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E-pistle for October 13, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                   Dr. Curt Scarborough, President            FreeWay Foundation               October 13, 2006  


The Troika of Christian Living

(Matthew 6:1-21)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


            A "Troika" is a light Russian sleigh pulled by three horses.  In the text, Jesus

assumes as a "given" that His disciples will:  (1) Do charitable deeds, (2) Pray, and

(3) Fast.  He doesn't say "IF" but "WHEN".  (Like sinning or dying . . . giving, praying,

and fasting, are when's, not if's.)



                        a combination of all three of those horses:

                        good deeds, communion with God, and

                        self-denial (sacrifice).  With each example

                        in Matthew 6, Jesus' pattern was:  Don't do

                        it THAT way, but do it THIS way, and you'll

                        be spiritually rewarded . . . with "treasure

                        in heaven," verses 19-21.  Of course, true

                        rewards presuppose a proper motivation for

                        service as taught in I Corinthians 13:1-3.

                        The reward (treasure) is the Troika (sleigh)

                        pulled by three horses named Charity, Prayer,

                        and Fasting.  These three all run side-by-side,

                        not in single file.

            IF ONLY ONE HORSE PULLS while the other two are

            dead-weight in the harness, it's tough sledding!

1.       Charity, without Prayer and Fasting is like

a United Way Campaign.

                        2.   Prayer without Charity and Fasting is empty

                              religious ritual.  James 2:15, 16 says, "If a

                              brother or sister is naked and destitute of

                              daily food, and one of you says to them,

                              'Depart in peace; be warmed and filled,' but

                              does not give them the things which are needed

                              for the body, what does it profit?"

3.       Fasting without Charity and Prayer is a Weight

Watchers Diet.

            EVEN IF TWO HORSES PULL while the other one is dead-weight,

            it's still tough sledding!

1.       A gift plus words without sacrifice is unworthy. 

David refused to offer a sacrifice to God which cost

him nothing.

2.       A gift with sacrifice without prayer is spiritually empty. 

Many persons sacrificially give to the needy without

even pretending that it is a Christian act, bathed in prayer.

3.       Prayer and fasting without a charitable contribution of

some sort also is devalued.  The least that Christians should

do would be to donate to the poor the equivalent meal

money they saved while fasting.


            Typically in our churches, we take good care of two of the three "horses."  We

regularly give attention to Charity (giving) and Praying.  The third horse, Fasting, usually

is rather neglected, underfed, and weak.

            Therefore, let me insert here a few words to encourage us to practice, teach,

and recommend fasting.

1.       Fasting is scriptural.  The Bible makes it clear that fasting

is a key to spiritual power . . . breaking the bonds of evil

and receiving God's counsel (Mark 9:29; Acts 13:2,3).

2.       Jesus taught fasting.  By word and example, our Lord

witnessed to the benefits of fasting.  If the Son of God

needed to fast and profited from fasting, how much more

necessary is it to us?  (Matthew 13:2; 6:16; Mark 2:20)

3.       What fasting is not.  It is not a hunger strike by which we

twist God's arm to make Him do what we want.  It is not

an exercise to attract His attention . . . His eye is always

upon us.  It is not to earn His blessings by tipping the

scales of His grace and mercy in our favor by enduring

pain.  And finally, fasting is totally worthless if it is done

to win man's praise.

4.       What fasting does!  It establishes the priority of our spirit

over our flesh.  It demonstrates self-control and discipline. 

It develops from deep concern for a particular situation or

need.  And, it frees-up unspent meal money for charity.


            Isaiah 58 is devoted to the subject of true fasting which pleases God.  This

passage deserves an entire series of teachings, but a quick glance reveals the

benefits and realities of true fasting.


1.       Continual guidance and protection of God – 8, 11.

2.       Satisfaction of all your needs – 11.

3.       Healing and strengthening of physical body – 8, 11.

4.       Radiance and enhanced reputation – 8, 10, 12.

5.       Assurance of God's presence and answers to prayer – 9.

6.       Joy and abundant blessings without ceasing – 11, 14.

7.       Purpose in life; sense of divine destiny – 12.


1.       Bring freedom to captives and oppressed – 6, 9.

2.       Meet physical needs of persons who are hurting – 7, 10.

3.       Worship God His way (in spirit and in truth) – 13.


The reward of Christian service is not an add-on, unworthy of our consideration as

an improper motive.  In fact, Jesus speaks of reward (treasure in heaven) as an integral

part of His profound teaching on self-denial, cross-bearing, and following Him

(Matthew 16:24-27).


