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E-pistle for October 5, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            October 5, 2012


The "if's" john's epistle

(I John 1:1-10)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  John wrote:  "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we

                 have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled,

                 concerning the word of life," . . . Jesus Christ, v. 1.

            2.  John declared and bore witness that eternal life and spiritual fellowship with God the

                 Father are available through His Son Jesus Christ, vv. 2-4.

            3.  John taught:  "God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all" . . . "If we walk in the

                 light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of

                 Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin," vv. 5-7.

            4.  John wrote:  "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and

                 to cleanse us from all unrighteousness," vv. 8-10.

II.  Meditation:  on the "ifs" in verses 6-10

            1.  IF we say we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice

                 the truth, v. 6.

            2.  IF we walk in the light . . . we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus

                 . . . cleanses, v. 7.

            3.  IF we say we have no sin . . . we deceive ourselves, the truth is not in us (1:10); we make

                 Him a liar . . .His word is not in us, v. 8.

            4.  IF we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from

                 all unrighteousness, v. 9.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications seen here

            1.  Christians who walk in darkness (practice sin) do not have fellowship with Christ; saying

                 so is a lie.

            2.  Christians who walk in the light (obeying and following Christ) have fellowship with

                 Christ, with other believers, and they receive cleansing continually.

            3.  Christians who say they have no sin:

                        1)  Deceive themselves

                        2)  Do not have the truth in them (lie)

                        3)  Make God a liar

                        4)  Do not have God's word within themselves

            4.  Christians who confess their sins receive forgiveness and cleansing because God promised,

                 and He is faithful and just.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to  . . .

            1.  Practice what I preach, if I want to have fellowship with Jesus.

            2.  Walk in the light of His word and His Spirit, cleansed and fellowshipping with other believers.

            3.  Recognize the deadliness of sin and the seriousness of overlooking it or denying it.

            4.  Confess my sins daily to receive God's forgiveness and cleansing.



An anointing from the holy one

(I John 2:1-29)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on persons who received God's "anointing"

            1.  In the Old Testament, priests were anointed (Aaron, Exodus 40:13).

            2.  In the Old Testament, Kings were anointed (Saul, I Samuel 15:1).

            3.  In the Old Testament, prophets were anointed (Elisha, I Kings 19:16).

            4.  In the New Testament, Jesus bore the title of the "Anointed One" . . .

                 the Messiah . . . the Christ.  (See Luke 4:18; Matthew 16:16)  He fulfilled

                 Old Testament types by becoming our Prophet, Priest, and King!

II.  Meditation:  on what the "anointing" represented

            1.  The anointing (oil) symbolized the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon

                 a person who was chosen by God's sovereign will.

            2.  The anointing symbolized the setting aside of a particular person for a

                 specific ministry or office.

            3.  The anointing symbolized the endowment of supernatural power for

                 effective, God-honoring service.

            4.  The anointing symbolized the working of the Holy Spirit within a believer:

                 guiding, convicting, comforting, teaching, John 16:13.

III.  Revelation:  on a believer's "anointing"

            1.  The anointing is the gift of the Holy Spirit received from God the Father.

            2.  The anointing is the Master Teacher, Who is the revealer of all spiritual things.

            3.  The anointing gives us spiritual perception, so that we are able to distinguish

                 Between truth and lies.

            4.  The anointing not only teaches believers, but He (the Holy Spirit) also indwells

                 All Christians . . . Jesus Christ, the Son of God "abides" within us, John 15:4-10.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Rejoice that I am a chosen person, according to God's plan and purpose.

            2.  Realize that the Holy Spirit brings me divine power for effective service.

            3.  Recognize that the Holy Spirit is available as my "private tutor," if I allow Him to

                 teach me God's word and ways.

            4.  receive the "Anointed One" into my personal, devotional life . . . allowing Him to

                 "abide" in me, as I "abide" in Him.


"If a man does his best, what else is there?"

--General George S. Patton (1885-1945)










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