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E-pistle for October 27, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                        Dr. Curt Scarborough, President         FreeWay Foundation                 October 27, 2006


Am I My Brother's Keeper?

(Genesis 4:1-10)


I.  Concentration:  on these two brothers

            1.   Cain was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, v. 1.

            2.   Cain was a farmer; Abel, his younger brother, was a shepherd, v. 2.

            3.   Apparently, these boys had been taught about spiritual things (the Garden of

                  Eden events) because both Cain and Abel brought offerings to worship

                  the Lord, vv. 3-4.

4.       The Lord respected (esteemed; honored) Abel and his sacrifice, but the

Lord did not respect Cain and his offering, vv. 4-5.

II.  Meditation:  on why God accepted Abel but rejected Cain

1.       Perhaps it was because Abel brought a blood sacrifice (for sin), while Cain

brought a grain offering (for Thanksgiving) . . . although these religious rituals

were not established until centuries later, Hebrews 12:24.

2.       According to Jesus, Abel was "righteous," Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51.

3.       Abel had faith as he offered his excellent sacrifice to God; Cain did not have

such a living faith, Hebrews 11:4.

4.       Cain "was of the wicked (evil) one" (Satan), I John 3:12; Jude 1:11.

III.  Revelation:  on God's questions to the murderer, Cain

1.       "Why are you angry?  Why has your countenance fallen?"  (v. 6)  Cain's anger

had grown out of jealousy and envy of his brother, Abel, and Cain's hateful,

malicious attitude manifested itself on his face.

2.       "If you do well, will you not be accepted?"  (v. 7)  God here extended to Cain

the possibility of Divine forgiveness and acceptance if he would repent of

his sins and in faith "do well" . . . obey.

3.       "Where is Abel your brother?"  (V. 9)  God saw Cain murder Abel and

called for his confession, but Cain side-stepped the question, just as

his parents had done in Eden.  Cain asked:  "Am I my brother's keeper?"

The answer to Cain's question is "YES"!

4.       "What have you done?"  (v. 10)  This is the same question which God asked

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:13).  Sinners must admit

their sins before they are in a position to ask God for forgiveness.

IV.  Applications: on following the examples given by Abel ("the first man to . . . "

1.       Abel was the first man to worship God correctly; I, also, must worship the

Lord in righteousness, I Chronicles 16:29.

2.       Abel was the first man to demonstrate faith accurately; I, also, must

demonstrate my faith through my obedient works, James 2:18.

3.       Abel was the first man to please God fully; I, also, must walk "fully pleasing"

before God . . . spiritually fruitful, increasingly perceptive and empowered

by the Holy Spirit, Colossians 1:10-12.

4.       Abel was the first man to die physically; I, also, must someday experience

death, but through faith in the Lord Jesus, I shall be resurrected.

Hebrews 9:27; John 1:25-26; I Thessalonians 4:16-17.









Enoch Walked With God

(Genesis 5:18-24)


I.  Concentration:  on the man named Enoch

            1.   Enoch (meaning "dedicated") perhaps was named after his great-uncle

                  Cain's son, for whom a city also had been named, Genesis 4:17.

2.       Enoch, therefore, was the seventh generation from Adam (Genesis 5):

(1)  Adam                     (6)  Jared

(2)  Seth                       (7)  ENOCH

(3)  Enosh                     (8)  Methuselah

(4)  Cainan                   (9)  Lamech

(5)  Mahalalel               (10)  Noah

            3.  Enoch, therefore, was the great-grandfather of Noah.

            4.  Enoch lived and walked in such close fellowship with God that he was

                 translated into the presence of God in heaven without dying, v. 24.

