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Epistle for April 29, 2005

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Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation April 29, 2005

In This Issue:

Holy Ground Interview: Ananias

Theology Studies at Pillsbury

Curt Scarborough's Holy Ground Interviews

Featuring Today's Special Guest: ANANIAS

CS Ananias, you had the very great privilege of baptizing
the Apostle

Paul, perhaps the greatest Christian theologian and
missionary the

world has ever known. How did you feel laboring in
obscurity in the

city of Damascus, while your famous convert enjoyed
respect and

fame throughout the entire Roman Empire?

Ananias In the first place, Saul was not a convert of mine! I
never "saved"

anyone! He was converted by the Lord Jesus Christ
before he ever

arrived in my city.

CS I meant, you had a part in the early stages of his
life as a believer.

Ananias The Lord, in His grace, used me to give Saul his original

as an apostle to the Gentiles. But, I never felt
jealous of his success;

he lived in almost constant persecution and died as
a martyr at the

hands of the evil tyrant, Nero.

CS Still, you are barely mentioned in Dr. Luke's Book of
Acts, while Paul

is prominently featured. In fact, Paul wrote half
the New Testament!

Ananias There were many influential Christians scattered
throughout the

Empire. Damascus, the capital of Syria, was an
important city, and

the church there had a significant ministry in the
metropolitan area.

CS How did a Christian leader, like you, ever find
himself so far north of

Jerusalem in a pagan city? You were a Jew, weren't

Ananias Like many of my fellow Hebrews, my family had settled in

centuries ago. We were transplanted as refugees in
a foreign land

following the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians.

CS Your family chose not to return from exile?

Ananias Like the majority of the exiles, we had put down roots in
a foreign

land, established a business, built a home, and
raised a family. But

we maintained our Jewish traditions by the study of
the Scriptures and

worship at the synagogue in Damascus.

CS So how did you become a Christian?

Ananias I had made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem for Passover, and

in the city for a few weeks on business.

CS Then you also were there for the Feast of Pentecost?

Ananias Yes. I was attracted by the excitement and the preaching
of Simon

Peter that day, and I was one of the three thousand
persons who was

saved and baptized.

CS You originally were a member of the Jerusalem church?

Ananias When persecution against the Way broke out, led by Saul
and other

Jewish leaders, I returned to the relative safety of
my home town. There

I witnessed of the Messiah, and established a

CS Paul's arrival must have caused fear within your

Ananias All of us were terrified by the news about Saul the

CS Ananias, you had a vision about Paul before he arrived
in Damascus.

Tell us about that "Holy Ground" encounter with the

Ananias The Lord appeared and told me to go to the house of Judas,

Saul of Tarsus was staying.

CS You recognized his name?

Ananias Who hadn't heard of him? I protested to the Lord because
I knew Saul

had come with authority from the High priest to
arrest any Christians

he could find in Damascus . . . and to execute them.

CS I understand your reluctance, but you obeyed the

Ananias The Lord said: "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine, to
bear My name

before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel."

CS What happened?

Ananias I found Saul in a pitiful condition . . . blind and
confused. My spirit

recognized him as a fellow believer, so I said,
"Brother Saul, the Lord

Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came,
has sent me that

You might receive your sight and be filled with the
Holy Spirit."

CS You knew he already had accepted Jesus as the promised

Ananias It had been revealed to me. I laid hands on him, and the
Lord healed

and filled him with His Spirit. Then I commissioned
him with the words

I'd been given: "The God of our fathers has chosen
you that you should

know His will, and see the Just One, and hear the
voice of His mouth.

For you will be His witness to all men of what you
have seen and heard."

CS Dr. Luke reported that incident in Acts 22, as part of
Paul's address

to the mob in Jerusalem when he was arrested, before
his trials and

his dangerous trip to Rome.

Ananias It was in those final chapters of Acts that Dr. Luke tells
of Saul's kind

words about me as a "devout man with a good

CS Why do you still call him Saul, when most of us know
him as Paul?

Ananias He was Saul of Tarsus when I met and worked with him, and
that's all

I've ever called him . . . Saul.

CS You worked with him?

Ananias Yes indeed! After his healing and baptism, he immediately

preaching in Damascus that Jesus is the Messiah.
Many Jews were

converted through his testimony.

CS How long did he stay in Damascus?

Ananias Several weeks. Finally, some Jews plotted to assassinate
him, and we

helped him escape by letting him down from the city
wall in a basket.

CS Like Rahab helped the spies escape from Jericho.

Ananias And like Michal helped David escape from her father, King

CS Ananias, do you have any words of wisdom for our

Ananias Realize that great or small, famous or unknown, all
believers have an

important role to play in God's great plan of
destiny. Be available to

hear His voice, and obey Him . . . even if you're
scared to death.

CS Thank you, Brother Ananias.

Ananias All of us, like Saul, should witness of what we have "seen
and heard."

Institute of Theological Studies

After more than a year of investigation of Christian higher educational
resources, the administration, faculty, and Board of Regents of Pillsbury
College & Seminary decided to add to our present courses the curriculum
developed by the Institute of Theological Studies of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
We have studied and are in full agreement with the ITS Statement of Faith,
and with its Vision, Mission, and Purpose Statements.

The Institute of Theological Studies is not a school; rather it is the
world's leading network of distance learning theological education
resources. ITS courses meet the highest graduate level requirements of
theological education, and all ITS courses have been developed and approved
by the Dean of 24 large participating schools, including Covenant
Theological Seminary of St. Louis, Missouri, The 58 courses (24 lectures
each) were recorded by a virtual "Who's Who" of evangelical theologians, and
are available on audio cassette, CD-ROM, video, or the internet.

Over 100 Bible Colleges and Theological Seminaries use ITS curriculum.
Among these schools are five Southern Baptist seminaries (Midwestern in
Kansas City, MO, Southern in Louisville, KY, Southwestern in Ft. Worth, TX,
Southeastern in Wake Forest, NC, and Golden Gate in Mill Valley, CA,)
Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA, Wheaton Graduate School in
Wheaton, IL, and many other very prominent schools also use ITS curriculum.
Pillsbury has no intention of entering into competition against these great
theological institutions.

However, these 100 colleges and seminaries that endorse and use ITS
curriculum primarily are on-campus schools which allow students to take only
a few select ITS courses by distance learning. Pillsbury will stand
uniquely as a degree granting institution that offers all 58 ITS courses in
six areas of concentration by distance learning, leading to an accredited
Master of Ministry of Doctor of Ministry Degree.

For more information call Dr. Scarborough at 314-739-1121 or email

"One of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is

that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child."

- Randall Jarrell

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