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E-pistle for October 18, 2013

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            October 18, 2013




Feet like deer's feet

(Habakkuk 3:1-19)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Habakkuk prayed for revival and mercy, vv. 1-2.

            2.  Habakkuk recalled God's power as revealed in nature, vv. 3-11.

            3.  Habakkuk remembered God's sovereignty over the nations, vv. 12-16.

            4.  Habakkuk sang a "Hymn of Faith," vv. 17-19.

II.  Meditation:  on God's actions and Habakkuk's reactions

            1.  God spoke, and Habakkuk was afraid . . . "my body trembled; my lips quivered

                 at the voice; rottenness entered my bones, and I trembled in myself," v 2, 16.

            2.  Habakkuk, observing God's work in the midst of (through) the years, prayed for

                 revival, restoration, and renewal, v. 2.

            3.  Habakkuk, observing God's wrath poured out in judgment upon sin, prayed for

                 mercy, v. 2.

            4.  Habakkuk, observing God's deliverance of His chosen people, spoke prophetically

                 about the coming Messiah ("Anointed") Who would save His people, v. 13.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of Habakkuk's "Hymn of Faith"

            1.  Even though everything looks dark and gloomy, God's people should rejoice in  the

                 Lord of their salvation, vv. 17-18.

            2.  The Lord God is the strength of His people, v. 19.

            3.  The Lord will miraculously change His people so that they may walk with confidence

                 and security . . . "He will make my feet like deer's feet," v. 19; Psalm 18:33.

            4.  The Lord will elevate His people, enabling them to live victoriously in the land which

                 He has given them as their spiritual inheritance . . . "He will make me walk on my

                 high hills," v. 19; Romans 8:37.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Rejoice in hope and faith, although circumstances may appear bleak and discouraging,

                 Philippians 4:4.

            2.  Depend upon the Lord's strength in my times of weakness, II Corinthians 12:10.

            3.  Allow the Lord to change me spiritually so that I may walk with confidence and security,

                 even through dangerous places, II Corinthians 5:17; Psalm 23:4.

            4.  Live victoriously every day, knowing that:  "I can do all things through Christ Who

                 strengthens me," Philippians 4:13




MC900038991[1]from the elder to the elect lady

(II John 1:1-13)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on John's personal assertions

            1.  I love you (fellow Christian) in truth, v. 1.

            2.  I rejoice greatly over believers who walk in truth, v. 4.

            3.  I plead that we all love one another, v. 5.

            4.  I hope to come to you and to speak to you face to face,

     that our joys may be full, v. 12.

II.  Meditation:  on dealing with deceivers (false Christians)

            1.  If persons do not confess that Jesus Christ came as God in

                 human form, they are deceivers and anti-christ, v. 7.

            2.  Self-examination is necessary for believers, to make sure they

                 have not been deceived . . . that they have not labored in vain,

                 but have served faithfully and will receive a full reward, v. 8.

            3.  Whoever sins, and forsakes Christ's teachings, does not have God;

                 he who abides in the word of the Lord has intimate relationship and

                 fellowship with God, v. 9.

            4.  If a person comes to you and does not bring this doctrine (that Jesus

                 is the Son of God and His word is truth), do not receive him into your

                 house nor greet (bless) him, to avid sharing in his evil deeds, vv. 10-11.

III.  Revelation:  on the overview of this letter

            1.  John emphasizes his recurring theme of Jesus' "new commandment" . . .

                 that believers must love each other, v. 5; John 13:34-35.

            2.  "The elect (chosen) LADY and her children" (v. 1) and "the children of

                 your elect (chosen) SISTER greet you" (v. 13) could refer to a local church.

            3.  John taught the doctrine of "the security of the believer," that "the truth

                 (Christ) . . . abides in us and will be with us forever," v. 2.

            4.  John pronounces a blessing upon the believers (v. 3):

                        (1) GRACE = God's unmerited gift of love and life

                        (2)  MERCY = Removal of a guilty person's penalty

                        (3) PEACE = Spiritual rest and fellowship within the

                             proper relationships of loving God and loving others.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Obey the "Eleventh Commandment"  . . . to love others.

            2.  Examine my life daily in the light of God's revelation, and in repentance ask

                 for God's forgiveness and cleansing.

            3.  Receive spiritual discernment to be able to distinguish between genuine

                 believers and deceivers (false Christians).

            4.  Bless my fellow believers, invoking God's grace, mercy, and peace upon

                 them in the name of Jesus.


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someone else solve theirs."

--from "Good Stuff"



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