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E-pistle for March 9, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            March 9, 2012



Arrows in a quiver

(Psalm 127:1-5)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the connection between verses 1-2 and verses 3-5

            1.  Man labors, but the Lord builds, v. 1; I Peter 2:5; I Corinthians 3:10-13.

            2.  Man watches, but the Lord guards, v. 1; Psalm 121: Isaiah 52:12; Philippians 4:7.

            3.  Man stays awake and worries, but the Lord gives rest, vv. 1-2; Psalm 55:22;

                 Matthew 11:28-30.

            4.  "House" (verse 1) refers to the children in the family (verses 3-4), and "city"

                 (verse 1) is the home described in this Psalm (verses 3-4).

II.  Meditation:  on children in the family

            1.  They are a heritage . . . the home's most prized "possession."

            2.  They are a reward . . . a blessing from God.

            3.  They are like arrows shot from a bow (when they leave home).

            4.  They bring joy:  parents are happy when the children are at home.

III.  Revelation:  on arrows in a quiver

            1.  The job of parents is to shape, straighten, balance, and properly guide each

                 arrow (child) on its flight.

            2.  An arrow only accomplishes the purpose for which it was made when it is aimed,

                 empowered, and released; so it is with children.

            3.  When arrows leave the bow, it is too late to guide and direct them; so it is with

                 Maturing children when they leave the care and supervision of their parents.

            4.  If properly aimed, both arrows and children "shall not be ashamed," but they shall

                 be successful and victorious over "their enemies in the gate," vv. 4-5.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Allow the Lord to build, protect, and give rest to my home and family.

            2.  Thank the Lord for my children:  my heritage and my reward.

            3.  Like a craftsman making an arrow, work on shaping, straightening, balancing, and

                 Properly guiding my children . . . and my grandchildren.

            4.  Trust in the providence of God to accomplish His purposes through the children who

                 have gone out from my home, guiding them like arrows which hit the bulls-eye of a target.




You shall be happy!

(Psalm 128:1-6)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on who shall be happy?

            1.  Everyone who fears the Lord, vv. 1, 4.

            2.  Everyone who walks in the ways of the Lord, v. 1.

            3.  Persons who support themselves and their families by the labor of their hands, v. 2;

                 Isaiah 3:10.

            4.  Persons of faith who, in spite of trying circumstances and adverse conditions, say:

                 "It is well with my soul," v. 2.

II.  Meditation:  on an ideal, God-fearing family

            1.  The father worships and obeys God, vv. 1, 4.

            2.  The mother, who is the very heart of the home, bears fruit . . . physically (children)

                 And spiritually, v. 3; Galatians 5:22-23.

            3.  The children of the family also are flourishing and fruitful ("like olive trees"), v. 3. 

            4.  The father and mother will live to see their grandchildren, v. 6.

III.  Revelation:  on God's blessings upon such a God-fearing family

            1.  God will bless them with His power . . . "out of Zion," v. 5.

            2.  God will give them spiritual perception . . . "see the good," v. 5.

            3.  God's blessings of mercy and grace will last forever . . . "all the days of your life," v. 5.

            4.  God will give the blessing of peace to His faithful people, v. 6.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Obediently serve the Lord with reverence and awe.

            2.  Work to support my family, while depending upon God's care to make everything

                 "well" with us.

            3.  Build a home on God's principles and perceptions . . . which will produce flourishing

                 and fruitful children and grandchildren.

            4.  Receive God's blessings:  power, perception, promises, and peace.


"Whatever you are be a good one."

--Abraham Lincoln



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