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E-pistle for March 16, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            March 16, 2012



Many a time they have afflicted me

(Psalm 129:1-8)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the persecutions endured by God's people

            1.  They are continually recurring persecutions, vv. 1, 2.

            2.  They are so serious that the Psalmist encouraged Israel to repeat his lament:

                 "Let Israel now say," between v. 1. and v. 2.

            3.  It was a long-term persecution:  "from my youth," v. 2 . . . into adulthood.

            4.  It was "affliction," vv. 1, 2 . . . a deliberate persecution, designed to cause pain,

                 distress, grief, and even death.

II.  Meditation:  on illustrations (pictures) of these persecutions and God's remedy

            1.  Persecutions are like farmers plowing a field . . . cutting long furrows on the backs

                 of God's people, v. 3.

            2.  "The Lord is righteous," v. 4 . . . He will do the right thing to my enemies.

            3.  Persecutions are like ropes binding a person in captivity . . . allowing them no

                 Freedom of choice or action, v. 4.

            4.  "The Lord will cut in pieces the cords of the wicked," v. 4.

III.  Revelation:  on prophetic prayers against the persecutors

            1.  Let them be put to shame . . . embarrassed and humiliated, v. 5.

            2.  Let them be "turned back" . . . be unsuccessful and frustrated, v. 5.

            3.  Let them dry up and perish as withered grass, vv. 6-7.

            4.  Let them never receive a blessing from persons who pass by . . . Let no one say:

                 "The blessing of the Lord be upon you; we bless you in the name of the Lord," v. 8.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Expect to experience continuing, recurring, long-term, vicious persecution (affliction

                 and suffering) from unbelievers, II Timothy 3:12.

            2.  Know that God provides healing and deliverance from the wicked ones for His people.

            3.  Rejoice that someday the Lord will judge all my persecutors . . . bringing to them His

                 righteous judgment:  embarrassment, humiliation, regret, frustration, and eternal punishment.

            4.  Realize that the sure blessings of the Lord are and always shall be upon His faithful people.




Those who watch for the morning

(Psalm 130:1-8)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the prayers of "those who watch"

            1.  They cry to the Lord out of the depths of their hearts . . . and from the depths of

                 Their trouble and discouragement, v. 1.

            2.  They make supplications (humble, submissive, earnest petitions), v. 2.

            3.  They confess and admit their sins and iniquities, v. 3.

            4.  They approach God in a spirit of awe and reverence, v. 4.

II.  Meditation:  on the God who receives these supplications

            1.  He is the God who hears and pays attention to His people, v. 2.

            2.  He is the God who records all of man's iniquities, v. 3.

            3.  He is the God who forgives and cleanses, v. 4.

            4.  He is the God who gives hope, mercy, and redemption, vv. 7-8.

III.  Revelation:  on "those who watch for the morning"

            1.  Watching involves waiting patiently for the Lord's timing, v. 5 . . . No one can

                 rush the dawning of the sun!

            2.  Watching involves believing God's word, with hope and optimism in spite of

                 "midnight" circumstances, v. 5.

            3.  Watching involves an intense, emotional desire for the sun to rise . . . for

                 God's light to shine into this dark world, v. 6.

            4.  Watching involves faith that God's promised dawning will come, bringing

                 His mercy and redemption, vv. 7-8.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Come before Almighty God with reverent awe and confess my sins to Him.

            2.  Ask for the Lord's forgiveness and cleansing each and every day.

            3.  Know and understand that God offers hope, mercy, and redemption if and when

                 I ask for these blessings.

            4.  Earnestly pray with faith for the light of God to shine into this dark world . . .

                 through me, Matthew 5:16.


"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak . . . sometimes

it means that you are strong enough to let go."




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