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E-pistle for March 18, 2005

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Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation March 18, 2005

In This Issue:

"Eunice & Lois"

Degree Program

Curt Scarborough's "Holy Ground Interviews"

Featuring today's special guests EUNICE & LOIS

CS Lois and Eunice, we've heard the old saying, "Behind

great man there's a great woman," so Timothy was doubly

blessed! But didn't he miss having a male role model?

Eunice My husband, Marcus, was a good role model!

CS But I assumed that, as a non-believer, he was not a


Lois Marcus became a convert to the faith later in his
life, and he was

very proud of his only son, the pastor of the great
church in Ephesus.

CS I'm sorry. I just assumed that he wasn't very

Eunice Marcus was proud of his Greek heritage, and he wanted
Timothy to

grow up as a Greek, not as a Jew.

Lois Later, Timothy did become a Jew, so that he could
accompany Paul

without offending the Hebrews who converted to

CS But Paul commended Timothy's genuine faith, which he
said first

dwelt in his grandmother Lois, and in his mother
Eunice. (II Timothy 1:5)

He didn't mention Timothy's father.

Eunice Mother and I taught Timothy the Scriptures before he
could walk.

Lois Tim's religious education was left to his mother and
me, and we used

the Old Testament to teach him God's ways.

CS In my boyhood church, I remember there was a Sunday
School class

named TEL, for Timothy, Eunice, and Lois.

Eunice We've heard about it . . . and the nickname of the class
. . .

Lois "Tired Elderly Ladies!"

CS Moving along! Eunice and Lois tell me about your

encounter with God . . . your highest "holy ground"

Eunice It happened one day when Paul and Barnabus came to our
city of

Lystra, in the province of Lycaonia.

CS On Paul's first missionary journey, I remember.

Lois As Paul and Barnabus entered the town, they met
Stephano, a

neighbor boy who was crippled from birth, in both

Eunice Paul told him to "Stand up!" and he was healed

CS That must have caused quite a stir!

Lois The city officials thought Paul and Barnabus were
Greek gods.

Eunice Those superstitious Gentiles started to worship them as

and Hermes.

CS The Romans called those gods Jupiter and Mercury.

Eunice Yes. Paul had to talk fast to head off those heathen

Lois With his usual "tact," Paul commanded them to turn
away from

their useless mythology and worship the living God.

CS That sermon turned the worshipping crowd into a lynch

Lois They dragged Paul outside of town and stoned him.

Eunice Mother and Timothy and I, along with Barnabus and some

gathered around his body and prayed. To our very
great shock,

Paul got up and walked back into town.

CS Was he dead?

Eunice We never knew for sure, but he miraculously recovered
from his

serious wounds . . . whether they were fatal or not.

Lois That night, the three of us . . . Timothy, Eunice, and
I . . . all

received Jesus the Messiah as our Lord and Savior,
and were

baptized. Next day, Paul and Barnabus left Lystra.

CS He returned later, I think.

Lois A couple of years after that, Paul came back with a
new partner,


Eunice Paul invited Timothy to join his party. That was good
news and

bad news! We felt honored that Paul wanted Timothy
to accompany

him, but it was dangerous work.

CS That's when Paul had Timothy circumcised to make him


Eunice That's right.

Lois In a few days, Timmy and the others left.

CS Did you ever see him again?

Lois Oh yes. The missionary party came back through Lystra
for another

brief visit.

Eunice They told us such exciting adventures! Dr. Luke had
joined the party,

and he was writing a manuscript. He told us about
the Macedonian

vision, and Lydia, and the Philippian jailer. God
was moving!

CS How long did Timothy travel with Paul?

Eunice Off and on, about ten years. Some of that time, Tim was

evangelistic endeavors on his own.

Lois And, of course, Paul had been arrested and sent to
Rome . . .

CS Ship-wrecked on the way!

Lois Paul was imprisoned by Nero, twice.

CS So I've heard.

Eunice Between those two jail terms, Paul took Timothy to
Ephesus, where

he appointed him a pastor or bishop of that church.

CS That was a very prominent group of believers.

Lois Oh yes; Paul addressed one of his most beautiful
epistles to them.

Eunice Not only that, but the Ephesian church was one of the
seven visited

by the Master, according to the Apostle John in his
Book of Revelation.

CS Did either of you get to visit Timothy at his church
in Ephesus?

Lois Regretfully, no. It was too far away!

Eunice More than 300 miles, over rugged mountain terrain.

CS Do you have any final words of wisdom for our readers?

Eunice As I told Timothy: "Stay in the Word!"

Lois And take good care of yourself! (Timmy had stomach

you know.)

CS I know. Thank you, ladies for talking with me today.

Lois You're welcome. It's always a pleasure to talk about
my grandson!

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