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E-pistle for October 28, 2005

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation October 28, 2005

The Extra Blessings of the Lord's Supper

(I Corinthians 11:23-30; Exodus 12:6-8; Psalm 103:1-3; Isaiah 53:5;

Matthew 8:16-17; Matthew 26:26-29; John 6:32-63)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on these Scripture passages

1. In I Corinthians 11, Paul summarizes the instituting of the Lord's

by Jesus, as originally recorded in Matthew 26. WHY TWO ELEMENTS?

2. The Lord's Supper was an expansion of, and the fulfillment of, the

Passover, Exodus 12; Matthew 26:18. The Jews sprinkled the blood AND

ate the Lamb.

3. In Psalm 103, David blessed God for two benefits: forgiveness AND

4. Isaiah prophesied that Christ would be crucified to bring
forgiveness of

sins AND healing for our bodies (53:5); this interpretation was confirmed

in Matthew 8:16-17.

II. Meditation: on the two elements of the Lord's Supper

1. The wine represented Christ's shed blood which brings to us

Leviticus 17:11; Hebrews 9:22.

2. This forgiveness is foreshadowed in the blood of the Passover Lamb,

which assured the inhabitants of the Jewish houses that they would

live when the death angel passed over the land of Egypt.

3. The bread represented Christ's broken body which brings strength

healing to our injured or diseased bodies; "wholeness" is one of the

meanings of the word "salvation." (John 6)

4. This physical strengthening is foreshadowed by the Hebrews' eating

the Passover lamb before they began their Exodus journey; see

Exodus 15:26.

III. Revelation: on the wine and bread in I Corinthians 11

1. Notice the words of verse 29: "not discerning the Lord's BODY" . .
. unlike

the wording in the previous verses, there is no reference to the blood here;

only to the body.

2. In verse 30 Paul writes: "For this reason (not discerning the
Lord's body)

many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep (are dead)."

3. Here Paul is NOT threatening the Corinthians that God will make

weak or sick, or even kill them because they are taking the Lord's Supper

in an unworthy manner.

4. Rather, Paul here is teaching that by "not discerning the Lord's
body" . . .

by not perceiving (or seeing with spiritual understanding) the full

significance of Christ's physical torture, His broken body . . . they are

missing out on the potential strength and healing which are available

to them through Christ's atoning sacrifice.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Drink the wine of the Lord's Supper with discernment and

that Christ's shed blood brings me forgiveness of sin, I John 1:9.

2. Eat the bread with discernment and thanksgiving that Christ's

body brings me strength and healing, Isaiah 53:5.

"The 4-Letter Word"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

There is a 4-letter word which we try not to say out loud at the

residence. At least, not in front of our greyhound, Legs. SHHH! Keep this
under your

hat . . . the word is "WALK." Now Legs never claimed to be the brightest
hound in the

litter, but she does know the meaning of a few non-barked words. Such as

and "TREAT?" and, the infamous secret mentioned above.

"WALK" is the one word that fills her over-sized heart with joy!
Nothing gives her

thrills of ecstasy like going for a walk through the neighborhood or across
the field. She

loves the daily outing, and shows it by leaping and twisting and bounding
all around the

room whenever I whisper the word "WALK."

I choose to believe that her joy is connected to the pleasure
she derives from just

strolling along with me. Of course, she's constantly on the alert for small

especially rabbits. She blasts off after one of them as if she were still
at the dog track.

Apparently, she can't tell the difference between a mechanical rabbit and a
live furry

bunny. I did mention that she's not a canine rocket scientist!

To Legs, a walk with me is pure joy! PURE JOY!! In spiritual
terms, such joy is

what the two men felt while they walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus:
"Did not

our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road?" (Luke 24:32)

Paul listed JOY as one of the nine fruits of the Spirit.
(Galatians 5:22-23) Joy is

not the same thing as happiness. Happiness is determined by outside
circumstances, by

environment and people and events around us. Joy, by contrast is internally

Jesus told His disciples not to rejoice over external events . . . their
ability to heal people.

Rather, He told them to rejoice over their spiritual relationship with him .
. . that their

names were written in heaven. (Luke 10:20)

Such inner JOY usually finds outward expression. When Peter and
John healed

a lame man at the Temple, he leaped for JOY, praising God (Acts 3). That
same word is

used to describe Jesus' JOY when the disciples reported the results of their

(Luke 10:21). And imagine this . . . the wise men "rejoiced with
exceedingly great JOY"

when they saw the star over Bethlehem. (Matthew 2). What a sight that must
have been:

three stately kings of the Orient leaping and shouting and praising God!

Prayer for the Day: Lord, fill me with the Spirit-fruit of JOY, as daily I

Your invitation to "WALK" with you in
intimate communion

and fellowship.

Pillsbury College & Seminary

Tuition Fees for 2005

The Board of Regents of the Pillsbury College & Seminary has established the

Tuition rates effective, January 1, 2005: Undergraduate tuition: $60 per
credit hour

Graduate-level tuition: $90 per credit hour

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (C.Ph.D.) or Doctor of Christian Counseling

NCCA: 60 credit hours - $5,400

Terms: $900 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 30 months

Christian Master of Arts (C.M.A.) or Master of Christian Counseling (M.C.C.)

or Master of Christian Psychology (C.Psy.M.)

NCCA: 45 credit hours - $4,050

Terms: $750 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 22 months

Doctor of Christian Psychology (C.Psy.D.) (Second Doctorate Only)

NCCA: 48 credit hours - $4,320

Terms: $870 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 23 months

Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in Biblical Counseling, Expository Studies, or

Christian Theology

48 credit hours - $4,320

Terms: $870 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 23 months

Master of Ministry (M.Min.) in Biblical Counseling, Expository Studies, or

Christian Theology

36 credit hours - $3,240

Terms: $690 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 17 months

Bachelor of Biblical Counseling (B.B.C.) or Bachelor of Biblical Studies

Final Year: 32 credit hours - $1,920

Terms: $570 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 9 months

The $50 registration fee will be refunded if the applicant is not accepted
as a student.

Entering students who submit a registration form for a degree program will
have 60

days in which to complete the process, including the payment of the initial
fee. After

60 days, the entering student who has not completed the process will be
placed on

inactive status, the registration form will become invalid, and the $50
registration fee

will be forfeited.

Pillsbury College & Seminary is owned, controlled and operated by Freeway

a non-profit ministry which provides "practical teaching and training for
successful living."

The Foundation pays the salaries and benefits of Pillsbury's administration,
staff, and

faculty members. The College & Seminary is housed at no charge in Freeway

Foundation's spacious modern building on a beautiful 2-acre campus in

St. Louis County. Since the overhead costs of the school are minimal, these

substantial savings are passed along to the student in the form of lower
tuition rates.

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