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E-pistle for June 9, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation June 9, 2006

John's View of the Throne Room

(Revelation 4:1-11)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on what John saw . . .

John saw the door to God's throne room standing open in heaven (v. 1):

1. He saw the glorified Jesus Christ sitting in majesty on the throne,
vv. 2-3.

2. He saw 24 elders sitting on thrones around Christ's throne, vv.

3. He saw seven burning lamps, representing the perfect Holy Spirit,
v. 5.

4. He saw four living creatures around the throne, vv. 6-8.

II. Meditation: on what John heard in the throne room

1. John heard Jesus say: "Come up here, and I will show you things

must take place after this . . .," v. 1.

2. John heard lightnings, thunderings, and voices proceeding from the

throne . . . awesome sounds of power and mystery, v. 5.

3. John heard the four living creatures say: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord

Almighty, Who was and is and is to come," v. 8.

4. John heard the 24 elders, as they cast their crowns before God's

say: "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power;

for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were

created," v. 11.

III. Revelation: on the meaning of these things

1. John saw these marvelous revelations of the glorified Christ
because he

"was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day," Revelation 1:10.

2. Jesus is King of Kings, reigning in radiant splendor on His throne,

surrounded by the rainbow of God's promised blessings, v. 3.

3. The 24 elders may represent all mankind of all ages who worship

vv. 4, 10. (Perhaps these are the Old Testament's 12 tribal leaders,

"Children of Israel," plus the New Testament's 12 apostles?)

4. The four living creatures represent all living created beings who
will bow

in worship before Christ. (Lion = wild animals; calf = domesticated

animals; man = the human race; eagles = fouls of the air, vv. 6-9)

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Live and walk "in the Spirit" so I will be in a position for Christ
to reveal

Himself and His purposes to me.

2. Listen for Jesus' voice saying to me, "COME UP HERE, and I will
show you

things," v. 1.

3. Recognize, with fear and awe, the extreme contrast between God and

. . . between the Creator and the creation, Isaiah 55:8-9.

4. Bow in worship, praise, and adoration before God's throne, casting

crowns (symbols of personal achievement) before the Lord, v. 10.

"My Wife Is A Keeper"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

My grandfather, "Doc" Scarborough, wasn't a real doctor. He
earned that

moniker as a young man, he told me, by amputating the broken tail, from a

bobcat. In fact, Grandpa claimed that he invented the feline species he'd

"lynx." At first I had my doubts . . . "Doc" was notorious as a tall tale
teller . . . but

when I looked up "lynx" in the grade school encyclopedia, sure enough!
There, out

of the "L" book, snarled a ferocious, fuzzy cougar with its tail bobbed!

Grandpa was a blacksmith by trade, working in the metal shop
top-side at a coal

mine Franklin County, Illinois. He could make anything, from shoes to
automobile running

boards. Once he made a fishing boat entirely out of metal, and it didn't
sink! Astounding!

He kept that picturesque sailing vessel moored at Lake Benton,
and Saturdays

we often took it out fishing. As a pre-teen boy, I was thrilled to catch a
crappie or bluegill

of any size! But Grandpa would remove my minnow from the hook, eye it for a

seconds, and then make a judgment on whether it was a "keeper" or not. Most
of mine

weren't "keepers," so he released them with another of his inventions: the

"I'll catch you later!"

My wife is a "Keeper." Not that she's the proper length or
weight of a fish that'll

end up in a frying pan! I mean, she never throws anything away. Her craft
room at the

house, with floor to ceiling shelves on all four walls, is crammed full of
stuff. "Treasures"

for making projects, she calls it. "TRASH" for cluttering up the house, I
call it!

I'm a thrower-away kind of guy. If I haven't used it within the
last 15 minutes, out

It goes! "NO LOITERING!" is my motto, and that goes for inanimate objects
as well as

for people. If you want to snooze in my house, my wife's craft room is the
only safe place.

Solomon wrote: "There is . . . a time to keep, and a time to
throw away."

(Ecclesiastes 3:6) Ezekiel preached that sinners should "cast away (throw
away) all the

transgressions which you have committed." (Ezekiel 18:31) Peter advised
believers to

throw away their troubles . . . "casting all your care upon Him, for He
cares for you."

(I Peter 5:7)

Paul advised Christians to keep (or hang on to) something
important: "Hold

fast that word which I preached to you." (I Corinthians 15:2) The writer
of Hebrews also

mentioned something we should grasp or cling to: "Let us hold fast our

that Jesus is the Son of God. (Hebrews 4:14)

PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to KEEP in my life those character traits

that are Christ-like and help me to
THROW AWAY everything

that is unworthy of the One whose name
I bear.

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