son does not speak His own will, but the Father's; the Son hears and judges rightly

                 because He listens to the Father, John 5:30.

            3.  The Son's purpose in coming from heaven was to do the will of the Father Who sent Him,

                 John 6:38.

            4.  The Son does nothing of Himself, but He does and speaks what the Father taught Him;

                 the Father is present with Him because the Son always does the things that please the

                 Father, John 8:28-29.

IV.  Revelation:  therefore, the church's response ("let us") is . . .

            1.  Let us draw near to God with a true heart in full assurance of faith, v. 22.

            2.  Let us hold fast to the hope we profess, v. 23.

            3.  Let us stir up (encourage) one another to love and good works, v. 24.

            4.  Let us continue meeting together regularly, exhorting one another to expect Christ's

                 return, v. 25.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  See beyond the physical realm to perceive God's hand at work in the spiritual realm . . .

                 and participate to accomplish His purposes.

            2.  Listen carefully to the Father's revelations; find and do His will.

            3.  Realize that my ultimate purpose and destiny is to do God's will.

            4.  Recognize that anything good I may accomplish is due to the Spirit of God working

                 within me. 

May I grow toward being able to say truthfully:  "I always do those thing that please God,"  John 8:29.


"Don't argue for other people's weaknesses.  Don't argue for your own.

When you make a mistake, admit it, correct, and learn from it - immediately."

--Stephen R. Covey





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