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E-pistle for May 25, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>




From one generation to another

(Psalm 145:1-21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough




I.  Concentration:  on words which describe man's true worship of God

            1.  Extol, v. 1 (lift up)                            8.    Sing, v. 7

            2.  Bless, vv. 1, 20, 21                           9.    Talk, v. 11.

            3.  Praise, vv. 2, 10. 21                         10.  Testify (make known), v. 12

            4.  Declare, vv. 4, 6                               11.  Call, v. 18

            5.  Meditate, v. 5                                   12.  Fear, v. 19

            6.  Speak, vv. 6, 11, 21                          13.  Cry, v. 19

            7.  Utter, v. 7                                         14.  Love, v. 20

II.  Meditation:  on what one generation should declare to another (v. 4)

            1.  God is great and greatly to be praised; His greatness is unsearchable, v. 3.

            2.  God is glorious and majestic; He is wondrous and awesome, vv. 5-7.

            3.  God is gracious, compassionate, merciful, and good, vv. 8-9.

            4.  God's kingdom and dominion are eternal, v. 10-13.

III.  Revelation:  on God's specific and personal blessings to his people

            1.  He upholds the fallen and raises up all those who are bowed down, v. 14.

            2.  He provides the necessities and basic desires of life, vv. 15-16.

            3.  He comes near to those who call upon Him in truth, vv. 17-18; John 4:23-24.

            4.  He saves the souls and preserves the lives of those who love Him, vv. 19-21.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Worship the Lord with words of praise from my lips . . . as a "sacrifice of praise,"

                 Hebrews 13:15.

            2.  Teach the on-coming generation about the Lord God . . . about His righteous

                 character and His mighty works.

            3.  Thank the Lord for His grace and mercy toward me . . . upholding and forgiving

                 me when I fall (into sin); encouraging me when I am depressed and heavy burdened;

                 and supplying all my material and spiritual needs.

            4.  Draw near to the Lord with heart-felt love; bring others also into His presence to

                 receive His salvation and assurance.




Our source of help, hope, and happiness

(Psalm 146:1-9)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the key verse in this Psalm

"Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God," Psalm 146:5.

II.  Meditation:  on the One Who gives help, hope, and happiness

            1.    Creator:  God made the heaven and earth, v. 6.

            2.    Truth:  God keeps truth forever (fulfills His word), v. 6.

            3.    Justice:  God executes justice for the oppressed, v. 7.

            4.    Provision:  God gives food to the hungry, v. 7.

            5.    Deliverance:  God brings freedom to prisoners, v. 7.

            6.    Healing:  God opens the eyes of the blind, v. 8.

            7.    Restoration:  God raises those who are bowed down, v. 8.

            8.    Love:  God loves those (whom He has made) righteous, v. 8.

            9.    Protection:  God watches over all, even strangers (foreigners), v. 9.

            10.  Relationship:  God cares for widows and orphans as His family, v. 9.

            11.  Judgment:  God "turns the way of the wicked upside down," v. 9.

            12.  Sovereignty:  God reigns supreme forever and ever, v. 10.

III.  Revelation:  on Jesus as our source of all these blessings

            1.    Luke 4:18-19 . . ."The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because He has anointed Me,"

                        1)  To preach the gospel to the poor,

                        2)  To heal the broken-hearted,

                        3)  To proclaim liberty to the captives,

                        4)  To recover the sight of the blind,

                        5)  To set at liberty those who are oppressed, and

                        6)  To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

            2.  Isaiah 61:1-3 (Jesus' sermon text) also includes . . .

                        1)  To proclaim coming judgment,

                        2)  To comfort and console all those who mourn,

                        3)  To give beauty for ashes,

                        4)  To give joy for mourning,

                        5)  To give garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness, and

                        6)  To produce solid, fruit-bearing "trees" for God's glory.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.    Acknowledge with reverence and praise that the Creator of the universe is my

                   Lord and my God.

            2.    Enjoy my intimate relationship with God, Who gives me true spiritual happiness . . .

                   joy and peace regardless of circumstances.

            3.    Trust in the providential care of God, Who helps me through all my problems and


            4.    Hope steadfastly in Christ and His sure promises:  "Christ in you, the hope of glory,"

                   Colossians 1:27.


"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."

--Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)








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