            In this familiar passage, Jesus emphasizes again the "Troika" we noted earlier

from the Sermon on the Mount:

1.       "Deny self" easily can be applied to fasting.

2.       "Take up your cross" is a daily spiritual exercise

of communion with God occurring during a time

of prayer.

3.       "Follow me" means more than merely walking in

Jesus' footsteps.  It means doing what He did . . .

including charitable deeds of practical ministry

and service to hurting people.


            Combining the ideas of Matthew 6 and 16:

1.       Charity without Prayer and Fasting is like following

Jesus without taking up the cross and denying self.

It is spiritually unworthy.

2.       Prayer without Charity and Fasting is like taking up

the cross without following Jesus and denying self.

It is spiritually empty.

3.       Fasting without Charity and Prayer is like denying

self without following Jesus and cross-bearing.  It

is spiritually unprofitable.


            Following Jesus (doing charitable deeds), taking up the cross (in daily times of

prayer communion with God), and denying self (by fasting, for example) . . . all three

are vitally important; absolutely essential.  All three horses need to be equally strong,

harnessed together side-by-side to pull the "Troika of Christian Living!" 






The Golden Rule In Proper Perspective

(Matthew 7:1-12)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration (Observations):

            1.  The Golden Rule (v. 12) begins with "Therefore," referring

                 to the eleven verses preceding it.

            2.  This passage teaches the necessity of balance between

                 criticism, perception, and discrimination/discernment, 1-6.

            3.  This passage argues from an earthly father providing for his

                 Son to the "how much more" heavenly Father caring for us.

            4.  "Good things" (v. 11) includes the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13).

II.  Meditation:  We are to "do unto others" because . . .

1.       Our actions (judging others, vv. 1-2) will result in those persons

treating us in the same way we treated them.

2.       We are blinded by our own short-comings . . . therefore, we are

incapable of truly finding fault in others . . . of correctly

pronouncing judgment upon them as a judge passes sentence

upon a condemned felon.

3.       God blesses us, not because we deserve it, but because He loves

us.  We are to treat other undeserving people the same way God

treats us.

4.       Old Testament law and prophesy demand that we live this way.

III.  Revelation: 

            1.  There is spiritual law about action and reaction, v. 2.

            2.  Hypocrisy is a major sin; God demands sincerity and integrity.

            3.  Witnessing the gospel to contemptuous blasphemers cheapens

                 the gospel, and also is dangerous to us (v. 6).  Have spiritual


4.  The Golden Rule Applies to all people/situations which we encounter.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.  Avoid a fault-finding, judgmental spirit.

2.  Remove the "plank" from my own eye by repentance and confession.

3.  Exercise spiritual discernment in witnessing to others.

4.  Always, and in every way, live by the Golden Rule.










Devotional Lifeskills

by:  Dr. Curt Scarborough


1.       Fasting:  at least one meal each week

Matthew 6:16-18; Matthew 17:20-21; Isaiah 58:3-7


2.       Praying:  confession and intercession, "without ceasing" . . .

at least three times daily . . . using the Model Prayer

Psalm 55:17; I Thessalonians 5:17; Matthew 6:9-13; I John 1:9


3.       Singing:  psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs . . .

making melody in your heart continually

Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; James 5:13


4.       Praising:  speaking words to magnify the Lord,

at least seven times daily

Psalm 119: 164; Psalm 150:1-6; Hebrews 13:15; Revelation 19:5


5.       Reading:  God's word daily . . . through the entire Bible annually

II Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12


6.       Meditating:  daily on the spiritual truths and implications in each

chosen Scripture passage

Psalm 19:14; Philippians 4:8


                  7.  Receiving:  the Holy Spirit's fullness, enlightenment, revelation,

                        renewal, refreshing, and power daily

                        John 14:26; Ephesians 1:17-19; 5:18; James 1:5; I John 2:20, 27


                  8.  Journaling:  Daily writing personal reflections, revelations, experiences,

                        and spiritual applications

                        Deuteronomy 17:18-20; Jeremiah 30:2; Habbakuk 2:2


For more information contact FreeWay Foundation/Pillsbury College & Seminary at

(314) 739-1121 or email us at or

and we will be glad to answer any questions regarding these lifeskills, or talk with

you about becoming a student at Pillsbury College & Seminary.











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