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Epistle for August 23, 2002

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Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation August 23, 2002
In This Issue:
Message from Dr. Scarborough
Personal Disciplines for Spiritual Growth
Sermon: Psalm 42:1-11 & Deuteronomy 17:1-20
Bible Study: I Thessalonians 4:1-18
Certified Biblical Counseling Courses To Be Offered
Message from Dr. Curt Scarborough
Beginning this month, the FreeWay Foundation is offering a special series of conferences for Pastors entitled "A Pastor's Personal Devotional Life." Every other Thursday, we will meet to consider two of eight chosen "Personal Disciplines for Spiritual Growth," from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Christian Civic Foundation Building, 3426 Bridgeland Dr., Bridgeton, MO.
Thursday, August 1, I gave an introduction to the series and a theme interpretation on "Fasting & Prayer." Then Dr. Gary Taylor, pastor of First Baptist Church O'Fallon spoke on fasting and prayer in his personal life.
On Thursday, August 16, we met to study "Singing and Praising." Rev. Dan Hite, pastor of Christian Family Fellowship, gave his experience with singing and praising the Lord in worship and study.
On Thursday, August 29, we will meet to study "Reading and Meditating." Dr. David Claybrook, pastor of Christ Church St. Louis will be our guest presenter. CANCELLED! CANCELLED! CANCELLED!
On Thursday, September 12, we will meet to study "Receiving and Journaling." Rev. Jim Carter, pastor First Baptist Church Ferguson will be our guest presenter.
All ministers and other interested persons are invited to attend this study. It is a FREE seminar and no reservations are necessary.
Personal Disciplines for Spiritual Growth
By: Dr. Curt Scarborough
1. Fasting: at least one meal each week.
Matthew 6:16-18; Matthew 17:20-21; Isaiah 58:3-7
2. Praying: confession and intercession, "without ceasing" . . .
at least three times daily, using the Model Prayer.
Psalm 55:17; I Thessalonians 5:17; Matthew 6:9-13; I John 1:9
3. Singing: psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs . . .
making melody in your heart continually.
Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; James 5:13
4. Praising: speaking words to magnify the Lord,
at least seven times daily.
Psalm 119:164; Psalm 150:1-6; Hebrews 13:15; Revelation 19:5
5. Reading: God's word daily . . . through the Bible annually.
II Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12
6. Meditating: daily on the spiritual truths and implications
in each chosen Scripture passage.
Psalm 19:14; Philippians 4:8
7. Receiving: the Holy Spirit's fullness, enlightenment,
revelation, renewal, refreshing, and power daily.
John 14:26; Ephesians 1:17; 5:18; James 1:5; I John 2:27
8. Journaling: daily writing personal reflections, revelations,
experiences, and spiritual applications.
Deuteronomy 17:18-20; Jeremiah 30:2; Habakkuk 2:2

Deep Calls Unto Deep
(Psalm 42:1-11)

I.Concentration:on the needs of my soul
1. My soul pants . . . I need a breath of air, v. 1.
2. My soul thirsts . . . I need a drink of water, vv. 1, 2.
3. My soul is poured out . . . I need to overcome my emptiness and loneliness
by joining with others in joyful praise and celebration, vv. 3, 4.
4. My soul is cast down . . . I need to hope in God's help, vv. 5, 11.

II.Meditation:on "deep"
1. "Deep" means extending far below the surface; wisdom and discernment.
2. The Spirit searches . . . the "deep" things of God, I Corinthians 2:10, 16.
3. "Oh, the "depth" of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out,"
Romans 11:33.
4. "That you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend
with all the saints what is the width and length and "depth" and height
--to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge," Ephesians 3:17-19.

III.Revelation:on Verse 6
1. "Land of the Jordan" = plain of the Dead Sea, 1,300 feet below sea level.
2. "Height of Hermon" = far away place of God's revelation (Mount of Transfiguration).
3. "Hill Mizar" = "little" hill; perhaps the rim of a crater of a volcano.
4. I need God . . . when I am down in the valley (depression); when God seems far away
(distance); and when I stand on the brink of hell's fire (danger).

