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E-pistle for March 4, 2005

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Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation March 4, 2005

In this Issue:

Holy Ground Interview: JACOB

Pillsbury College & Seminary


Featuring today's special guest JACOB

CS Jacob, your biography is a study in wild contrasts,

sneaky little brother to sharp businessman to

of a nation! Who was the most influential person in

life . . . your mother, Rebecca . . . your father,
Isaac . . .

your uncle Laban?

Jacob No doubt, I was prophetically named! I certainly did

a habit of tripping-up my brother, Esau! He was so

to manipulate!

CS Your mother was your chief encourager?

Jacob She loved me best, there was no question. But it evened

out, I guess. Esau was father's favorite.

CS What was the big deal about the birthright? Were you
just after

the lion's share of your father's estate?

Jacob That was part of it, naturally. But I always was more

in the God-things than Esau was. I was fascinated
by mother's

stories about Grandfather Abraham's call by God, and
all his


CS So the birthright involved more than family property

Jacob Later in my life I appreciated this more, but the
birthright I

inherited carried with it a major spiritual
component. I became

the priest of the family, the one through whom God
spoke and

accomplished His eternal purposes.

CS Which explains the phrase: "The God of Abraham, Isaac,


Jacob Exactly! Mother always felt I should be the one who

the spiritual mantle passed down from Grandfather

Esau was a profane man, who couldn't have cared less

the things of God.

CS So, that justified your tricking your brother and lying
to your

blind father, Isaac, to get your way? Is that how
God works?

Jacob Don't misunderstand! I'm not trying to justify what I
did; it was

wrong, and I paid for it with twenty years of exile.

CS That first night away from home . . . was it your most

"Holy Ground" spiritual experience . . . the most

life-changing personal encounter you ever had with
the Lord

God Almighty?

Jacob That "ladder and angel" vision at Bethel certainly was a

tremendous experience, one I never forgot!

CS Even today, children sing a song about climbing Jacob's

Jacob It wasn't my ladder! It was God's . . . or rather . . .
the ladder

was the Messiah, as John mentioned in his gospel
(1:51). The

angels were like man's prayers ascending to heaven
upon Jesus

(the ladder), and upon Him, the angels brought the

blessings back down to earth.

CS I never saw your Bethel experience in that light

Jacob As great as it was, that was not the spiritual high point
of my life.

CS What was?

Jacob After sparring with uncle Laban for twenty years . . .

CS He was a slick character! It must run in the family.

Jacob As you know, I out-smarted him and returned to my

a rich man, with four wives and eleven sons.

CS I thought there were twelve!

Jacob Benjamin was born after we returned to the Promised Land,

my dear wife, Rachel, died giving birth.

CS By the way, didn't you promise God at Bethel that you'd
give Him

a tithe of all you possessed if He'd bring you home

Jacob I gave that portion of my property to Esau. A spiritual
principle I

have learned is that our charitable gifts to others
are counted as

love offerings made to the Lord.

CS You were speaking of your "Holy Ground" experience.

Jacob Oh, yes. It was the night I wrestled with the Angel of
the Lord, the

Son of God in human flesh.

CS Wrestled?

Jacob I mean, I spiritually struggled with him, grappling to
come to an

understanding of His divine purpose and destiny for
my life.

CS Weren't you also begging the Lord for protection from
Esau who

had sworn to murder you and your family?

Jacob That was part of the struggle, but mainly God was making

profound change in my inner character . . . it was similar to a

"new birth" experience, involving repentance, faith, and

God's grace.

CS So you were, in effect, re-born there. That is why you
were given

a new name?

Jacob Yes! No more was I called Jacob, the "Heel-catcher."
>From that

day forward, I was called Israel, meaning "Prince
with God."

CS So the name-change symbolized the inner transformation

your life?

Jacob Not only that, it altered my walk. As you know, from
that day

forward I limped. Every physical step I took reminded me that

my spiritual walk should testify daily of my up-close-and-personal

encounter with the Lord.

CS Israel, do you have an additional words of advice to
believers today?

Jacob I named that place of encounter "Peniel." It means "Face
of God."

Each and every day, God's people should seek His
face. As David

wrote in Psalm 27; "When You said, 'Seek My face,'
my heart said to

You, 'Your face, Lord, I will seek,'"

CS Anything else?

Jacob A final word of advice to parents: Don't show obvious

to one of your children. It can lead to a lifetime
of problems! My

mother and father made that tragic mistake . . . and
so did I.

CS Thank you, Israel, for being so candid with us.

Jacob Blessings upon you!

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