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E-pistle for May 2, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            May 2, 2014


"Your care has preserved my spirit"

(Job 10:1-22)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Job complained bitterly to the Lord, demanding to be shown why God

     was contending with him and oppressing him unfairly:  "although you

     know that I am not wicked,"  (v. 7), vv. 1-7.

            2.  Job acknowledged that the Lord had created him, but implied that it did

     not make good sense for God to destroy His handiwork, vv. 8-12.

            3.  Job attributed his sufferings to the hand of God, naming the sins which

     God indeed should punish, but of which he was not guilty:  "if I sin . . . if

     I am wicked . . . if my head is exalted (I am proud)," vv. 13-17.

            4.  Job again lamented the day of his birth and begged God to give him a

     little peace before he died, vv. 18-22.

II.  Meditation:  on the sins of Job

            1.  Although Job may not have been guilty of any gross sins of the flesh,

     he was guilty of the sins of pride and arrogance:  he claimed that he

     had never sinned, but, of course, he had transgressed God's laws, as 

     all persons have done, Romans 3:23.

            2.  Job was guilty of the sin of blasphemy (irreverent speech) because he

     accused God of injustice and irrationality.

            3.  Job was guilty of the sin of the sin of self-pity . . . a form of selfishness; 

     focusing on one's own needs and wants, rather than upon God or upon


            4.  Job may have been guilty of the twin sins of fear and doubt:  "For the

     thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has

     happened to me," Job 3:25 . . . even in the midst of his health, happiness,

     and prosperity, Job apparently had feared impending calamity and had

     doubted God's providential care.

III.  Revelation:  on God's providential care

            1.  Even in the depths of his agony and spiritual confusion, Job realized that

     the Lord was His Creator:  "Your hands have made me and fashioned me,

     and intricate unity . . . cloth me with skin and flesh, and knit me together

     with bones and sinews,"  vv. 8, 11.

2.  Job acknowledged Almighty God as the source of life, v. 12.

3.  Job also acknowledged that the Lord was the source of all the blessings

     and gave ("favor") which he had received, v. 12.

4.  Finally, Job recognized that it was God's love and care which had preserved

     (guarded, kept, preserved, watched over) his spirit, v. 12.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Confess my sins to God, including pride, arrogance, irreverence, self-pity,

     fear, and doubt.

2.  Worship the Lord Almighty, the Creator of the universe.

3.  Thank the Lord for His "favor" . . . His grace and salvation.

4.  Love and serve the Lord, Who first loved me, I John 4:19.







Ruth meets boaz

(Ruth 2:1-23)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the events of this chapter

            1.  With Naomi's permission, Ruth "happened" (v. 4) to glean in the

     field owned by Boaz ("Swiftness"), who noticed her and inquired

     of his servant about her, vv. 1-7.

2.  Boaz spoke with Ruth, commending her hard work and inviting

     her to glean with his servants and to share their water, vv. 8-13.

3.  Boaz invited Ruth to join him for a meal, and he made sure that

     she was able to glean an extra amount of barley, vv. 14-18.

4.  Ruth reported the day's events to Naomi, who praised God and

     identified Boaz as a close relative, vv. 19-23. 

"Gleaning was the method for making sure the poor and needy

persons of the nation had food to eat,"  Leviticus 19:9-10.

II.  Meditation:  on the evidence of God's providence at work

            1.  It was no accident or coincidence that Ruth gleaned in Boaz's           

     field; it was God's divine sovereignty working in her behalf.

            2.  Boaz was a godly man (even during these "Dark Ages" of the

     Judges), as seen in his exchange of greetings with his servants,

     v. 4.

            3.  Boaz pronounced a blessing upon Ruth for her faith in God and for

     her faithfulness to the family although she was a foreigner, vv. 11-12.

            4.  Naomi praised the Lord, recognizing that He was responsible for

                 opening a door that could result in the redemption of their family


     (Apparently, Naomi had sold or leased their property, Ruth 4:3, but

     according to the law in Leviticus 25:23-28, Boaz could "redeem" or

     buy back the family's inheritance.)

III.  Revelation and Application:  on these spiritual principles

            1.  God is in control of the universe, and of our personal circumstances.

                 As a Christian, I need to trust Him fully and joyously live by faith

     each day.

            2.  A righteous person honors and reverences God in word and deed on

                 job during the week, as well as in church on the day of worship.

                 As a Christian, I need to live the same life of spiritual integrity every

                 day, wherever I may be.

            3.  Persons who walk with God recognize His operations in the lives of

                 others and commend them for their faithful spiritual service.

                 As a Christian, I need to pronounce God's blessings upon the heads of

                 His people.

            4.  Spiritually perceptive persons recognize God's hand at work, and they

                 respond positively whenever He opens a door of opportunity.

                 As a Christian, I need to cultivate spiritual vision and follow God's

                 planned destiny for my life.


"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you

are doomed if you don't try."

--Beverly Sills







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