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E-pistle for November 5, 2004

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation November 5, 2004


In This Issue:
"Pharaoh Hardened His Heart"
"Vision Among Vulgarity"
Changes at PIAC (Correction to my mistake)

Pharaoh Hardened His Heart
(Exodus 7:1-25)
I. Concentration: on the major events in this chapter
1. The Lord reaffirmed His call and purpose to Moses and Aaron, vv. 1-7.
2. At the Lord's command, Moses and Aaron cast down a rod before Pharaoh and
it became a serpent; Pharaoh's sorcerers did likewise, but Aaron's rod (serpent)
swallowed up their rods, vv. 8-12.
3. At God's command, Moses struck the Nile with the rod, and the river and all the
ponds and containers of water in Egypt were filled with blood; Pharaoh's magicians
duplicated the miracle, vv. 15-22.
4. As the Lord had said, Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he refused to heed Moses'
signs and free the Israelite slaves, vv. 3-4, 13-14, 23-25.
II. Meditation: on some interesting truths found here
1. In verse 1, the Lord said to Moses: "See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh,
and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet." This means that God had endowed
Moses with awesome divine power (which frightened Pharaoh and deterred him from
executing the brothers) and that God had made Aaron the one who spoke God's messages.
2. Although God knew that Pharaoh would choose to "harden" his heart, the time would come
when God, Himself, would harden Pharaoh's heart. A person, by repeated rejection of God's
will, can "sin away his day of grace," vv. 3, 13, 23.
3. God can and does use "senior citizens" to accomplish His purposes; Moses and Aaron
(ages 80 and 83) were well beyond "retirement age," v. 7.
4. Satan's followers can work miracles by "black magic" . . . demonic powers, vv. 11, 22;
Matthew 7:21-22.
III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications of these truths
1. Those whom God calls, He empowers by His Spirit.
2. It is dangerous to reject God's will, for He "shall not strive with man forever," Genesis 6:3,
and "No one can come to Me (Jesus) unless the Father draws him," John 6:44.
3. As long as God leaves a person on this earth, He has a divine purpose for that individual to fulfill.
4. Satan's powers are awesome, but they are inferior to God's power . . . the Lord's snake consumed
the sorcerer's snakes, v. 12; John 4:4.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Hear God's call to service and receive His power to serve.
2. Respond immediately to the Holy Spirit's conviction and guidance by repentance and obedience.
3. Seek, find, love, and fulfill god's divine destiny for my life.
4. Know that through the Lord's power, I shall be triumphant and victorious over Satan, Romans 8:37;
I John 5:4.

Vision Among Vulgarity
(Luke 1:1-80)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Luke dedicated this book to Theophilus, vv. 1-4.
2. John's birth was announced to Zacharias, vv. 5-25.
3. Christ's birth was announced to Mary, vv. 26-38.
4. Mary visited Elizabeth, vv. 39-45.
5. Mary sang a hymn of praise unto the Lord, vv. 46-56.
6. John the Baptist was born, named, and circumcised, vv. 57-66.
7. Zacharias prophesied about the ministry of his son, John, vv. 67-80.

II. Observations: on the problems of vulgarity which Mary faced
(Vulgarity = coarse, rude, offensive people and circumstances.)
1. Unspiritual people: arrogant Roman soldiers abusing captive people.
2. Unfavorable place: crowded town (Bethlehem) of 250 people; no room.
3. Unpleasant environment: animals, dust, noise, and stink of manure.
4. Unaccustomed weakness: physical fatigue and discomfort.

III. Meditation: on God's word to Mary and its confirmation through others
1. Original promise to Mary: Luke 1:31-33.
2. Old Testament prophesy: Micah 5:2 (Matthew 2:6)
3. Shepherds: Luke 2:8-20.
4. Wise men: Matthew 2:1-12.
5. Angel: Luke 1:27-36.
6. Simeon: Luke 2:25-35.
7. Anna: Luke 2:36-38.

IV. Revelation: on the spiritual implications seen here
1. God's promise/vision of destiny for his chosen person does not guarantee a
pleasant, easy fulfillment.
2. In the midst of disappointment and discouragement, believers should look
for an answer in God's word . . . a new revelation.
3. No matter how ugly or dirty or stinky the circumstances may be, God can
and will accomplish His purpose.
4. If God's chosen person will remain faithful to the promise (vision) given by the
Lord, He will provide the needed encouragement along the way.

V. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Hold on to God's vision of destiny for me; what He says, He will do!
2. In the interim time of testing, search the Scriptures for confirmation.
3. When everything seems to go wrong . . . not as planned . . . keep trusting
God to fulfill His promise.
4. Steadfastly believe that God will send persons, as needed to affirm and to
encourage me.

Tuition Fees for 2004

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (54 credit hours) - $4,860

Christian Master of Arts (40 credit hours) - $3,600

Christian Doctor of Psychology (42 credit hours) - $3,780

Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (48 credit hours) - $4,320
(I mistakenly put 28 credit hours on the e-pistles for October, but the correct number is 48)

Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (32 credit hours) - $2,880

Bachelor of Biblical Counseling or Biblical Studies (final year: 32 credit hours) - $1,920

Degree Titles

Christian Master of Arts (C.M.A.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (C.Ph.D.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Psychology (C.Psy.D.)
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy (Second Doctorate Only)

The student has the option of whether to include the area of concentration ("In . . . )
on his or her diploma. This information always will appear on the student transcript.


"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope or confidence."
- Helen Keller

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