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Easter Dress Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Friday being Good Friday there will be no paper.
Easter is the Sunday that celebrates the resurrection of Christ, and is one of the most holy days in the calendar of Christian churches. The Easter message is one of hope and victory over death, for it recalls that Christ rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. Easter symbolizes the love of God and the promise that man's soul is immortal.
The Easter egg is a symbol of new life. People dress in new clothes and wear flowers on Easter Sunday because the winter has come to an end, and the earth seems alive again.
Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 21. This always places Easter sometime between March 22 and April 25.
We wish each of you and your families a Happy Easter.
Dave and Barbara

"Easter Dress"
It was that time during the Sunday morning service for "the Children's Sermon". All the children were invited to come forward and one little girl was wearing a particularly pretty dress. As she sat down the Pastor leaned over and said to her, "That is a very pretty dress. Is it your Easter dress?"
The little girl replied, directly into the pastor's clip-on microphone, "Yes, and my Mom says it's a real pain to iron."
"A Chocolate Dream"
The grass needs mowing,
it's getting pretty high,
but tomorrow is Easter Sunday,
our grandkids will be stopping by.
We'll get up extra early,
then hurry on outside,
cause we've got 50 eggs
that we must quickly hide.
Then it's back inside,
we'll have to cook dinner,
with all of today's treats,
no one will get thinner.
After we are all stuffed,
the kids will want to start the hunt,
but with our full tummies,
we adults will only grunt.
They'll keep on pleading,
we must finally relent,
"where did he hide them?"
the kids will ask for a hint.
Those pretty colored eggs
are scattered all around
all that the Easter Bunny hid,
are not all on the ground.
We'll stand and watch,
as the kids rush about,
taking a great delight
in every "I found one" shout.
Soon their baskets will be full,
the yearly egg hunt will be done,
the kids will open the plastic eggs,
there'll be a prize inside each one.
They'll each set down for a feast
of candy eggs and bunny ears,
their parents and grandparents,
will be watching through happy tears.
Grandparents will remember other times
the parents will remember too,
they'll know the smiles on their little faces,
are caused by a chocolate dream come true.
Pamela Gayle Smith
"Easter Bunny's Coming"
The Easter Bunny's coming,
the grass is tall and green,
if I would mow it now,
the eggs would be easily seen.
The rabbit when he comes,
hides eggs all over the place,
making sure all is ready,
for the Easter Morning race.
Some are hidden in plain sight,
making it easy for all the little guys.
If the big kids want to find eggs
they must use their eyes.
The hunt isn't just for kids,
cousins, aunts and uncles participate,
brothers, sisters, moms and dads,
the start they all anticipate.
Eggs of many colors
are scattered everywhere.
When the hunt is over
they all will have their share.
All will receive a special prize,
a chocolate bunny of their own,
because they all want a bunny
even when they are grown.
There are things we don't outgrow,
eating bunny ears is one,
a smile settles on every face,
after this munching is done.
The rest of the bunny we save,
for there are other things to sample,
peanut butter eggs, jelly beans and peeps,
give you just a small  example.
Soon all tummys are content,
the young ones go off to play,
the adults sit on the porch,
replaying highlights of the day.
"Jelly Beans"
Have you heard the story of the jelly beans?
Little jelly beans
Tell a story true.
A tale of our Father's love
That's just for me and you.
GREEN is for the new spring grass.
YELLOW is for the sun above.
BROWN is for the soft earth where
People sat hearing of HIS love.
PURPLE'S for the robe he wore
RED is for that precious wine.
BLACK is for the sins He washed
From your soul and mine.
BLUE'S for the sadness of
HIS friends and family,
and is for the glory of the Day
HE rose for you and me.
Now that you've heard the story
You know what each color means.
The story of our Father's love
As told by jelly beans.
So when you see jelly beans on this Easter season,
stop and remember,
Jesus is the reason!
The best way to get along better in the world is to be a little a
little kinder than necessary.
Have a Blessed Easter
Dave and Barbara
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