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E-pistle for May 5, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation May 5, 2006

Jonah Pouts Over God's Mercy

(Jonah 4:1-11)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on what the Lord God prepared for

1. "The Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah," 1:17.

2. "The Lord prepared a plant . . . that it might be shade," 4:6.

3. "God prepared a worm . . . damaged the plant . . . withered," 4:7.

4. "God prepared a vehement east wind . . . sun beat on head," 4:8.

II. Meditation: on the spiritual applications seen here

1. God used the fish to teach Jonah obedience, and to provide him

deliverance from death.

2. God used the plant to teach Jonah spiritual values, and to provide

providential care for human need.

3. God used the worm to teach Jonah that human pleasures are

and to provide a spiritual test.

4. God used the wind to teach Jonah that God is in control, and to

discomfort so Jonah would establish God's perspective as his own.

III. Revelation: on Jonah's bad attitude . . . "I'll do it,

1. I'll do it, but I don't want to.

2. I'll do it, but God is making a serious mistake.

3. I'll do it, but these people don't deserve mercy and grace.

4. I'll do it, but it makes me very angry.

5. I'll do it, but with a nasty, harsh, condemning spirit.

6. I'll do it, but I'd rather be dead.

7. I'll do it, but I hope it doesn't work.

8. I'll do it, but it'll ruin my reputation (make me look foolish).

9. I'll do it, but I could be doing something more productive

(See II Kings 14:25 - a prophet in Israel during Jeroboam's reign.)

10. I'll do it, but not motivated by compassionate love.

11. I'll do it, but it won't change anything permanently.

12. I'll do it, but I refuse to learn a spiritual lesson from it.

IV. Applications: on the fish, the plant, the worm, and the
wind . . .

1. God has a purpose for every person's life, but we often get into

by disobedience until the only hope of deliverance is God's miraculous

power. The fish says "JESUS SAVES."

2. We should not be exceedingly joyful over life's fleeting pleasures,

suicidally depressed over disappointments . . . because "life is not

fair!" Remember: GOD IS IN CONTROL! The plant says "GOD PROVIDES."

3. Just as a small worm can kill a thriving plant, so a "small" bad

(pride, prejudice, self-pity, apathy) can ruin our fruitfulness as God's

spiritual plants. The worm says "SATAN DESTROYS."

4. God sends (or allows) problems to come into our lives to discipline
us, to

teach us true priorities, to humble us, and to draw us into Himself.


"Gaining and Losing"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

What in the world was Solomon talking about when he wrote:
"There is . . . a

time to gain and a time to lose? (Ecclesiastes 3:6) Let me list some of
the possibilities.

WEIGHT? Remember the old vaudeville wheeze: "Did you hear
about the man

who went on a 3-week garlic diet? . . . He lost 21 friends!!" Or, how about
the slender

young woman's testimonial: "I lost 189 pounds of ugly fat . . . I divorced
him!!" No, I

don't think Solomon was concerned with America's "slenderella" obsession.

MONEY? The stock quotes from Wall Street are all about gains and losses.

Solomon wasn't speaking about wealth.

POWER? The news media are saturated with persons gaining power
or losing it.

The poster boy for this phenomena is Saddam Hussein, who, before our very
eyes, went

from luxurious palace to spider hole. Talk about going from the penthouse
to the


FAME? The list of movie and TV and musical has-beens is
endless. A lady

accosted me the other day with these words: "Didn't you USE TO BE Curt

Before I could stammer out an appropriate response, she continued with

look, "Whatever happened to you?"

BEAUTY? It's only skin deep, and it comes and goes. Check out
Carol Burnett's

"Nora Desmond."

HEALTH? What family has not been devastated by a terminal,
wasting disease

attaching itself to one of its most robust members?

ATHLETIC SKILLS? I could name you a dozen of my favorite
ballplayers who

just hung on for one year too long . . . embarrassing themselves because
they had

"lost" it.

INFLUENCE? INTELLIGENCE? All of these things, and a score of
others, come

and go in cycles. We gain 'em . . . and we lose 'em! But Solomon's keen

should cause us to dig a little bit deeper into our hearts . . . "a time to
gain and a time

to lose" . . .

Jesus, the One who is greater than Solomon (Matthew 12:42),

"Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his

and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but
whoever loses

his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it. For what will it profit
a man if he

gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in

for his soul?" (Mark 8:34-37)

PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to understand with spiritual perception

the words of Paul about this life:
"Godliness with

contentment is great gain" (I Timothy
6:6), and about

the life to come: "To live is Christ,
and to die is gain."

(Philippians 1:21)

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but the parent of all others."

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