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E-pistle for March 25, 2005

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation March 25, 2005

In This Issue:

Interviews from HELL - Belshazzar

Further you education!!

Curt Scarborough's Interviews from Hell

Featuring today's special guest BELSHAZZAR

CS I am talking today by remote hook-up with Belshazzar,
the last of the

kings of the Babylonian Empire. Can you hear me,

Belshazzar Of course I can hear you, you fool! I can hear everything
in this place

. . . every word ever spoken to me, echoing through
my mind, over

and over. That's the hell of it!

CS Do you mean to say that your senses are still alive?

Belshazzar More alive than any hour I spent on earth! Every square

of my body feels agonizing pain. I smell the odor
of rotting, burning

human flesh. I taste the rancid, putrid "last meal"
I ate in my palace.

CS I think we get the picture. But you can't see
anything there, can you?

You're in utter darkness.

Belshazzar How little you understand! I perceive everything . . . I
see horrifying

sights in the spirit world . . . nightmares too
terrifying to describe!

And those demonic visions never leave my

CS I wonder if you would mind telling us about your final
night on earth?

Belshazzar That memory if part of my eternal torture.

CS It might do you some good to talk about it.

Belshazzar You imbecile! It's too late for that. Nothing can do me
any good, but

it might do you some good to hear my side of the

CS So take us back in time 2,600 years, to that great
feast in Babylon.

Belshazzar My father, Nabonidus, had been absent from the capital city
for over ten

years, and I assumed his royal authority while he
was away. At the

winter solstice, I decided to host a great feast.

CS The guest list included a thousand lords of the land.

Belshazzar Don't interrupt! The guest list included a thousand lords
of the land, and

the wine flowed like the Tigris and Euphrates
Rivers! Everyone who was

anyone was there . . . my wives and concubines . . .

CS It was a drunken orgy!

Belshazzar We had food too! Some of my favorite delicacies:
hummingbird tongues

and snails . . . they leave such an awful

CS So, after several days of carousing?

Belshazzar It was a religious celebration! In the spirit of worship
of Bel, our chief god,

I called for the gold and silver vessels from the
Hebrew temple which my

grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar, had confiscated when he
sacked Jerusalem.

CS So you were praising the gods of Babylon which had
triumphed over the

God of Israel . . . using Jewish holy vessels. That
was blasphemy!

Belshazzar Well, at the time, I didn't realize that. Besides, that I
was drunk . . . and it

seemed to add to the enjoyment of my guests.

CS Then what happened?

Belshazzar I began to hallucinate! At least, at first I thought it
was just my imagination.

I saw a detached hand . . . writing on the wall.

CS You saw it clearly?

Belshazzar I wasn't that drunk! Or, I sobered up instantly! It was a
hand, for sure,

behind the lampstand . . . writing a strange message.

CS What did it say?

Belshazzar I knew the words, but I couldn't understand the meaning.
The hand wrote:

"MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." Those were common
words in my

language, meaning "50 shekels, 50 shekels," (a mene
is 50 shekels) "a

shekel, and a half-shekel."

CS It sounds like a merchant's shout, or an auction.

Belshazzar I called on all my astrologers to interpret the message,
but they failed. I

knew it must be a very important message, because it
had been delivered

by a ghostly hand.

CS Finally, you called for one of your servants, Daniel.

Belshazzar Yes, the queen reminded me that my grandfather had gotten a

interpreted years ago by a Jewish prisoner, whom he
called by the

name of Belteshazzar.

CS So Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the wall?

Belshazzar I first offered him a reward, but he refused. Then he
preached a rambling

sermon about his God teaching my old grandfather,

a lesson in humility. Grandfather was insane, you
know; he spent years

outdoors eating grass like a cow!

CS Daniel interpreted the puzzling words on the wall?

Belshazzar He said his God gave him the interpretation. MENE, he
reminded me,

meant not only "50 shekels" but also "numbered."
TEKEL was a weight,

an abbreviation of the word shekel. UPHARSIN was
half-shekel or a

shekel divided into two pieces.

CS So, the message meant?

Belshazzar God had NUMBERED the days of my kingdom; He had WEIGHED me
in the

balances of His justice and found me wanting; and He
had DIVIDED or

separated my kingdom from me and given it to the
Medes and Persians.

CS Had you seen this catastrophe coming?

Belshazzar Belteshazzar and some other minor officials captured from
Israel had

warned me about my ego and pride, which had been the
downfall of

my grandfather, but I ignored the ravings of those
religious fanatics.

CS So, you had been warned to repent?

Belshazzar Nobody tells me what to do! I am the great king of

CS Not anymore!

Belshazzar NO . . . not anymore. I didn't last long after I saw the
handwriting on

the wall. That same night, Babylon fell . . . and I
ended up here in this

place of eternal doom.

CS Any final words of advice?

Belshazzar Don't come here! Get right with God while you have a
chance . . . or,

like me, you'll spend eternity regretting the bad
choices you made.

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'Well here I am!' and those who come in and say, 'Ah, there you are!'"

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