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E-pistle for May 21, 2013

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            May 21, 2013


Hosea's "new Testament" insights

MC900391134[1]                                                                     (Hosea 6:1-11)

                                                                Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Hosea called the nation to repentance, offering the hope that God would heal

     and restore them, promising the Lord's refreshing, abundant blessing.  vv. 1-3

            2.  Hosea mourned in his spirit because the nation's faithfulness to the Lord was

                 so temporary; he pointed out that God requires true spiritual commitment which

                 produces lives characterized by mercy and loyalty, not mere empty religious

                 ritual, vv. 4-6.

            3.  Hosea mentioned two particularly wicked cities (Gilead and Shechem) which

                 exemplified the nation's blood-lust and lewdness, vv. 7-9.

            4.  Hosea cried out against the spiritual adultery of Israel, and he predicted that God's

                 wrath and judgment ("harvest") also would come upon the nation of Judah, vv. 10-11.

                 (See also verse 4)

II.  Meditation:  on some interesting verses in this chapter

            1.  "On the third day He will raise us up," v. 2

            2.  "He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth," v. 3

            3.  "O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? . . . For your faithfulness is like a morning

                 cloud, like the early dew it goes away," v. 4.

            4.  "For I desire mercy not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more that burnt

                 offerings,"  v. 6.

III.  Revelation:  on Hosea's "New Testament" Insights

            1.  God's promise to "raise up" Israel on the third day (like Jonah's rescue from the

                 belly of the fish after three days) foreshadowed Christ's resurrection from the tomb,

                 Jonah 1:17; Matthew 12:40; Luke 12:46.

            2.  Hosea's prophecy of God's coming "like the latter and former rain" (the "latter" is

                 the spring rain just before harvest, and the "former" is the autumn rain at planting

                 time) pictures God's pouring out of His Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost,

     Joel 2:23; Acts 2:16-21.

            3.  God's heart-cry "O Ephraim," is reflected in the words of Jesus as He wept over the

                 city of Jerusalem, Matthew 23:27; Luke 13:34.

            4.  Jesus quoted Hosea 6:6 to prove that God requires a true spiritual relationship and

                 commitment from man, not just "lip service."

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Live a resurrected life of faith . . . as a faithful disciple of Christ.

            2.  By continually being filled with the Holy Spirit.

            3.  Intercede with a broken heart over the sins of my city, state, and nation, earnestly

     praying for the Lord's mercy and grace.

4.  Offer myself as a "living sacrifice" to God, Romans 12:1-2.





Commended as ministers of God

MC900056759[1]                                                          (II Corinthians 6:1-18)

                                                                                                 Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on a Minister's Perseverance Through Persecutions ("IN" vv. 4-5)

            1.  In much patience

            2.  In tribulations

            3.  In needs

            4.  In distresses

            5.  In stripes

            6.  In imprisonments

            7.  In tumults

            8.  In labors

            9.  In sleeplessness

          10.  In fastings

II.  Meditation:  on a Minster's Principles and Priorities ("BY" – vv. 6-8)

            1.  By purity

            2.  By knowledge

            3.  By long-suffering

            4.  By kindness

            5.  By the Holy Spirit

            6.  By sincere love

            7.  By the word of truth

            8.  By the power of God

            9.  By the armor of righteousness

          10.  By honor and dishonor

          11.  By evil and good reports

III.  Revelation:  on a minister's perspectives and paradoxes ("AS" – vv. 8-10)

            1.  As deceivers, yet true

            2.  As unknown, yet well known

            3.  As dying, and behold we live

            4.  As chastened, yet not killed

            5.  As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing

            6.  As poor, yet making many rich

            7.  As having nothing, yet possessing all things


IV.  Applications:  as a Christian minister I should commend myself to others . . .

            1.  In perseverance through persecutions:  by what I DO

            2.  By prioritizing Godly principles:  by what I THINK

            3.  As perceiving spiritual paradoxes:  by what I SEE

            4.  Through speaking with a wide open heart:  by what I SAY


"I know God won't give me anything I can't handle.

I just wish He didn't trust me so much."

--Mother Theresa







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