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Epistle for April 10, 2015

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            Dr. Curt Scarborough            April 10, 2015




(Mark 1:1-45)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration and Meditation on the word "IMMEDIATELY" in this chapter

            1.  "IMMEDIATELY, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and

                 the Spirit descending upon Him . . . You are My beloved Son, in whom I am

                 well pleased," vv. 10-11.

            2.  "IMMEDIATELY, the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness . . . to be tempted by

                 Satan," vv. 12-13.

            3.  "They (Simon and Andrew) IMMEDIAELY left their nets and followed Him,"

                 v. 18.

            4.  "IMMEDIATELY He called them (James and John) and they . . . went after Him,"

                 v. 20.

            5.  "IMMEDIATELY on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and taught<" v. 21.

                 (Cast out demon:  vv. 23-27)

            6.  "IMMEDIATELY His fame spread throughout all the region around Galilee,"

                 v. 28.

            7.  "He came and took her (Simon's mother-in-law) by the hand and lifted her

                 up, and IMMEDIATELY the fever left her," v. 31.

            8.  "As soon as He had spoken, IMMEDIATELY the leprosy left him, and he was

                 cleansed," v. 41.

II.  Revelation:  on things that God does IMMEDIATELY

            1.  He gives the Holy Spirit spiritual vision, affirmation, guidance, and power over


            2.  He calls people to a new way of life, including evangelistic outreach.

            3.  He teaches His truths, illustrating their validity by overcoming Satanic opposition

                 and bondage . . . for His praise and glory.

            4.  He heals hurting people and answers their sincere prayers, v. 40.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Invite the fullness of the Holy Spirit into my life for spiritual perception, for

                 affirmation of my relationship with the Father, for guidance in my daily walk with

                 Him, and for overcoming power to triumph over temptation,

            2.  Listen for Jesus' call to follow Him, with an eye on evangelistic opportunities . . .

                 to tell the good news and to win the lost.

            3.  Study and meditate on God's word, as interpreted by the Holy Spirit, to gain

                 strength and wisdom for overcoming Satanic opposition and bondage , , ,

                 resisting temptations in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, thereby bringing

                 praise and glory to His name.

            4.  Pray with sincere faith, knowing that God can, He want to, and He does heal

                 hurting people today.    





how to know god's will

(James 1:5-8, 17-22)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on what believers should do when they lack Godly wisdom

            1.  Ask of God . . . He gives (answers) to all liberally, v. 5.

            2.  Ask of God . . . He gives (answers) without reproach, v. 5.

            3.  Ask in faith, not doubting or wavering, v. 6.

            4.  Ask with sincerity and integrity (single-mindedness), vv. 7-8.

II.  Meditation:  on God's gifts (including wisdom)

            1.  God's gifts are always good and only good, v. 17.

            2.  God's gifts are reliable because He is unchangeable, v. 17.

            3.  God's will is that we understand (receive wisdom) about the word of

                 truth that brought us salvation, v. 18.

            4.  God's gift of eternal life in Christ makes believers a kind of first fruits

                 of His creatures . . . "new creations," v. 18.

III.  Revelation:  on how believers should respond to God's gifts

            1.  Be swift to hear and slow to speak, v. 19.

            2.  Be slow to wrath, v. 19 . . . because "the wrath of man does not produce

                 the righteousness of God," v. 20.

            3.  Be repentant; laying aside wickedness and receiving with humility God's

                 implanted word, v. 21.

            4.  Be doers of the word, not hearers only, v. 22.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Ask God for wisdom, insight, and spiritual perception as I seek to find

                 and follow His will for my life.

            2.  Believe that God is gracious, answering my prayer of faith and integrity

                 with His generosity and understanding.

            3.  Know that God's gifts always are good and beneficial for my spiritual

                 growth and fruitfulness.

            4.  "Practice what I preach!" . . . Be a doer and not merely a hearer of His

                 word, especially His word of revelation to me regarding His will, for God

                 will not reveal to me His purpose and destiny for my life if I continue to

                 ignore it or to neglect following it.


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Wit and Wisecrack:  Mark Twain




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