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E-pistle for June 10, 2005

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation June 10, 2005


Why Pillsbury College & Seminary?


Featuring Today's Special Guest PHILIP THE DEACON

CS Philip, you are not the same man who introduced his

Nathaniel, to Jesus, are you?

Philip Same name; different fellow. However, I was well

with my namesake, who was one of the original Twelve

of the Lord. In fact, we had more in common than
merely the

same name.

CS What was that?

Philip Philip the Apostle is first introduced in John's gospel
as a man who

brings someone to Jesus. And, as an evangelist, I
also brought many

persons to know the Lord.

CS But you were chosen as a deacon, not an evangelist.

Philip In the first place, every deacon . . . in fact, every
believer . . . should be

a soul-winner. That's a given! I was one of the
servant-leaders chosen

by the Jerusalem church to give the Apostles
practical assistance.

CS So how did you end up as an evangelist living in

Philip It's a long story, but an interesting one.

CS Fill us in on the details.

Philip My family originally lived in Caesarea, where I was
raised as a boy in

the Hebrew faith. When my father passed away, I
inherited his business,

and as a faithful Jewish man, I made annual
pilgrimages to the Holy

City of Jerusalem.

CS There you came into contact with Jesus, the Messiah?

Philip No, I never had that privilege. I was converted later,
after He already

had ascended into heaven. I was one of those 3,000
men who were

saved on the Day of Pentecost. Not long afterward,
I was elected by

the church as one of the original seven deacons.

CS So, you settled down in Jerusalem?

Philip I really had no family ties anywhere else, so I stayed
in the city until

most of us "people of The Way" had to flee for our

CS I notice you referred to the believers in Christ as
"people of The Way."

Why were Christians called that?

Philip Jesus is the Way! Believers weren't called
"Christians" until quite a

bit later, when the non-believers in the city of
Antioch started calling

them derisively: "Little Messiah" . . . and the
name stuck.

CS When King Herod beheaded the Apostle James, and cruel
and violent

persecution arose, you and most of the believers
scattered throughout

the whole Roman Empire. Where did you go?

Philip Jesus had given orders: "Be witnesses of Me in
Jerusalem, and in all

Judea and Samaria . . . " (Acts 1:8) so, I went
to preach in Samaria.

CS The Holy Spirit certainly empowered you to accomplish

things! Dr. Luke wrote about multitudes hearing
your sermons and

seeing the miracles you did.

Philip Miracles the Lord did! Many who were paralyzed and
lame were

healed. Unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice,
came out of those

who were demon possessed. There was great joy in
that city!

CS What a tremendous harvest of souls! Simon Peter came
to inspect

your work, I remember.

Philip Before Samaria, only orthodox Jews had embraced the new
faith. So

Peter came to observe whether God had extended His
grace to the

half-breed Samaritans as well.

CS There Peter had a confrontation with a sorcerer named

Philip He had made a profession, but he offered to pay to
receive the power

to lay hands on people so they could receive the
Holy Spirit.

CS His sin was trying to purchase spiritual power.

Philip Precisely!

CS Continue your story.

Philip Right in the midst of that great spiritual awakening,
an angel of the

Lord spoke to me, telling me to leave Samaria and go
60 miles south

into the desert called Gaza.

CS It must have been an important mission.

Philip Important or unimportant, I obeyed. Soon a large
entourage came

along the road, and inside the main chariot sat a
government official

from Ethiopia. I noticed he was reading an Isaiah
scroll, so I asked if

he understood what he was reading.

CS Where did he get a copy of the Holy Scripture?

Philip He had come to Jerusalem to worship God, and, since he
was a rich

and powerful man, he had purchased the scroll to
take back with him

to Candace, the queen of the Ethiopians.

CS He was reading chapter 53, about Messiah's suffering
and death?

Philip He asked me what the prophet was talking about. I

preached the gospel message of Jesus to him.

CS His heart was ready.

Philip As we passed a tiny oasis, he asked whether he could be
baptized. We

stopped the chariot, and I baptized him as he
confessed: "I believe that

Jesus Christ is the Son of God." (Acts 8:37)

CS Then, according to Dr. Luke, the Holy Spirit caught
you away.

Philip That was quite a trip! One second I was in Gaza; the
next instant I

found myself 25 miles north in Azotus. I followed
the coast line back

to my home in Caesarea, where soon afterward, I
married my

betrothed sweetheart, Patience. There I preached
for many years,

spreading the good news throughout that entire

CS You had four daughters, all of whom prophesied.

Philip The girls shared in my evangelistic ministry. We gave
them very

significant names: Grace, Faith, Hope, and the
youngest, Joy!

CS Any final words, Philip, for modern day believers?

Philip Yield yourself to the Holy Spirit, even when His
instructions seem

totally weird. He'll take you on an exciting trip
that you'll never forget!

Four Questions You Should Ask

About Pillsbury College & Seminary

1. Why should I choose Pillsbury instead of some on-campus college or

Because most mid-career ministers have personal and church

obligations that prevent them from moving their family to become resident

students. At Pillsbury, you'll get a first class education without having
to quit

your job or leave your church field.

2. How is it possible for Pillsbury to offer a top quality education
through distance

learning, yet at such affordable cost? ($90 per graduate credit hour)

Pillsbury has established official connections with three of the

recognized and reputable suppliers of Christian graduate-level curriculum

in the nation . . . AACC: American Association of Christian Counselors;

NCCA: National Christian Counselors Association; and ITS: Institute of

Theological Studies. In addition, FreeWay Foundation has published the

president's complete 5-volume Bible Study Series ("Personal & Practical")

as the core curriculum for the school's Expository Studies track. Pillsbury

College & Seminary is owned and operated by FreeWay Foundation, which

pays the salaries and benefits of all school personnel. The school occupies

a part of the Foundation's building in the St. Louis area without charge.

tuition costs therefore remain low because overhead costs of the school are


3. How long does it take to earn a master's or doctoral degree?

Pillsbury offers two master's degrees. The 36 credit hour
program can

be completed within one year, and the 45 credit hour master's takes 15

We also offer two basic doctoral degree programs. The 48 credit hour

can be completed within 16 months, and the 60 credit hour doctorate takes 20

months. Students take only one 3-hour course at a time, and most 3-hour

can be completed within 30 days.

4. What's the one thing that makes Pillsbury stand out from all other

Although we are a distance learning institute, Pillsbury truly
makes every

effort to provide up close and personal service. When you telephone,
chances are

you'll talk directly with Dr. Sharon Bartlett, the Academic Dean. Or, if
you are

working on licensure and board certification as a Christian counselor, you
may confer

with your clinical supervisor, Dr. Mary Jo Schneller. Also, if you need to
discuss school

policy (or whatever), just ask to talk to the president. You'll see how
true it is! We


For more information contact us at 314-739-1121 or email

and we will be glad to answer any questions to help you decide if Pillsbury

& Seminary is right for you.

A police officer stopped a motorist who was speeding. "I can explain."

"Just be quiet," snapped the officer. "I'm going to let you cool your

heels in jail until the chief get back." The officer cut short all of

the man's attempts to explain. Later the officer looked in on

the man and said, "Lucky for you the chief's at his daughter's

wedding. He'll be in a good mood when he gets back."

"Don't count on it," said the man. "I'm the groom!"

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