IV.Applications:as a Christian, I need to know that . (Isaiah 55:6-9)
1. Weariness, dryness, loneliness, and hopelessness (depression, distance,
and danger) are places of the soul which only may be satisfied by God's "deep."
2. The "deep things of God." I Corinthians 2:10, include:
(1) God's prepared blessings for those who love Him, I Corinthians 2:10.
(2) Wisdom and knowledge, Romans 11:33.
(3) Judgments and ways . . . decisions and providence, Romans 11:33.
(4) The love of Christ, Ephesians 3:17-19.
3. My soul needs God as a choking/drowning man needs oxygen; as a
dehydrated man needs water; as a starving man needs food.
4. In my "deep" times, God provides the breath of the Holy Spirit, the water of life,
the fellowship/communion of worship, and the hope for the future.
These are my "songs in the night," Psalm 42:8.

Advice to God's Chosen Leaders
(Deuteronomy 17:1-20)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Capital punishment by stoning was required for idolaters on the testimony
of at least two witnesses, vv. 1-7.
2. Local disputes could be appealed to the priests, Levites, and judges "in the
place which the Lord chooses" (later revealed as Jerusalem, the capitol
of the nation), and persons refusing to accept the judgment of the high court
were to be executed, vv. 8-13.
3. The establishment of the monarchy was foreseen, and kings were forbidden to
multiply horses, wives, silver and gold . . . prohibitions which were violated by
many of the kings of Judah and Israel, vv. 14-17.
4. Kings were ordered by the Lord to write personal copies of God's law for their own
study, meditation, and guidance, vv. 18-20.

II. Meditation: on the advice to God's chosen leaders (vv. 18-19)
1. Write for yourself in a book a copy of God's word.
2. Keep this hand-written copy with you.
3. Read it every day.
4. Record the points of your spiritual journey in a journal, Numbers 33:2.

III. Revelation: on the beneficial results of this discipline (vv. 19-20)
1. God is worshipped reverently.
2. God's word is obeyed carefully.
3. The heart is humbled genuinely.
4. The life is guided righteously.
5. The family is blessed abundantly.
6. Man's service is prolonged significantly.
7. His reputation is remembered eternally.

IV. Applications: as a christian leader, I need to . . .
1. Daily read, study, meditate, and write God's word, keeping a
spiritual journal of His personal revelations to me.
2. Faithfully obey God's word as an act of worship.
3. Live in a humble, spiritual relationship with God, seeking and following
His divine guidance for my life.
4. Know that such discipline brings spiritual blessings . . . upon me
personally, upon my family, and upon my ministry.

(I Thessalonians 4:1-18)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Paul issued a plea to the Thessalonians, that they abstain from sexual
immorality . . . "for God did not call us to uncleanness, but in
holiness," vv. 1-8.
2. Paul urged them to "aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business,
and to work with your own hands," vv. 9-12.
3. Paul revealed that when Christ returns, both living and dead believers will be
caught up to meet Him in the air, vv. 13-17.
4. Paul taught them to encourage each other with these words, v. 18.

II. Observations: on angels and archangels (v. 16)
1. Angels are created beings with a specific purpose, Psalm 104:4.
2. Only three angels (archangels?) are listed by name in the Scripture.
3. Each archangel commands one-third of the lower angels, Revelation 12:4.
4. Archangels are powerful, but they are not omnipotent.

III. Meditation: on Gabriel, the messenger archangel
1. Daniel 8:16 - sent to help Daniel comprehend the vision.
2. Daniel 9:21 - sent to give Daniel skill to apply the vision.
3. Luke 1:19 - sent to give God's message to Zacharias.
4. Luke 1:26 - sent to give God's message to Mary.

IV. Meditation: on Michael, the warrior archangel
1. Daniel 10:13, 21 - one of the "chief princes."
2. Daniel 12:1 - the one who stands guard over God's people.
3. Jude 1:9 - contended with the devil over Moses' body.
4. Revelation 12:7 - wages war with Satan in heaven (in heavenly places;
in the spiritual realm).

V. Meditation: on Lucifer, the fallen archangel
1. Isaiah 14:11-15 - possibly the heavenly praise and worship leader?
2. Luke 10:18 - Christ saw Satan fall from heaven.
3. Revelation 12:3-4, 9 - angels were cast out of heaven.
4. Matthew 25:41 - hell is prepared for Satan and his angels.
(See "Personal & Practical" Bible studies on "Lucifer, Son of the Morning," Isaiah 14;
"The Anointed Cherub Who Covers," Ezekiel 28; "God Exposes Satan as 'Leviathan'," Job 41.)

