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E-pistle for October 24, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President            October 24, 2014



Lessons from an angry young man

(Job 32:1-22)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the views of a young man, Elihu

            1.  After Job's three friends have concluded their speeches, a younger man

                 named Elihu confronts Job.

            2.  Elihu is angry at Job because of his self-righteousness ("he justified

                 himself rather than God"), v. 2.

            3.  Elihu also is angry at the three friends because they have not discovered

                 the reason for Job's suffering, yet have condemned him, v. 3.

            4.  Elihu's arguments in Job chapters 32-37 include:

                        1)  God is omnipotently greater than man; therefore, man

                             has no right to demand any explanations.

                        2)  Some things that God does are incomprehensible to

                             man, yet God will speak if man will listen.

                        3)  Man should cultivate faith in God rather than demanding


                        4)  Man should change his attitude to one of humility before


II.  Meditation:  on some key verses in this chapter

            1.  "Age should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom,"

     v. 7.

            2.  "Great (elderly) men are not always wise, nor do the aged always

                 understand justice," v. 9.

            3.  "There is an Spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives

                 him understanding, v. 8.

            4.  "I am full of words; the Spirit within me compels me," v. 18.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of these truths

            1.  God intends for persons to increase in spiritual wisdom through

                 walking with Him year after year; God requires that such elderly

                 men and women be treated with dignity and respect.

            2.  A person's number of chronological years does not necessarily

                 reveal his level of spiritual maturity.

            3.  A person's spiritual perception is not due to age; rather such vision

                 and insight is a result of the inner working of the Holy Spirit of God.

            4.  A Spirit-filled person is almost literally compelled to speak the truths

                 of God: "Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!" said Paul in

                 I Corinthians 9:16.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Grow in grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior, II Peter 3:18.

            2.  Treat elderly Christians with honor, I Timothy 5:1-2, 17-19.

            3.  Seek divine enlightenment, revelation, guidance, and direction from

                 the Holy Spirit, John 14:26.

            4.  With Holy Spirit empowerment, witness to God's salvation available

                 through faith in Jesus Christ, Acts 1:8.




Perilous times

(II Timothy 3:1-17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration: on the signs of "PERILOUS TIMES"

            1.  Men will be involved in continuing, expanding gross sins, vv. 2-4.

                        1)  Lovers of self                       10)  Unforgiving                                                           

                        2)  Lovers of money                  11)  Slanderers             

3)  Boasters                              12)  Without self-control            

                        4)  Proud                                  13)  Brutal                                                                                

                        5)  Blasphemers                        14)  Despisers of good            

                        6)  Disobedient to parents         15)  Traitors

                        7)  Unthankful                            16)  Headstrong           

                        8)  Unholy                                 17)  Haughty                

                        9)  Unloving                              18)  Lovers of pleasure

            2.  Men will have a form of godliness, but deny God's power today, v. 5.

            3.  Men continually will be studying, but never able to come to the

                 knowledge of the truth, v. 7.

            4.  Evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving others

                 and even being deceived themselves, v. 13.

II.  Meditation:  on following Paul's example

            1.  Teach clear doctrine, based on the Scriptures, v. 10.

            2.  Copy lifestyle of faithfulness and integrity, v. 10.

            3.  Perceive God's specific purpose (destiny) v. 10.

            4.  Endure persecution (which all Christians will encounter), vv. 11-12.

III.  Revelation:  on Paul's challenge to Timothy

            1.  Continue with assurance in the things which you have learned, v. 14.

            2.  Have confidence in the Holy Scriptures and in those believers who

                 taught them to you, vv. 14-15.

            3.  Use the divinely inspired Scriptures to teach salvation, doctrine,

                 reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, vv. 15-16.

            4.  Grow into spiritual maturity, fully equipped to perform every good

                 work assigned to you by God, v. 17.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Avoid, through the power and grace of God, the gross sins listed above.

            2.  Experience the power of God in my life . . . not having merely "the form

                 of godliness."

            3.  Study (meditate on; listen to) God's word, and allow Him to bring me to

                 "the knowledge of the truth."

            4.  Have spiritual perception to enable me to reject false teachers and

                 teachings, and to embrace true teachers and teachings  of God's word.


Norman Vincent Peale says:  "You can be greater than anything that can happen to you."









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