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E-pistle for May 18, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            May 18, 2012



I meditate and I ponder

(Psalm 143:1-12)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on David's problems

            1.  His enemy had persecuted his soul and crushed his life to the ground, v. 3.

            2.  His enemy (Saul and/or Absalom) had brought darkness of soul, like those

                 who are dead and buried, v. 3.

            3.  His spirit was overwhelmed within him (crushed, submerged, overpowered

                 by problems), v. 4.

            4.  His heart within him was distressed, v. 4 . . . depressed, despondent, discouraged,

                 and dejected.

II.  Meditation:  on David's actions during his distress

            1.  I remember the days of old, v. 5 . . . when God blessed my ancestors:  Abraham,

                 Joseph, Moses, etc.

            2.  I meditate on all Your works, v. 5 . . . God's provision and protection for His

                 chosen people over centuries of history.

            3.  I muse (ponder) on the works of Your hands, v. 5 . . . God's creation.

            4.  I spread out my hands (in prayer) to You, v. 6 . . . with a deep longing for God as

                 a thirsty man longs for a drink of water in the desert.

III.  Revelation:  on what David discovered about God

            1.  God is faithful and merciful to answer the sincere petitions of His people, vv. 1, 11-12.

            2.  God is righteous . . . in holiness, always doing the good and right thing toward His

                 people, although not one of them is righteous, vv. 1-2.

            3.  God causes His people to hear His loving-kindness in the morning (to experience His

                 mercy and grace from the beginning of each day), and to trust in Him, v. 8.

            4.  God guides and directs his people to come to know His will and way, and to find true

                 spiritual revival, vv. 8-11.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Turn to the Lord during the dark days of my soul.

            2.  Remember, meditate, ponder, and pray in the light of God's manifold blessings to

                 His people (and to me).

            3.  Hunger and thirst after righteousness, longing for God's presence to revive my soul

                 with His spiritual life-giving bread and refreshing water.

            4.  Receive by faith God's mercy and living-kindness as I come to know and experience

                 God's will and way for my life.





Happy are the people of god

(Psalm 144:1-15)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on why God should be blessed

            1.  He is our Rock (solid place on which to stand and build). V. 1.

            2.  He is our equipper and trainer for spiritual warfare, v. 1.

            3.  He is our loving-kindness (grace and mercy), v. 2.

            4.  He is our fortress and high tower (protector), v. 2.

            5.  He is our deliverer (provider of salvation), v. 2.

            6.  He is our shield and refuge (safety and security), v. 2.

            7.  He is our victory over our enemies, v. 2.

II.  Meditation:  on man's weakness and God's power

            1.  There is a vast difference between the Creator and His creation, vv. 3-4; Isaiah 55:9.

            2.  It is amazing that God watches over and cares for each and every person who has ever

                 lived, even though "man is like a breath; and his days are like a passing shadow," vv. 3-4.

            3.  God manifests His power through natural events (earthquakes, volcanoes, lightening, etc.)

                 all of which illustrate His all-mightiness in the spiritual realm, vv. 5-6.

            4.  Only God is able to rescue mankind and bring deliverance from the evil one (Satan) and

                 his wicked followers, vv. 7-8, 11.

III.  Revelation:  on the happiness of God's people

            1.  God's people express their happiness (joy and gladness) by singing praises for His

                 triumphant victories, vv. 9-11.

            2.  God's people are happy because they are blessed by God:  their sons are as productive

                 plants (bearing fruit), and their daughters are as beautiful pillars in a building (bringing

                 lovely, graceful support and stability to the home), v. 12.

            3.  God's people are happy because He abundantly supplies all their needs, vv. 13-14.

            4.  God's people are happy because the Lord is their God . . . in a personal, intimate spiritual


IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . .

            1.  Praise God for His omnipotent power.

            2.  Sing to God in celebration of His triumphant victories.

            3.  Thank God for His providential blessings upon my family . . . my sons and daughters,

                 my grandsons, and granddaughters.

            4.  Faithfully serve God, Who is my heavenly Father, and Who desires to have a personal,

                 intimate, spiritual relationship with me.


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,

reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."

--Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)



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