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E-pistle for March 3, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
Freeway Foundation March 3, 2006

First, Get Your Priorities RIGHT!

(I Kings 3:1-28)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter

1. Solomon married a daughter of the Egyptian pharaoh to seal a treaty

between the two nations; Solomon loved the Lord, but, like all the

Israelites, he offered sacrifices to God on the high places, vv. 1-4.

2. The Lord appeared in a dream to Solomon at Gibeon, offering to give

him whatever he requested; Solomon asked for an understanding

heart to rule the people justly, vv. 5-9.

3. The Lord was pleased with Solomon's request; He granted him wisdom,

plus riches, honor and a long life; Solomon awoke, sacrificed offerings,

to God, and made a celebrative feast for his court, vv. 10-15.

4. An example of Solomon's practical wisdom is recorded: two mothers

each claimed that the living infant of two newborn boys belonged to

her, and that the dead child belonged to the other woman; Solomon

ordered that the surviving child be divided by the sword, with half

being given to each woman; the true mother was revealed as the one

who told the executioner to spare the child and give him to the other

claimant, vv. 16-28.

II. Meditation: on King Solomon's prayer (vv. 6-9)

1. Solomon first thanked the Lord for His mercy and kindness shown to

his father David, and for establishing his dynasty as promised, v. 6.

2. Solomon humbly confessed his weakness and his lack of wisdom and

experience to reign as the king, v. 7.

3. Solomon acknowledged that his position was that of a servant to

great and numerous chosen people, v. 8.

4. Solomon asked the Lord for an understanding heart to judge God's

people and for wisdom to be able to discern between good and evil,

v. 9.

III. Revelation: on the Lord God's answer to Solomon's
prayer (vv. 10-14)

1. The Lord was pleased with Solomon, commending him for not selfishly

asking for long life, riches, or military victories, vv. 10-11.

2. The Lord granted Solomon a wise and understanding heart above any

other man, v. 12.

3. As a bonus, the Lord also gave Solomon wealth and prestige, v. 13.

4. The Lord promised Solomon a long, happy, peaceful, prosperous

life . . . if he continued to walk obediently in the way of God, v. 14.

IV. Application: as a Christian, I need to get my priorities
right . . .

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these

things shall be added to you," Matthew 6:33.

"The Golden Knife"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

Percy Longnecker was the Eddie Haskell of the 1940's . . . 'way
before TV

even thought about leaving anything to Beaver. Percy was the good little
boy who

always knew his "memory verse" letter-perfect. He was the first kid to
shoot up his

hand and wave it around when the Sunday School teacher asked a question. He

always volunteered for the glamorous assignments . . . like carrying the
flag in the

VBS parade . . . and the easily-taken-in leaders invariably picked him!

Percy never missed Sunday School, and he had a chest full of

Attendance" medals to prove it. In fact, attendance wasn't his only virtue,
to hear

him tell it. He was perfect in every way, and he flaunted his moral

every day of the week . . . twice on Sundays! The rest of the boys in the
4th grade

Primary class at East Benton church despised him!

One Saturday evening, the guys and I dug a 4 X 6-foot tiger
trap, about a

foot deep, and filled it with cow manure. We carefully covered the hole
with grass

and leaves, and on Sunday morning we waited for Percy. At precisely 9:25

he appeared in his white pants, starched shirt and bow tie, and navy jacket

two dozen brightly polished Perfect Attendance medals.

When he got near to the gang, I began showing them a beautiful

knife (coated with brass to make it last), which I said I'd found down the

Exactly on cue, Percy proclaimed it was his knife . . . that he'd lost it

night. After a brief argument about "finders keepers," I suggested a race,

the winner claiming the golden knife as the grand prize. The route chosen

across the field, around the basketball goal, and back. On your mark!

Set! GO!

We all lit out, but wouldn't you know it! I tweaked a
hamstring, and all

the rest of the fellows also pulled up lame. Percy hit the fishing line
we'd strung

across the path at full speed, flew through the air like a ruptured duck,
and plopped

face down in the tiger trap.

"Where's Percy?" asked Miss Boswell, our Sunday School teacher,

nobody in the class knew. "Did anybody learn today's memory verse?" she

She was shocked when I raised my hand and quoted Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes

before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Later, the story
leaked out,

and Percy was awarded a "Perfect Attendance" medal post-humus-ly. Talk

about injustice! He had been AWOL! To add insult to injury, my mom made me

give Percy the golden knife Uncle Bill had sent me for my birthday.

PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, forgive my boastful, proud, haughty spirit

(II Timothy 3:1-2, 4); help me to
exhibit the true

humility of Jesus Christ, who came to
serve, not

to be served.

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"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want

to test a man's character, give him power."

- Abraham Lincoln

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