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E-pistle for June 24, 2005

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation June 24, 2005

Today's Special Guest: Naaman

Questions about Pillsbury


Featuring Today's Special Guest: Naaman

CS Sir, may I speak freely?

Naaman As you were! Stand at ease, and ask me anything you wish.

CS Thank you, General Naaman. As the commander of the
army of

Syria, wasn't it a rather humiliating experience for
you to have to

go down into the nation of Israel and meekly ask for
a favor, like a

beggar pleading for alms?

Naaman You don't pull any punches, do you, soldier? To answer
your blunt

question: "Beggars can't be choosers!" Don't
forget, I had somehow

become afflicted with the dreaded, terminal disease
of leprosy . . .

probably on one of my military campaigns. This
meant I had to live

in isolation from everyone . . . officers, enlisted
men, even my family.

CS Quarantined!

Naaman Affirmative. No one wanted to come near me. My wife's
maid, a slave

girl I had captured in a raid into Israel, told my
wife that there was a

prophet in her homeland who could cure my leprosy.

CS That must have been good news.

Naaman Our intelligence service could not confirm the report, but
I was

desperate to try anything.

CS What did you do?

Naaman I reported the possibility to the king of Syria, and he
dispatched me to

deliver a message to the king of Israel. As
sometimes happens, a

garbled translation caused the king of Israel to go
into panic-mode.

Cs Why? What did the message say?

Naaman It came through as a message ordering the king of Israel to
heal my

leprosy. He interpreted it as Syria's seeking an
excuse to declare war.

CS What happened?

Naaman Looking back, I can see the irony of the situation. The
king of Israel

was confronted personally by the commanding general
of the Syrian

army, ordering him to cure his fatal disease!

CS No wonder he tore his clothes and went into mourning!
So how did

the prophet Elisha get involved?

Naaman He heard that his king was in mourning, and when he
discovered the

reason, he sent a message for me to come to his
house. My troops and

I marched out to his home . . .

CS You had men with you? Weren't they afraid to come
near a leper?

Naaman They were under my command. Syrian soldiers do not fear

CS I'm sorry, General Naaman. Please continue!

Naaman Elisha didn't even pay me the courtesy of coming out to
meet me. He

just sent a messenger to tell me to dip seven times
in the Jordan River.

CS According to my sources, you flew into a rage!

Naaman I expected him at least to come out and stand before me,
praying to

his God . . . maybe waving his hand over my sores to
heal me . . .

something like that. I didn't need a bath! And if
I did, I surely

wouldn't go to the Jordan! We've got better rivers
in Syria!

CS What changed your mind?

Naaman My sergeant-major reasoned with me. We had been on

campaigns together for more than twenty years, and I
trusted his

judgment explicitly. He persuaded me that merely
taking a dip in the

Jordan River was a simple thing. He pointed out
that I would have

performed a much more difficult task in order to be

CS So you did it! . . . Were you still skeptical?

Naaman I checked my wounds after every submersion. By the time
I'd dipped

six times with no results, I was starting to lose my
temper again.

CS Then number seven?

Naaman When I came up after the seventh dip, my wounds were

healed . . . my skin was as good as new . . . like a

CS Then what did you do?

Naaman I jumped back into my chariot and wheeled over to Elisha's

again. I offered him a reward worth a king's
ransom, but he refused.

CS Why?

Naaman I think he was a genuine holy man, and his services were
not for sale.

He just didn't want to be obligated to a foreigner,
I suspect. But I was

convinced that the God of Israel was both powerful
and merciful.

CS Did you convert to Judaism?

Naaman I did. I'd already been "baptized," so to speak, so I
testified before

Elisha and all my men: "Indeed, now I know that
there is no God in all

the earth, except in Israel." (II Kings 5:15) I
also asked permission to

take two mule-loads of Israeli soil back to my home
in Syria. I spread

that dirt in a "holy ground" area in the courtyard
of my house, and

there I sacrificed and worshipped Jehovah, the
Almighty God of Israel.

CS What about the Hebrew's Ten Commandment prohibition

serving any other gods?

Naaman I asked permission from the prophet Elisha to be excused
from that

law. As I performed my official duties,
accompanying the king of

Syria in matters of state, it was customary to bow
in the temple of the

Syrian god, Rimmon. Elisha pardoned that technical
violation as I

absolutely refused to pay homage to Rimmon or any
other false god.

CS Elisha's servant, Gehazi, tricked you into giving him
a reward?

Naaman But he didn't fool Elisha. I heard Gehazi ended up with my

CS General Naaman, do you have any final "orders"?

Naaman I'm under divine authority, just as you are, soldier! I
obey the orders

of the Supreme Commander, Jesus, who spoke about me
in one of His

sermons, (Luke 4:27) You know, I used to lean on
the arm of the

Syrian king (II Kings 5:18) . . . but now I lean on
the everlasting arm

of the King of Kings! And someday, every knee shall
bow to Him!

Four Questions You Should Ask

About Pillsbury College & Seminary

1. Why should I choose Pillsbury instead of some on-campus college or

Because most mid-career ministers have personal and church

obligations that prevent them from moving their family to become resident

students. At Pillsbury, you'll get a first class education without having
to quit

your job or leave your church field.

2. How is it possible for Pillsbury to offer a top quality education
through distance

learning, yet at such affordable cost? ($90 per graduate credit hour)

Pillsbury has established official connections with three of the

recognized and reputable suppliers of Christian graduate-level curriculum

in the nation . . . AACC: American Association of Christian Counselors;

NCCA: National Christian Counselors Association; and ITS: Institute of

Theological Studies. In addition, FreeWay Foundation has published the

president's complete 5-volume Bible Study Series ("Personal & Practical")

as the core curriculum for the school's Expository Studies track. Pillsbury

College & Seminary is owned and operated by FreeWay Foundation, which

pays the salaries and benefits of all school personnel. The school occupies

a part of the Foundation's building in the St. Louis area without charge.

tuition costs therefore remain low because overhead costs of the school are


3. How long does it take to earn a master's or doctoral degree?

Pillsbury offers two master's degrees. The 36 credit hour
program can

be completed within one year, and the 45 credit hour master's takes 15

We also offer two basic doctoral degree programs. The 48 credit hour

can be completed within 16 months, and the 60 credit hour doctorate takes 20

months. Students take only one 3-hour course at a time, and most 3-hour

can be completed within 30 days.

4. What's the one thing that makes Pillsbury stand out from all other

Although we are a distance learning institute, Pillsbury truly
makes every

effort to provide up close and personal service. When you telephone,
chances are

you'll talk directly with Dr. Sharon Bartlett, the Academic Dean. Or, if
you are

working on licensure and board certification as a Christian counselor, you
may confer

with your clinical supervisor, Dr. Mary Jo Schneller. Also, if you need to
discuss school

policy (or whatever), just ask to talk to the president. You'll see how
true it is! We


For more information contact us at 314-739-1121 or email

and we will be glad to answer any questions to help you decide if Pillsbury

& Seminary is right for you.

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many

times, always with the same person!"

- Mignon McLaughlin

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