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E-pistle for October 31, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, Acting President          October 31, 2014


A mediator, one among a thousand

(Job 33:1-33)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Elihu implores Job to listen to his words, which come from an upright

                 heart and lips that utter pure knowledge; Elihu acknowledges God as

                 his Creator and offers to be Job's spokesman before God, vv. 1-7.

            2.  Elihu tells Job that he has heard his complaints before God, and he

                 scolds him for accusing God of not replying when, in fact, God has

                 spoke repeatedly to him in various ways, vv. 8-22.

            3.  Elihu reveals his divine call to be a messenger to show God's

                 uprightness to Job, and to be a mediator to intercede in Job's behalf

                 by asking the Lord to redeem him, vv. 23-28.

            4.  Elihu asserts that God already has worked twice (in fact, three times)

                 to save and to enlighten Job's life; therefore, Elihu pleads, "Shut up

                 and listen to me, and I'll teach you wisdom," (paraphrased), vv. 29-33.

II.  Meditation:  on some foundational truths proclaimed by Elihu

            1.  God is the Creator of the universe and He is the Giver of life to man,

                 v. 4.

            2.  God does speak to man . . . in a dream, in a vision, through pain and

                 suffering, and through His messengers (Elihu and other prophets),

                 vv. 14-16, 19, 23.

            3.  Elihu is functioning in a role which portrays the work and ministry of

                 Jesus the Messiah:

·         Messenger (v. 23)               *  Mediator (v. 23)

·         Deliverer (v. 24)                  *  Ransom (v. 24)

·         Healer (v. 25)                      *  Intercessor (v. 26)

·         Savior (v. 26)                      *  Redeemer (v. 28)

4.  Elihu reveals God's patience, long-suffering, mercy, and grace . . .

     "Behold, God works all these things, twice, in fact three times with

     a man to bring his soul from the pit, that he may be enlightened

     with the light of life," vv. 29-30.

III.  Revelation and Applications:  on these basic truths

            1.  Since God is the Creator and the One who supplies all the necessities

                 for sustaining my life, I need t worship, praise, and thank Him.

            2.  Since God speaks constantly to His people, in many ways (including

                 the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit's revelations consistent with God's

                 word), I need to "have ears to hear" . . .tune in, listen, hear, and obey.

            3.  Since Jesus is my Lord, my Savior, my "ALL in ALL," I need to love Him

                 supremely and serve Him faithfully.

            4.  Since God extends His compassion and forgiveness toward me, I need

                 to treat all other persons that same way.






"come Before Winter"

(II Timothy 4:1-22)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on verse 21

            "Do your utmost to come before winter."

II.  Meditation:  on "fulfilling your ministry"

            1.  By what you speak:

                        (1)  Preach the word, v. 2.

                        (2)  Convince, rebuke, exhort, with long-suffering

                              and teaching, v. 2.

                        (3)  Do the work of an evangelist, v. 5.

            2.  By how you live:

                        (1)  Be ready in season and out of season; always

                             prepared, v. 2.

                        (2)  Be watchful (alert; perceptive) in all things, v. 5.

                        (3)  Endure afflictions, v. 5.

III.  Revelation:  on the reasons Paul requested Timothy to "come before winter"

            1.  "I am close to the end of my life on earth . . . "poured out" . . . "the

                 time of my departure is at hand," but I have "fought a good fight,

                 finished the race, and kept the faith, vv. 6-7.

            2.  I am grieving because a trusted co-worker (Demus) has deserted me,

                 "having loved this present world," v. 10.

            3.  I am short-handed . . . come and bring Mark, v. 11.

            4.  I am suffering physically and emotionally . . . bring cloak, books, and

                 writing materials, v. 13.

            5.  I am under attack from a rebellious, former friend (Alexander) vv. 14-15.

            6.  I am lonely . . . no one stood by me, except the Lord; and, of course,

                 Luke, my personal physician, is with me, vv. 11, 16-18.

            7.  I am concerned about all the churches I've started and delegated to

                 Others; Thessalonica, Galatia, Dalmatia, Ephesus, Troas, Corinth, and

                 Miletus, vv. 10-13, 20.

                        (See II Corinthians 11:28 . . ."care of all the churches")

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  "Pour out as a drink offering" . . . give my life in sacrificial service to God.

            2.  "Fight a good fight" (I Corinthians 9:26; I Timothy 6:12).

            3.  "Run with endurance the entire race" . . . life isn't a 100 yard dash or a sprint;

                 it's a Marathon!

            4.  "Keep the faith" . . . maintaining the truth and integrity of "the faith," keeping

                 "the faith" by remaining faithful to God and His calling on my life, and, with

                 Integrity, passing along "the faith" to my successor.


"It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change"



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