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E-pistle for June 7, 2013

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FreeWay Foundation           June 7, 2013


The final examination

(Genesis 44:1-34)

MC900156407[1]Dr. Curt Scarborough


MC900436285[1]I.  Concentration:  on Joseph's final test of his brothers

            1.  Joseph told his steward to secretly put the governor's silver cup       into

                 Benjamin's sack of grain, vv. 1-2.

            2.  Joseph then sent officials to arrest the brothers soon after they started home

                 for Canaan, vv. 3-6.

            3.  The brothers pled innocence saying, "With whomever of your servants it is found,

                 let him die, and we also will be my Lord's slaves," vv. 7-9.

            4.  The silver cup was found in Benjamin's sack, and, according to Joseph's decree,

MC900029994[1]                 Benjamin was arrested but the others were found blameless and released, vv. 10-12.

II.  Meditation:  on Judah's reactions to Benjamin's arrest

            1.  The brothers tore their clothes (A sign of grief and          repentance), and they

                 all returned to the Egyptian city, v. 13.

            2.  Judah (Jacob's 4th son) spoke for the entire group, pleading their case before Joseph,

                 vv. 14-17.

            3.  Judah begged for mercy so that his father, Jacob, would not die from the shock of the

                 loss of his favorite son, Benjamin, vv. 18-31.

            4.  Judah offered himself as a substitute to stay in Egypt as a slave in the place of his

                 brother, Benjamin, vv. 32-34.

III.  Revelation:  on the poignant questions asked in this chapter

            1.  "WHY HAVE YOU REPAID EVIL WITH GOOD?" This applied not only to the "theft" of

                 Joseph's cup, but also to the brother's treatment of Joseph.

            2.  "WHAT DEED IS THIS YOU HAVE DONE?" V. 15.  Confession of sin is necessary!


                 v. 16.  God's Spirit continues to convict us of our sins.

            4.  "HOW SHALL I GO UP TO MY FATHER IF THE LAD IS NOT WITH ME?"             Yes, I am my

                 brothers keeper!

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Recognize that God sees all my deeds and knows all my thoughts and motivations. 

                 THE LORD IS OMNISICIENT!

            2.  Repent of my evil deeds; confess and ask for forgiveness.  The question Joseph asked his

                 brothers ("WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" v. 15) was the same one God asked Adam (Genesis 3:13)

MC900353629[1]                 and Cain (Genesis 4:10)

            3.  Remember that there always                are consequences to all my choices and actions.

                 The brothers connected                       their present troubles in Egypt with the selling of their

                 brother into slavery years  earlier . . . "GOD HAS FOUND OUT OUR INIQUITY!" 

            4.  Realize that a true brother (or friend) is willing to lay down his life for another person, Proverbs 18:24;







MC900281285[1]Ears to hear

(Mark 4:1-1)

Dr. Curt Scarborough



I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Jesus told the parable of the sower, vv. 1-9.

            2.  Jesus spoke to His purpose in teaching through parables, vv. 10-12, 33-34.

            3.  Jesus explained the parable of the sower, vv. 13-20.

            4.  Jesus taught about having "ears to hear" His revealed truth, vv. 21-25.

MP900227652[1]            5.  Jesus told the parable of the growing seed, vv. 26-29.

            6.  Jesus told the parable of the mustard seed, vv. 30-32.

            7.  Jesus calmed the wind and waves of the Sea of Galilee with the words, "PEACE, BE STILL!"

                 and encouraged the disciples to have greater faith vv. 35-41.

II.  Meditation:  on "Ears To Hear" vv. 21-25

            1.  These verses are bracketed by the parable of the sower and the similar parables of the growing

                 seed and the mustard seed.

            2.  Twice in this chapter, Jesus urged His followers to have "EARS TO HEAR," vv. 9 and 23.

            3.  Jesus' parables are like a lamp,           lighting the darkness of ignorance and misunderstanding

                 . . . at the proper time.  (His truth         was hidden temporarily from His enemies; later it was

     proclaimed widely.)

4.  "HEARING EARS" is the key to Jesus' most important parable (sower and seed) . . . which

     unlocked the meaning of all parables, v. 113.  (See the word "HEAR" in verses 15, 16, 18, and 20).

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual truths seen here

            1.  Jesus appeals for spiritual perception . . . hearing and heeding His word, vv. 23-24.

                 (See Matthew 7:24-27)

            2.  To the degree that a person "HEARS" he or she will be given more spiritual understanding, v. 24.

            3.  Those who receive and assimilate truth will have their capacity for understanding enlarged and

                 their knowledge increased, v. 25.

            4.  Those who disbelieve or are indifferent will lose whatever ability for understanding they had,

     and therefore will continue in ignorance, v. 25 (See I Corinthians 2:14).

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Cultivate the art of meditation, of listening        to the Holy Spirit . . . of having "finely-tuned"

     spiritual ears to hear.

            2.  Thank the Lord for His "sanctifying" power which helps me to grow in knowledge, understanding,

                 and perception of God and His ways.

            3.  "Heed" (obey) the truths revealed to me, in order to produce spiritual growth and greater opportunities

                 of service for the Lord.

            4.  Avoid doubt and indifference; rather, practice active faith and zealous good works.


"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long

at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."

--Helen Keller






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