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E-pistle for November 24, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


                          Dr. Curt Scarborough, President                  Freeway Foundation                         November 24, 2006


"A Day's Journey Away From God"

(Luke 2:43-46)


            How far is a day's journey?  That depends on the mode of travel.  These days, we

are able to travel thousands of miles in a 24-hour period.

            But when I was a boy in Southern Illinois, it took us a whole day to travel to and

from my home in Benton to visit my aunt in Marion . . . 17 miles away.  Of course,

Grandpa's 1937 Dodge wasn't extremely reliable.  We frequently had a flat tire, and the

road through Middle Fork Creek Bottoms near West Frankfort nearly always was an

adventurous ordeal.

            Luke 2 tells us of Jesus and His parents visiting the temple in Jerusalem where,

at age 12, He celebrated Bar Mitzvah.  Following this ceremony in which Jesus

officially became a "Son of the Law," we find an interesting and instructive account

of the journey back home to Nazareth.


            Joseph and Mary's "day's journey away from God" occurred immediately following

a high spiritual experience.  Often this is the pattern, Elijah's journey away from God, for

example (I Kings 19: 3,4) occurred immediately following the mountain-top experience

on Carmel.

            Notice, also, that Jesus did not leave his parents; they left Him.  Always when there

is a breach in close fellowship with God, it is the man or woman who did the moving away. 

Adam and Eve are the first example of this truth.


            Mary and Joseph didn't realize . . . for a whole day . . . that Jesus was not with

them.  Often our spiritual separation is unintentional, merely a gradual, unobserved

drifting away from the intimacy with God.  Isaiah described this subtle wandering in

chapter 53, "All we like sheep have gone astray."

            Although His parents didn't actually see Jesus with them personally, they

assumed He was present in the crowd.  Sometimes we make the mistake of assuming

God is with us, when He isn't.  What a sad commentary on God's chosen deliverer,

Samson:  "He did not know that the Lord had departed from him," Judges 16:20. 

Assuming that God is present (as in church, for instance) without actually experiencing

Him personally, is a mistake too many Christian make today.


            When Joseph and Mary finally missed Jesus, they started looking for Him in the

wrong places.  Sometimes we too, use human logic or intensified effort in a vain attempt

to restore spiritual communion with God.  It doesn't work!  When we drift away, where

do we start looking for Jesus?

            Finally, they realized who had left whom.  Then they returned to the spot where

they had seen Him last.  When we experience a spiritual estrangement, we should return

in memory (if not literally) to that spot where undeniable God's presence was manifested

to us.


            Although Joseph and Mary had gone away from Jesus only "a day's journey," it

took them three days to be reunited with Him.  In the spiritual realm, full fellowship takes

time.  Hosea forgave and accepted Gomer back into him home immediately, but it took

a period of time before the original relationship was completely restored.

            The best place to look for Jesus after "a day's journey away from God" is in the

place where God is working:  "about My Father's business," Luke 2:49.  Persons seeking

restoration of fellowship with God should put themselves in the place where God is

manifesting Himself . . . where God is working in power.  Frankly, when I find myself

cooling off spiritually, I go to a church, one where "Jesus is in the house."


            When I was a boy, frequently I witnessed folks coming to the front pew at church

to "pray through."  Sometimes a brother on one side of the kneeling penitent sinner

would advise "Turn loose!"  while a brother on the other side would suggest "Hold on!" 

Such anxious searching for Jesus is not necessary, if we come to Him with a broken

and contrite heart.  He always is available to be found, if we look in the right place.

            The story in Luke 2 closes with Jesus going to Nazareth with Joseph and Mary. 

The message to us is obvious.  When we invite Him to do so, the broken relationship

is restored and He accompanies us all the way home. 

He promised, "I am with you always!"



Praying With The Affection Of Christ

(Philippians 1:8-11)


I.  Concentration:  on Paul's prayer for the Philippians (vv. 8-11)

            1.   That your love may abound still more in knowledge and all discernment.

            2.   That you may approve the things that are excellent.

            3.   That you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.

            4.   (That you may be) filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by

                  Christ Jesus, to the glory and praise of God.


II.  Meditation:  on the spiritual traits in this text

1.       Spiritual vision, v. 9.

2.       Spiritual values, v. 10.

3.       Spiritual virtue, v. 10.

4.       Spiritual vitality, v. 11.


III.  Revelation:  spiritual discernment regarding these ideas

1.       Abounding love results from knowing Christ intimately and discerning

His will . . . spiritual vision.

2.       Such love (knowledge and discernment) causes a believer to be pleased

with (accept and commend) things that are worthy, choice, and remarkably

good . . . spiritual values.

3.       Spiritual vision (#1) plus spiritual values (#2) produces spiritual virtue:

integrity – "sincere and without offense," v. 10.

4.       Spiritual vision (#1) plus spiritual values (#2) plus spiritual virtue (#3) produce

spiritual vitality . . . fruitfulness:  "Filled with the fruits of righteousness," v. 11.


IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to cultivate . . .

1.       Spiritual vision – knowledge and discernment of God's love.

2.       Spiritual values – accepting and commending God's best.

3.       Spiritual virtues – integrity: sincerity without offense.

4.       Spiritual vitality – bearing much fruit.


PRAYER:  Lord give me greater knowledge of Your love and greater discernment of Your

                purpose.  Help me to prioritize the things which are spiritually excellent and

                valuable.  Strengthen me to walk in unfailing integrity.  Use me to produce

                abundant fruits of righteousness.  AMEN








In The Beginning

(John 1:1, 3, 14, 16-17)


In the beginning was the Word,

And the Word was Jesus Christ;

His was the voice Creation heard,

His the body sacrificed.

Christ, our God, to Thee we raise

This our song of grateful praise.


All things were made through Christ the King,

Through His pow'r the world began;

In  Him was life, let praises ring,

Jesus is the light of man.

Christ, our God, to Thee we raise,

This our song of grateful praise.


Word became flesh and dwelt on earth,

We beheld His glory bright;

God's only Son was He at birth,

Grace and truth in Him unite.

Christ, our God, to Thee we raise,

This our song of grateful praise.


Of Jesus' fullness we receive,

Grace for grace, sin to destroy;

Law showed our hearts and made us grieve,

Christ forgave and brought us joy.

Christ, our God, to Thee we raise,

This our song of grateful praise.


(Tune:  For the Beauty of the Earth)


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