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E-pistle for May 31, 2013

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            May 31, 2013


We can't do that, because . . .

                                                (Genesis 29:1-35)

                                                                D. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on Jacob's quest for a wife

            1.  Jacob journeyed east, back toward where his grandfather Abraham had lived

     many years before, v. 1.

            2.  Jacob came into the area where his mother, Rebekah, had told him to look for

     his uncle Laban, Genesis 28:2, 5: 29:5.

            3.  Jacob met some shepherds from the city where his grandfather Abraham had

                 lived in the years between Ur and Canaan, v. 4; Genesis 11:31.

            4.  Jacob experienced "love at first sight" when he spotted his cousin Rachel, who

MC900215099[1]                 arrived at the well          to water her sheep, vv. 6, 9.



II.  Meditation:  on the shepherd's excuse for not watering Rachel's sheep

            1.  We can't do it, because . . . it's not customary; it's non-traditional, v. 3.

MC900283365[1]                 (WE'VE NEVER DONE IT THAT WAY BEFORE!)

            2.  We can't do it, because . . . it's the wrong time, v. 7.

                 (IT MAY BE A GOOD IDEA, BUT NOT NOW!)

            3.  We can't do it, because . . . we won't start a job until we can see that we are

                 able to complete it, v. 8.


                 WE WON'T DO ANYTHING)

            4.  We can't do it, because . . . it's too difficult without adequate manpower; if someone

                 else will start and do the hardest part (removing the stone from the well), then we'll

                 join in and do our part.

                 (LET GEORGE DO IT!)

III.  Revelation:  on the proper answers to these flimsy excuses

            1.  The "NEW" is NOT necessarily wrong or bad.

            2.  When the need is perceived as ACUTE, the time is right to take immediate, decisive action.

            3.  Do not wait until you can be sure of doing ALL that is needed before you begin . . . or you

MC900370822[1]                 may never start.

            4.  Take the Godly risk; by FAITH,          jump in although the task seems too big to be accomplished

                 alone . . . God will give divine            strength to finish any task which he calls you to do.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Seek, find, and follow God's will ignoring all reasons (excuses) why "IT CAN'T BE DONE!"  In this

                 Story, Jacob (with no help for the others) watered Rachel's flock, v. 10.

            2.  Be passionate in service for my Master, motivated by love . . . Jacob served Laban faithfully for

                 seven years for the hand of his daughter Rachel, and "They seemed only a few days to him because

                 of the love he had for her," v. 20.

            3.  Remain faithful to my assignment, keeping a steady eye on my God-given objective, in spite of delays,

                 disappointments, and deceit, vv. 21-28.

            4.  Know that God will reward such faithfulness with abundant prosperity and productivity, vv. 29-35.




MC900233594[1]A fish with a mouth full of silver

                                                (Matthew 17:1-27)

                                                                                Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents if this chapter

            1.  Jesus, accompanied by Peter, James, and John, was transfigured, vv. 1-13.

            2.  Jesus healed a boy whom the disciples could not help, and He taught the necessity

     of both prayer and fasting, vv. 14-21.

MP900448704[1]            3.  Jesus again prophesied His crucifixion and resurrection, vv. 22-23.

            4.  At Jesus' word, Peter caught a fish and paid the temple tax with the money

     he found in its mouth, vv. 24-27.

II.  Meditation:  on the fish story recorded in this chapter

            1.  "Does your teacher NOT pay the temple tax?"  v. 24 . . . "YES,"  v. 25.

            2.  Jesus read Peter's thoughts and asked who is OBLIGATED to pay the tax owed by

                 every Jewish male, v. 25; "FROM STRANGERS," Peter replied; "THEN THE SONS

                 ARE FREE," concluded the Son of God; "NEVERTHELESS, LEST WE OFFEND

                 THEM . . . "(obey the Law), v. 27.

            3.  Jesus responded to criticism two ways:

·          Taught a lesson about relationships to God, and

·          Acted to avoid offending others.


            4.  Jesus instructed Peter, and allowed him to participate in performing the miracle; (Jesus

                 brought the fish and coin; Peter did the fishing); Jesus provided twice as much as was

                 needed . . . so that Peter also could benefit by his obedient service.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

            1.  The way I respond to criticism reveals how much my character is like (or unlike) the

                 character of the Lord Jesus Christ.

            2.  Knowing New Testament truth releases us from the obligations of Old Testament

                 law and ritual.

            3.  No problem is too big or too small for God, who is concerned about everything that

                 concerns His children.

4.  God "is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think," Ephesians 3:20.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to understand that  . . .

            1.  Jesus knows my thoughts and is anxious to reveal Himself and spiritual truth to me . . . if

                 I will follow His guidance into understanding.

            2.  Christians (God's children) are free from all legalistic traditions, but sometimes it is best

                 To avoid offending the unenlightened, Romans 15:1.

            3.  Whenever a problem arises, Jesus is able to solve it immediately and miraculously . . . but

                 He often enlists my assistance and allows my participation.

            4.  If I will follow exactly His instructions, He will supply all my needs . . . and more; the "FISH"

                 I catch possess all the money I need . . . PLUS!


Have a Blessed Weekend








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