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E-pistle for November 23, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            November 23, 2012


The scroll with seven seals

(Revelation 5:1-14)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the scroll which John saw

            1.  It was written on both sides (complete; detailed) and sealed with seven seals

                 (as a last will and testament), v. 1.

            2.  An angel proclaimed, "Who is worthy to open the scroll and loose its seals?" v. 2.

            3.  John wept because no one was found worthy (qualified) to open the scroll, vv. 3-4.

            4.  Christ (the Lamb) came and took the scroll from Father God, v.7.

II.  Meditation:  on the only person qualified to open God's record book

            1.  Only Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, was qualified to break the seals and open

                 the book, v. 5.

            2.  Only Jesus Christ, the root of David, was qualified, v. 5.

            3.  Only Jesus Christ, as a Lamb bearing the marks of slaughter, was qualified, vv. 6-7.

            4.  Only Jesus Christ, with perfect power (seven horns) and with perfect wisdom through

                 the Holy Spirit (seven eyes . . . seven Spirits of God), was qualified, v. 6.

III.  Revelation:  on the symbols revealing Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God

            1.  Lion of Judah:  the tribe of Judah led Israel into battle; Jesus, the Warrior-King leads

                 His troops into spiritual battle against Satan.

            2.  Root of David:  Jesus fulfilled the prophecy that the Messiah would be a direct

                 descendant in the line of David, Isaiah 11:1-2.

            3.  Lamb slain:  Christ's sacrificial death on the cross makes atonement, through His

                 shed blood, between God and sinful man.

            4.  Seven horns and seven eyes:  These represent Christ's attributes of omnipotence

                 and omniscience.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Realize that God is keeping a detailed record of my life on earth in His book in

                 heaven, including my thoughts, attitudes, words, and deeds.

            2.  Know that only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is qualified to serve as the Mediator

                 between God and man, I Timothy 2:5.

            3.  Give sincere thanks to God for His redemption through the blood of the Lamb,

                 which makes me a king and a priest, vv. 9-10.

            4.  Sing praises (blessing, honor, glory, and power) to Jesus Christ, just as do the living

                 creatures, the elders, and all the saints of God, vv. 9-14.



Opening the seals on the scroll

(Revelation 6:1-17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on six of the seven seals

The Lamb opened the seals, one by one:

            1.  The first seal, announced by one of the four living creatures (a lion as in

                 Revelation 4:7), revealed a King on a white horse, riding to victory, vv. 1-2.

            2.  The second seal, announced by a second creature (a calf?) , revealed a red

                 horse representing war on the earth, vv. 3-4.

            3.  The third seal, announced by a third creature (with the face of a man?) revealed

                 a black horse . . . the scale in the Rider's hand represents judgment, vv. 5-6.

                 (See "being weighed in the balance," Daniel 5:24-25).

            4.  The fourth seal, announced by the fourth creature (eagle?) revealed a pale (gray)

                 horse . . . representing Death and Hades, vv. 7-8.

            5.  The fifth seal revealed God's martyrs crying out for vengeance, who received white

                 robes (Christ's righteousness) and instructions to remain patient for a little while

                 longer, until all the believers who will be martyred will join them, vv. 9-11.

            6.  The sixth seal revealed galactic cataclysms (earthquake, sun blackened, moon red,

                 stars falling, sky receding, mountains and islands moved) and sinful mankind fleeing

                 and hiding from God's wrath, vv. 12-17.

II.  Meditation and Revelation:  on the meaning of opening the seals

            1.  The scroll is God's "will" which became operative only upon His (Christ's) death,

                 Hebrews 9:15-20.

            2.  Only the person who sealed the document had the authority to break the seals and

     open the scroll . . . Jesus Christ is in complete control of past, present, and future

     events on earth.

            3.  The seven seals (#7 is mentioned in Revelation 8) reveal the complete, perfect will of

     God . . . which He surely shall bring to pass.

            4.  The first seal shows Christ in a victory procession, followed by "captives": war,

     judgment, death and Hades, and final destruction . . . accompanied in the triumphal

     parade by God' martyrs.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to  . . .

            1.  Allow Jesus to open the seal of my own personal "scroll" to reveal God's will for my life.

            2.  Recognize that Jesus has all power and authority to accomplish God's will through my

                 my yielded life.

            3.  Live a faithful, sincere life of service to the glory of the Lamb of God . . . the King of

                 Kings and Lord of Lords!

            4.  With compassionate love, warn unbelievers that without a Savior, they are headed

                 toward sure and certain doom.


"Any committee is only as good as the most knowledgeable, determined, vigorous

person on it.  There must be somebody who provides the flame."

--Lady Bird Johnson




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