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E-pistle for March 10, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation March 10, 2006

The "Still Small Voice" of God

(I Kings 19:1-21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter

1. When Jezebel heard that Elijah had executed the prophets of Baal,

she swore that she would kill him, vv. 1-2.

2. Elijah fled for his life into the wilderness south of Judah;

and weary, he prayed that he would die; an angel appeared twice to

feed him; later he traveled for 40 days and nights to a cave on Mount

Horeb (Sinai) where the Lord appeared to him, vv. 3-10.

3. There, where the Lord had spoken to Moses, He revealed His power

in a tornado, an earthquake, and in a fire before speaking to Elijah

in a "still small voice" to give him three tasks to perform, vv. 11-18.

4. Elijah anointed Elisha to be his successor as a prophet in Israel,

vv. 19-21.

(Note: see II Kings 2, 8, and 9 for a more detailed study on God's

assigned tasks to Elijah form this passage, I Kings 19:15-21.)

II. Meditation: on God's "heavenly provision for a hungry

1. First, ravens brought food to Elijah, I Kings 17:2-7.

2. Next, the widow of Zarephath fed Elijah, I Kings 17:8-16.

3. Here, angels of God fed Elijah, I Kings 19:4-8.

4. Lessons: (1) God always provides for our needs, (2) God works in

different ways to accomplish His purpose, (3) each method used

reveals God's miraculous power, and (4) each miracle is associated

with a revelation about God . . . He is the Almighty Creator who

controls the animals of nature; He is the Living God who brings

resurrection form the dead; He is the "Revealed Word" who speaks

to mortal men.

III. Revelation: on the "still small voice" of God

"Battle fatigue" often is accompanied by depression. The period immediately

following a great spiritual victory quite frequently is followed by a time

of great spiritual vulnerability. In such cases, Father God deals with His

people just as He dealt with Elijah:

1. A word of affection, vv. 9, 13 - God tenderly and gently speaks our

name with compassionate concern.

2. A word of reflection, vv. 11-12 - God leads us to stand up and

His mighty power revealed.

3. A word of direction. Vv. 15-17 - God gives us a purpose in life, a

to fulfill, a task that will outlive us.

4. A word of correction, v. 18 - God, with merciful understanding,

us our errors and misconception.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to hear God's voice
saying . . .

1. I love you, and I am taking care of you.

2. I am omnipotent . . . well able to supply all your needs.

3. I have a vision of destiny, a divine purpose for your life.

4. I will discipline you to make you a better person, a more effective


"Silence Is Golden"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I've always had trouble with Solomon's assertion: "There is a
time to keep silence,

and a time to speak." (Ecclesiastes 3:7) I mean, it's tough for me to know
which is which!

On my first day at Douglas Grade School, for example, I was
chastised for talking

when I should have been listening. It happened like this. Mother already
had taught me

the alphabet and how to print my name by the time I arrived as a first

(Kindergarten hadn't been invented yet.) So when Miss Warren printed all
the student's

names on the chalkboard around the classroom, I spotted "Curtiss" right
away. Then she

told us all to go and stand under our names.

When I got to my section of the blackboard, another boy already
had stationed

himself there. His name was Charles (not to be confused with Curtiss!), and
I "politely"

told him that he was occupying my place. He refused to move. I called him
a goofy

bird-brain, and shoved him out of the way. He shoved me back. I punched
him in the

stomach. He punched me in the eye. Next thing I knew, Miss Warren had both
of us

by an ear and was marching us to Mr. Hungate's office.

Thus began my daily visits to the principal's office for my
regular encounters

with the "BOARD OF EDUCATION" paddle. Do you remember the kid in your class

always had a wise crack? A quick quip? A witty remark? You know . . . the

clown who wasn't as much malicious as he was mischievous? That kid was me!

"Deportment" was my worst subject. Next to the big red "F," the

wrote: "Talks too much!" on my first semester's report card . . . and ditto
for every

one thereafter. When the teacher admonished me: "Please remain silent, Mr.

Scarborough, so that people won't know how ignorant you are," I instantly

"I'd rather speak up and remove all doubt from their minds!"

When the school librarian shushed me with, "Silence is golden!"
. . . I boldly

quoted Patrick Henry's cry for the patriots to speak up against King George:

silence is just plain yellow!" (I didn't know if that revolutionary
firebrand actually

had spoken those inspiring words, but he might have. Nobody called my bluff
on that

questionable quotation; they just pointed me, once again, in the direction
of the

principal's office!)

PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to heed the advice of James: "Be swift

hear, slow to speak." (James 1:19)
Indeed, help me to

observe a regular time of silence.
"The Lord is in His

holy temple; let all the earth keep
silence." (Habakkuk 2:20)

And help me to speak up appropriately
and at the proper

time. "A word fitly spoken is like
apples of gold in settings

of silver." (Proverbs 25:11)

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"Good communication is a stimulating as black

coffee, and just as hard to sleep after."

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