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E-pistle for November 8, 2013

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FreeWay Foundation            November 8, 2013


Destroyed for lack of knowledge

(Hosea 4:1-19)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Hosea stated the Lord's charges against Israel, prophesying that lying,

     stealing, murder, and adultery destroy not only the people, but they also

     harm the wildlife and environment of the land, vv. 1-3.

            2.  Hosea condemned false prophets and impure priests, who had led the nation

     into sin and who had failed to reveal God's word, will, and ways to the people;

     therefore, both clergy and laypersns would be punished for their disobedience,

     vv. 4-10.

            3.  Hosea preached against the idolatry of Israel:  the immorality, the drunkenness,

     and the occult practices which have put them into bondage, and which surely will

     bring divine punishment, vv. 11-14.

            4.  Hosea warned Judah (the southern kingdom) not to follow Israel (the northern

     kingdom) into sin and destruction; Israel is portrayed as a stubborn calf and a lost

     lamb wandering in the wilderness; Hosea stated that "Ephraim (Israel) is joined to

     idols,  let him alone" (v. 17)  . . . the nations has passed the point of no return,

     vv. 15-19.

II.  Meditation:  on some key verses in this chapter

            1.  "There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land," v. 1.

            2.  "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," v. 6.

            3.  "Like people, like priest," v. 9.

            4.  "Harlotry, wine, and new wine enslave the heart," v. 11.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications in this chapter

            "Knowledge of God" (v. 1) means more than intellectual understanding of who

God is; it refers to an intimate, spiritual relationship and fellowship with Him.

            1.  Such "lack of knowledge" (spiritual relationship) produces a life without basic

     ethics and morality, resulting in the violation of God's commandments concerning

     the treatment of other persons.

            2.  "Lack of knowledge" destroys individuals, families, and nations.

            3.  The "ordinary person in the pew," as a general rule, will not develop above the

     spiritual maturity level of their leaders (prophets or priests).

            4.  Practicing sexual immorality and consuming alcoholic beverages can lead to addiction;

     any object or practice can become an idol and "enslave the heart" . . . bring a person

     unde bondage and oppression.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Cultivate a spiritual intimacy with God:  an "abiding" in Christ.

            2.  Lie a life characterized by Biblical ethics and Godly morality.

            3.  Guard carefully my influence as a Christian leader.

            4.  Avoid all forms of idolatry; rather, allow Christ to rule in my heart.





Down but not out!

(II Corinthians 4:1-18)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the "light" (v. 6)

            1.  "The light" (compare Genesis 1:3) = bring HOPE ("light at the end of

     the tunnel")  . . . faith plus anticipation:  belief plus possibility.

            2.  "Of the knowledge" = INSIGHT ("see the light") . . . illumination wisdom,


3.  "Of the glory of God" = GUIDANCE" ("throw light upon") . . . discovery,


4.  "In the face of Jesus Christ" = WARMTH (light up") . . . ignite cheer, joy,


     When we look into the face of Jesus (II Corinthians 3:18), we see the

     glory (brilliant splendor) of God, and we begin to attain spiritual

     knowledge through intimate experience with Him, which gives us light,

     hope, insight, guidance, and warmth.

II.  Meditation and Revelation

            1.  God's light shines in our hearts through the "clay pot" . . . the treasure

                 radiates from our earthly bodies, vv. 6-7.  (The Dead Sea scrolls found at

                 Qumron illustrate God's "light" contained in clay vessels.

            2.  Through Christ, we can endure and withstand all problems, vv. 8-10:

                        (1)  Emotional – pressured, but not crushed

                        (2)  Mental – perplexed, but not in despair

                        (3)  Spiritual – persecuted, but not forsaken

                        (4)  Physical – "punched," but not destroyed

                 These qualities were found in Jesus' life; as we endure the same trials

                 His life is manifested in us.

            3.  We do not lose heart (vv. 1, 16), even though the outward man is perishing,

                 because the inner man is being renewed day by day.

            4.  The renewed life (radiant, overcoming, victorious) has a totally different


                        (1)  Affliction if light, not unbearable

                        (2)  Affliction is temporary, not eternal

                        (3)  Bad things, through God's power, will bring good results, Romans 8:28

                        (4)  Spiritual vision is sharpened, enabling a behavior to see heavenly, eternal


III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Allow my light (Christ in me) to shine brightly, Matthew 5:16.

            2.  Faithfully endure persecution and suffering as a witness to Christ . . . so His life

                 can be seen in me.

            3.  Daily spend quality time with God so I may be spiritually renewed.

            4.  Perceive and focus on the glorious, eternal realities . . . with spiritual vision that

                 "sees beyond sight."


"You can either complain that rose bushes have thorns –

or rejoice that thorn bushes have roses!

--Good Stuff



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