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E-pistle for May 16, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation           May 16, 2014


God brings the shadow of death to light

(Job 12:1-25)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Job defended himself against his friends by using sarcasm:  "No doubt . . . wisdom

                 will die with you," and by exclaiming that he was just as intelligent as they were:  "I

                 have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you,"  vv. 1-3.

            2.  Job proclaimed again that he was just and blameless; and he commented on how

                 easy it was for a healthy prosperous person to give advice to someone who was

                 suffering, vv. 4-6.

            3.  Job continued his defense by observing that his friends' comments were not great

                 pearls of wisdom; in fact, even the animals, birds, and fish know that God controls

                 the events of the universe . . . it doesn't take an aged wise man to understand the

                 simple things which his friends have said, vv. 7-12.

            4.  Job then summarized his arguments by stating that with God are wisdom, strength,

                 counsel, and understanding (v. 12), that if God does something, it cannot be undone

                 (vv. 14-15), and that God actively works in the affairs of individuals and nations

                 (vv. 16-25).

II.  Meditation:  on the activities of Almighty God

            1.  God gives life to every creature and breath (a soul) to mankind, v. 10.

            2.  God has the final word in all matters, vv. 14-15.

            3.  God is in control of the nation's leaders:  counselors, judges, kings, princes, priests,

                 and elders, vv. 17-20.

            4.  God reveals the deep, hidden spiritual mysteries of life, including bringing "the

                 shadow of death to light," v. 22 . . . enlightening His people about eternal life in

                 heaven beyond their deaths on earth.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of these truths

            1.  God is the Creator of the universe, and man was God's special creation into whom

                 He breathed the breath of life, making man a living soul, Genesis 2:7.

            2.  God is the omnipotent, sovereign, ruler of the universe, Revelation 19:6.

            3.  God establishes and removes national leaders, Romans 13:1.

            4.  God reveals His secrets to His servants, Amos 3:7; John 14:26.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Praise the Lord for His marvelous handiwork as seen in nature, and thank the Lord

                 for His love and grace extended to each human being.

            2.  Worship the Lord God Almighty, in spirit and in truth.

            3.  Pray for the leaders of my nation, I Timothy 2:1-3.

            4.  Be open to receive the Lord's revealed guidance for my life and ministry.





Boaz redeems ruth

(Ruth 4:1-22)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Boaz negotiated with another kinsman, before ten elders of the city as official

                 witnesses, about the property of Elimelech and his in heritance being passed

                 on to Ruth, the widow of her son, Mahlon, vv. 1-6.

            2.  The business transaction was officially witnessed and completed, with Boaz

                 purchasing all the property that had been Elimelech's and sold by Naomi (v. 3),

                 including his receiving of Ruth as his wife, vv. 7-12.

            3.  Boaz and Ruth were married and a child was born (Obed, meaning "Servant"),

                 who was registered as the son of Mahlon and as the grandson of Elimelech

                 and Naomi; the community rejoiced, vv. 13-17.

            4.  The official genealogy was recorded from Perez (one of the son of Judah, the

                 son of Jacob, Numbers 26:19-21), through several generations to Boaz, Obed,

                 Jesse, and David (a total of over 600 years), vv. 17-22.

II.  Meditation and Revelation:  on the spiritual significance of these events

            1.  The unnamed relative took off his shoe and gave it to Boaz as a sign that he

                 was surrendering all his rights pertaining to the matter under consideration,

                 vv. 7-8.  The use of a shoe or foot was commonly understood to demonstrate

                 possession or authority, Genesis 13:14-17; Deuteronomy 11:24; Joshua 1:3;

                 Psalm 60:8.

            2.  The ten witnesses offered their congratulations and blessings to Boaz,

                 mentioning Tamar, another disadvantaged woman whom God blessed and

                 placed in the bloodline of the Messiah, Matthew 1:3, 5.

            3.  The woman of Bethlehem rejoiced that God had given Naomi a redeemer

                 ("close relative," v. 14), and that the newborn child would be a "restorer of

                 life" and a "nourisher," v. 15.

            4.  The neighbor women also blessed and accepted into their fellowship Ruth,

                 the Moabitess, as one who genuinely loved Naomi and who was better to

                 her, "than seven sons," v. 15.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  "Take off my shoes" . . . surrendering all my rights to the Lord God.

            2.  Realize that God can and does use people of all races and backgrounds to

                 accomplish His divine purposes.

            3.  Rejoice in the OTHER Child who was born in Bethlehem . . . the Redeemer,

                 the Life-giver, the Spiritual Nourisher of my soul.

            4.  Be open to lovingly accept into my circle of friends, and to bless in the name

                 of the Lord, all persons who love and worship God.



"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example."

"Wit and Wisecrack":  Mark Twain




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