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E-pistle for June 8, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            June 8, 2012



Praise his name with the dance

(Psalm 149:1-9)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on physical expressions of worship

            1.  Sitting, kneeling, walking, and standing, Ephesians 2:6; 3:14; 4:1; 6:13-14.

            2.  Lying face down (prone), Genesis 17:3; Joshua 5:14; Matthew 26:39.

            3.  Raising and clapping hands, Psalm 47:1; 63:4; I Timothy 2:8.

            4.  Dancing, v. 3.

II.  Meditation:  on dancing as an expression of joy

            1.  God's grace turns His people's mourning into dancing, Psalm 30:11.

            2.  David dance d before the Lord with all his might to celebrate the Ark of the

                 Covenant being brought into Jerusalem, II Samuel 6:12, 14.

            3.  Jesus used a story about dancing children to illustrate the usual outward

                 expression of joy and gladness, Luke 7:32.

            4.  The father included dancing as part of the celebration over the return of the

                 "Prodigal Son," Luke 15:25.

III.  Revelation:  on Christian occasions which may call for dancing

            1.  When God brings us through times of sorrow and grief.

            2.  When the presence of God (Ark) is being manifested publicly before God's people.

            3.  When no other expression of worship adequately expresses one's overflowing

                 heart of joy and gladness.

            4.  When lost persons are saved, or when back-sliders return to the Father.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Recognize that dancing is a legitimate, Scriptural expression of worship before God.

            2.  On occasion, praise the Lord with my whole being, including not only my spirit, but

                 also my physical body.

            3.  Motivated by exuberant joy in the Lord, break the chains of legalistic, formal, traditional

                 worship styles, and move into the spiritual freedom which allows several different

                 Biblical forms of joyful, yet holy, expressions of praise.

            4.  Be unintimidated by others, or by my own reserved temperament (or pride); rather feel

                 Free to express my great joy over the Lord's miraculous works, as Miriam did in

                 Exodus 15:20 . . . while maintaining proper decency and order, I Corinthians 14:40.




Everything that has breath . . . praise!

(Psalm 150:1-6)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on "where" praise God? (v. 1)

            1.  "In His sanctuary."

            2.  That is, in God's temple (or other place of worship, such as in a church).

            3.  "In His mighty firmament."

            4.  That is, in the vast expanse of the heavens.

II.  Meditation:  on "how" praise God? (vv. 3-5)

            1.  With the sound of the trumpet.

            2.  With the lute.

            3.  With the harp.

            4.  With the timbrel.

            5.  With the dance.  (See Psalm 149.)

            6.  With the stringed instruments.

            7.  With flutes.

            8.  With cymbals.

III.  Meditation:  on 'who" praise God? (v. 6)

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!"

IV.  Revelation:  on "why" praise God?  (v. 2)

            1.  "For His mighty acts."

            2.  That is, for His miraculous deliverance and provision for His people.

            3.  "According to His excellent greatness."

            4.  That is, with regards to God's revealed character traits:  His holiness,

                 righteousness, mercy, loving-kindness, patience, faithfulness, etc.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Repeatedly exclaim . . . both publicly and privately . . . "Hallelujah!"

                 (Praise the Lord!)

            2.  Continually worship the Lord . . . at all times and in all places.

            3.  Magnify God's miraculous works and His awesome, eternal Person . . .

                 Who reveals Himself to believers as the Trinity:  the Father, the Son and the

                 Holy Spirit, I John 5:7.

            4.  Appreciate and participate, if possible, in musical expressions of worship before

                 God . . . singing, playing instruments, and even dancing.


"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.

The next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst

thing you can do is nothing."

--Theodore Roosevelt

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