VI. Revelation and Applications:
1. God communicates with His people, sometimes using angels, although often we do
not recognize their heavenly origin, Hebrews 13:1.
2. Spiritual warfare is being waged here and now, Daniel 10:13.
3. Sometimes answers to our prayers are delayed because of the battle being waged in
the spiritual realm, Daniel 10:13.
4. We children of God someday will "judge angels," I Corinthians 6:3.

Personal Growth of the Minister
Dr. David Claybrook, Pastor, Christ Church, St. Louis

Dear J.D. (Jesus' Disciple),

Do you know what I mean when I say, "That was a mountain-top experience"? I thought you did! We have all had times when God seemed so real to us we could almost touch him; when we seemed to have a clear communication line or as one has said, an "open heaven." Man I like those times. I am like Peter with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. I just want to build a tabernacle there and stay.
But then there are the other times; when God seems somehow very remote, distant. Our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling, and the kingdom work becomes really difficult. I am not an emotional person so my ups and downs are not usually extreme. Nonetheless the fact that they are there at all has given me reason to wonder about them over the years. Since I have been in something of a valley for what seems to be the last two years, I was especially interested when a preacher addressed this subject in a conference I attended. His insight was wonderful. Let me capsule it for you.
He entitled his message "The Cycle of Anointing" with emphasis on the word "cycle." Basically he pointed out that God works in cycles. That is if we walk with God he will lead us not in a straight line, but through cycles. First he takes us up to the mountain top. He does this to reveal himself to us, to energize us, to call us to a new work or give us a new vision of our future. Maybe he wants us to receive a new revelation of him and his plan for our lives. We see many of these experiences in Scripture: Moses on Mt. Sinai, Joshua spying out the land, David's anointing to be King, Elijah on Mt. Carmel, Jesus at his baptism, Saul's Damascus road experience, to name a few.
But invariably, these experiences are followed by a trip into the valley, or wilderness or desert. Why is that? Because we are not ready for what God showed us on the mountain. Our characters are not sufficiently mature enough to do what God wants. He knows we would depend on our own strength and then take all the glory. In the wilderness we are forced to focus on him and not ourselves or our vision. He wants to speak to us, but quietly. He wants us to develop an intimate relationship with him, not a distant one. He reminds us the issue is him, not our ministry. He does this by hiding from us, withdrawing to see is we will seek him with all our hearts. Like a father playing hide and seek with his small child, he is hiding, but not far away. When we seek him, he will be found of us. (Jeremiah 29:11-14) He will reveal more of himself than before and we will come forth from the desert with a new sense of God's love and power. We will also know the battle is his and not ours, and so is the glory for any victory.
Go back and look at the examples I gave, J.D. Each person in them was led by God from the mountain top to the wilderness. Some stayed a long time; others only a while. But all, even Jesus, got the victory in the wilderness. Evidently, it is in the wilderness (or valley) that God tests our hearts and builds within us the character we need to complete the task ahead. When we are successful in hearing his "still small voice" and are obedient to his instructions, something is placed in us that becomes part of our life story or "anointing." Hosea 2:14-25 tells us all God puts into us while we are with him in the wilderness.
I found great encouragement in this and am now growing to appreciate the wilderness as much as the mountain top. Cheer up, my brother. God is at work, even when he seems far away.

Disciple Maker (D.M.)

Certified Biblical Counseling Courses To Be Offered

FreeWay Foundation, in corporation with American Association of Christian Counselors, is offering a complete 5-unit, 30-minute lesson training program designed to educate and equip pastors and counselors within the church. All sessions will be held at the Christian Civic Foundation Building in Bridgeton. Two options are available for this five day seminar: five consecutive days beginning Monday, September 9, or five consecutive Thursdays beginning September 19. Sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily.

The seminar features 30 engaging videotaped lectures by some of the best Christian counseling leaders and Bible teachers in the world. The workshop comes complete with course lectures, outlines, study notes, and exams . . . all designed to increase a minister's knowledge and people skills.

The 50,000 member American Association of Christian Counselors endorses this training course. Recognized as the world's largest organization of Christian counselors, AACC works to provide clinically excellent and distinctively Christian resources, services, and training to counselors everywhere.

The cost for this five-day seminar (earning 3.0 CEU's) is $225.00, which includes all AACC materials and lunches daily. In addition to receiving AACC certification of completion, persons who enroll in this seminar will receive a one-year free membership in AACC (an $89 value). Students also may earn credit hours at Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity for an additional tuition fee.