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E-pistle for March 3, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            March 3, 2014



Sarcastic and judgmental criticism

(Job 4:1-21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Eliphaz scolded Job for being a person who could give advice to people in

                 trouble, but who couldn't take it when difficulty came his way . . . "Is not your

                 reverence your confidence?  And the integrity of your ways your hope?" (v. 6)

                 were words spoken in derision, vv. 1-6.

            2.  Eliphaz took the position that the innocent never perish and the upright never

                 are cut off (die prematurely); he stated that persons who "plow iniquity and sow

                 trouble reap the same" in this world, vv. 7-11.

            3.  Eliphaz then told Job of a frightening, hair-raising vision which he had experienced,

                 vv. 12-16.

            4.  Eliphaz related the message which he had heard during his dream; a human being

                 can't be more righteous than God, and if God punished the fallen angels, He surely

                 will punish sinful men, vv. 17-21.

II.  Meditation:  on the implications of Eliphaz's cutting remarks

            1.  Eliphaz sarcastically condemned Job as a hypocrite.

            2.  Eliphaz's sweeping general statements obviously are in error . . . sometimes the

                 innocent and the upright DO suffer and die too soon.

            3.  Also, sometimes wicked persons DO prosper in this life, seemingly NOT reaping

                 what they sow.

            4.  If indeed Eliphaz did have a genuine encounter with the Lord in a vision, and is he

                 did receive from God the message he relayed to Job . . . the interpretation which

                 he brought was in error!

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual lessons to be learned here

            1.  Confronting a presumed sinner with a mocking, sarcastic attitude never is appropriate,

                 even if the person is guilty as charged.

            2.  Proverbial saying like:  "You can't judge a book by its cover!" emphasize the fact of

                 human fallibility . . . only God know everything.

            3.  Eliphaz made the false assumption that all suffering is due to the sufferer's sin:  his

                 erroneous argument was that those who sin are punished, and, since Job was suffering,

                 argument was that those who sin are punished, and, since Job was suffering, obviously

                 he was being chastised by God because of his sin.  (The scales of divine justice indeed

                 shall be balanced, but not necessarily in this world.)

            4.  It is possible to receive the true word, of the Lord but to misinterpret its meaning when

                 relaying the message to others.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Avoid prejudice and sarcastic words.

            2.  Know that spiritual retribution may not come until eternity.

            3.  Have compassion upon suffering people . . . they may or may not have brought the

                 problems upon themselves.

            4.  Interpret God's word with great care and only in the spirit of love.





Follow the ark

(Joshua 3:1-17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on a new day under a new leader

            1.  Under Joshua's leadership, God gave Israel a new symbol of His presence:

                 the people were ordered to follow the ark, rather than the pillar of cloud and

                 fire which they had followed for the previous 40 years, v. 3.  Exodus 40:34-38.

            2.  God required a new level of faith:  "RED SEA" faith required the people to

                 move forward on dry ground AFTER they had seen God part the waters,

                 Exodus 14:21-22; "JORDAN RIVER" faith required the people to step into the

                 water BEFORE God parted the River to let them move across on dry ground,

                 vv. 13-17.

            3.  God ordered them to fight a new kind of warfare: on their wilderness journey,

                 they fought defensively to protect themselves from enemy attacks,

     Exodus 17:8-16; in the Promised Land, they fought offensive battles to drive

     out the Canaanites and to occupy their territory, v. 10.

4.  God provided a new method of supplying their needs:  from passively

     gathering manna from heaven to actively taking spoils of war from the

     Canaanites, Joshua 5:12.

II.  Meditation:  on the reasons they were told to "FOLLOW THE ARK"

            1.  They needed DIRECTION, for they had not passed this way before, v. 4.

            2.  They needed PROTECTION, for the Jordan River was at flood stage, v. 15.

            3.  They needed a practical, down-to-earth EXAMPLE OF FAITH; the priests who

                 carried the ark were men who demonstrated active faith by getting their feet

                 wet in obedience to God's command, v. 15.

            4.  They needed GOD'S PRESENCE AMONG THEM; the ark contained symbols

                 of God's word (tablets of law).  God's provision (pot of manna), God's

                 anointing (Aaron's rod that budded), and God's grace (the mercy seat), v. 3;

                 Hebrews 9:4-5.

III.  Revelation:  on Jesus, who is the ARK . . . Immanuel:  "God with us," Isaiah 7:14.

            1.  Follow Jesus, the Living Word, the Bread of Life, the Anointed One, the

                 Propitiation (covering) for my sins.

            2.  Walk in mature faith, stepping out on God's promises BEFORE I see His

                 miraculous hand at work.

            3.  Engage in spiritual warfare against Satan, Ephesians 6:10-18.

            4.  Trust in the Lord for protection and provision because, "I have not been this

                 way before, and the water is over my head!"





Have patience with all things but first with yourself.  Never confuse your mistakes

with your value as a human being. 

You're a perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile person simply because you

exist.  And no amount of triumphs or tribulations can ever change that.

Unconditional self-acceptance is the core of a peaceful mind.

--St. Francis de Sales






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