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E-pistle for June 2, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation June 2, 2006

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

(Revelation 1:1-20)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on the revelation (God's disclosure of
Himself to man

1. The revelation centers on the life, mission, works, and teachings

Jesus Christ, v. 1.

2. The revelation was given to Christ by Father God to show to His

faithful servants, v. 1.

3. The revelation shows things which must shortly (quickly) take
place, v.1.

4. Jesus sent this revelation to John by an angel, vv. 1-2.

5. John was instructed to write God's revelation (and interpretation)
of the

past things which he saw, v. 19.

6. John was instructed to write God's revelation of the present things

he was seeing, v. 19.

7. John was instructed to write God's revelation of the future things

would take place, v. 19.

II. Meditation: on persons who are blessed by this
revelation (v. 3)

1. Persons who READ this book.

2. Persons who HEAR the words of this prophecy.

3. Persons who KEEP (obey) those things which are written in it.

4. Persons who LIVE WITH EXPECTANCY . . . "for the time is near," v.

III. Revelation: on the person and purpose of Jesus Christ

1. He is the faithful witness . . . the One who fulfills prophetic
Scriptures, v.5.

2. He is the firstborn form the dead, v. 5.

3. He is the One who loved us and washed away our sins in His blood,
v. 5.

4. He is the One who makes us kings and priests to God, v. 6.

5. He is the One who shall return in the clouds, v. 7.

6. He is the Alpha and the Omega (the "A" and the "Z"), the Beginning

and the End, the First and the Last, vv. 8, 11, 17.

7. He is the Eternal One, who lives forevermore . . . past, present,
and future

. . . and who, in spite of His crucifixion, arose from the tomb with the

keys to Hades and Death, v. 18.

IV. As a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Be "in the Spirit on the Lord's Day" . . . and on every day, v. 10.

2. Listen for and hear the voice of God speaking to me personally, vv.

3. Fall before the glorified Savior in awed worship and praise, v. 17.

4. Allow His gentle hand and His encouraging words to renew my
strength so

that I may receive the revelation of His destiny for my life.

"Fine Feathered Friends"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

Fall . . . so named because that's what the leaves do . . .
featured a big

celebration at Douglas Grade School. After discarding their Halloween

the teachers quickly put us to work on the annual pageant about the pious

pilgrims and their fine-feathered friends . . . the Indians and the turkeys!

The lowly first and second graders colored and cut out Indian

with drooping feathers. Those kids played the non-speaking band of savages.

The middle-class third and fourth graders rehearsed the drums and the vocal

They were the bit-players and the singing chorus. The elite fifth and sixth

got the main acting parts of the school drama. In fact, some of the more

thespians even were assigned lines of dialog, like: "Speak for yourself,
John Alden."

Two fifth grade boys were picked to be the leaders of the
Indians in 1945. I

was "Chief Taking Bull," and another kid was "Assistant-Chief Running Bear."

had a couple of words of dialog: "How!" and "Ugh!" The former means

in Indian-ese, and the latter is an all-purpose expression loosely
translated: "I'll

see your $24 bet, and raise you Manhattan Island."

The cast was expected to scrounge up their own costumes, and I

manufactured a fairly passable buckskin outfit by dyeing an old pair of

brown. The headdress, handed down from previous Chiefs, didn't fit very

but I managed. My tomahawk was a small hatchet "borrowed" from Grandpa's

tool shed. However, one vital prop was missing. To make my costume really

authentic, I needed a couple of scalps hanging from my belt . . . My sister

Marilyn Sue (who was a very sound sleeper) was the proud owner of a pair of

long, blond, very-tempting, braided pigtails . . .

Here I abruptly ring down the curtain on the 1945 Douglas School

Thanksgiving Day pageant. All the sordid details of some of these escapades

from my misspent youth are better left untold.

Paul wrote: "Perilous times will come: for men will be . . .

(II Timothy 3:1-2) He also said: "Giving thanks always for all things to
God the Father

in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Ephesians 5:20) And he exclaimed

Jesus: "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" (II Corinthians

Jesus' healed ten lepers in Samaria, but only one man returned
to say

"Thank you." (Luke 17:17) I'm sorry to admit, that's about my average. I

guilty, too, of the sin of ingratitude . . . of not remembering to thank the
Lord for

His blessings . . . approximately 90 percent of the time!

PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, give me a truly grateful heart so that, with the

Psalmist, I may always: "Come before
Your presence

with thanksgiving." (Psalm 95:2)

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