II.  Meditation:  on Enoch's character and accomplishments

            1.  Enoch lived about 365 years by faith before being taken away, Hebrews 11:5.                                                                                                       

            2.  Enoch had this good testimony:  that he pleased God, Hebrews 11:5.

            3.  Enoch was privileged to be listed as an ancestor of God's Messiah, Luke 3:37.

            4.  Enoch prophesied about the Lord's coming to earth in judgment, Jude 1:14-15.

III.  Revelation:  on Enoch's prophetic spiritual knowledge

            1.   Enoch "saw" that God would come to the earth in judgment, because the

                  Lord reveals His will to those who walk close to Him, Amos 3:7.

2.       Enoch believed that God exists and rewards those who diligently seek Him,

Hebrews 11:5-6.

3.       Enoch's prophesy of judgment was fulfilled when God sent the flood upon the

earth in Noah's day.

4.       Enoch's prophecy also forecasts another day of judgment:  when the Lord

Comes with His saints to execute punishment upon the "ungodly" . . . a word

used four times in Jude 1:15.

IV.  As a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.   Be like Enoch . . . "dedicated" unto the Lord.

            2.   Walk by faith in intimate spiritual relationship and fellowship with God.

            3.   Live a godly life which produces a God-pleasing testimony and witness.

            4.   Hear and speak God's word to my own generation, and to the generations

                  yet unborn.















Noah Found Grace in God's Eyes

(Genesis 6:1-18)


I,  Concentration:  on the man Noah, whose name means "Comfort" or "Rest"

            1.  He found grace (God's unmerited gift or favor) in God's eyes, v. 8.

            2.  He was just  . . . fair, true, and honest, v. 9.

            3.  He was perfect . . . blameless, having maturity and integrity, v. 9.

            4.  He, like his great-grandfather, Enoch, walked with God, v. 9.

II.  Meditation:  on the sinful world in which Noah lived

            1.  SATANISM – "Nephilim" translated "Sons of God" refers to the fallen,

                 dark angels of Satan, who cohabited with humans, v. 2.

2.       WICKEDNESS – People had "twisted" (a related root word) good into

evil and vice-versa . . . were addicted to depravity, not discerning

right from wrong, v. 5.

3.       TOTAL CORRUPTION OF SOCIETY – "Every intent . . . only evil

continually . . . all flesh had corrupted their way," vv. 5, 12.

4.       FULL OF VIOLENCE – Noah's day was notorious for its cruelty and

disregard for human life, v. 12.

III.  Revelation:  on God's spoken words to Noah

            1.   "My Spirit shall not strive (struggle; contend) with man forever . . . yet

                  his days shall be one hundred twenty years," v. 3.  At the flood God

                  reduced the life span of humans from about 900 years to a maximum

                  of 120 years.

2.       "I will destroy them (the Satanic, wicked, corrupt, violent persons) with

the earth," v. 13.  This cleansing of the earth by water would destroy the

half-human, half-demon giant monsters which intimidated the people

of that era, v. 4.

3.       "Make yourself an ark of gopher wood . . . I am bringing floodwaters . . .

everything that is on the earth shall die," vv. 14, 17.

4.       "I will establish My covenant with you," (and your family), v. 18.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Live a just, perfect life of integrity by receiving God's grace and by

                 walking daily with Him.

            2.   Keep my life pure and blameless in the midst of a Satanic, wicked,

                  corrupt, violent . . . crooked and perverse generation, Philippians 2:15-16.

3.       Hear and faithfully proclaim God's coming judgment, regardless of the

small number of persons who heed my warning over a period of up to

100 years, Genesis 5:32 and Genesis 7:6 . . . for indeed, these are "the days

of Noah" which Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24:37-39.

4.       Obey God instructions in order to receive His deliverance  . . . His way of

escape; His "ark of safety," Jesus Christ . . . Who saves us from impending

doom, Hebrews 11:7.


These devotionals (last week and this week and a couple of weeks to come) were written

in 2001 and concentrate on the first 12 books of Genesis.  I hope you enjoy reading them. 

Let us know if you enjoy these devotionals that were taken from past writings of Dr. Scarborough.


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