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Epistle for August 5, 2005

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Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation August 5, 2005

Holy Ground Interview: Barnabus

Is Pillsbury College & Seminary Accredited?


Featuring Today's Special Guest: BARNABUS

CS Barnabus, although the apostles in Jerusalem called
you "Son of

Consolation," and you were recognized as an apostle
(Acts 14:14),

why did Paul call you a hypocrite in his Epistle to
the Galatians?

(Galatians 2:9-13)

Barnabus Paul always saw everything as either black or white! He
also called

Simon Peter a hypocrite on that same occasion you
mentioned. In

Antioch, I merely was eating with some old friends
from Jerusalem,

when Paul accused Peter of separating himself from
the "unclean"

Gentiles during a church meal.

CS Were you and Peter intimidated by the Jewish
believers, who insisted

that Gentiles must be circumcised before becoming
true Christians?

Barnabus I served for many years as the bishop of that Antioch
church, made

up largely of converted Gentiles. I never wavered
from my conviction

that salvation is by grace alone, not by works, such
as circumcision.

CS So what was happening? Was Paul still holding a
grudge against you

because of your dispute over John Mark?

Barnabus Not at all! We'd reconciled over that disagreement years
before. Paul

was merely emphasizing the gospel of salvation by
grace through faith,

and he was defending his position as a genuine

CS Why were you associating with those Jews who opposed

Barnabus I was "doing my thing" of encouragement, trying to bring

between Jewish and Gentile Christians. My enjoying
a fellowship

meal with those Jerusalem Jews did not indicate that
I agreed with

their theological position. In fact, just the
opposite was true!

CS Barnabus, tell us about your conversion and ministry.

Barnabus As you know, I am of the priestly Tribe of Levi. My family
long had

been serving Jehovah in our homeland, the Island of
Cyprus. My

father was a leader of the synagogue in the capital
city of Salamis.

CS When did you become a believer in Jesus as the

Barnabus On the day of Pentecost, I was one of the 3,000 men who
heard the

gospel and believed. I was in that original group
who were baptized

and filled with the Holy Spirit on that historic

CS When did you first become associated with Paul?

Barnabus I first befriended Saul soon after his Damascus Road

When he returned to Jerusalem, Jewish religious
leaders plotted to

kill him as a traitor to their cause. I vouched for
him to the apostles,

and he preached awhile before returning to his home
in Tarsus.

CS How did you get together in Antioch?

Barnabus When the Jerusalem church heard that many people were being

in the Gentile city of Antioch, I was appointed to
head a committee to

investigate. They already had formed a church, but
they welcomed

me as their pastor-teacher.

CS Dr. Luke reported that the hand of the Lord was
especially strong in

there. In fact, believers got the name Christians
in Antioch! (Acts 11)

Barnabus That's right! I served alone as the pastor of that
congregation for

about a year before being led by the Lord to go to
Tarsus to enlist

Saul to join me in my pastoral ministry in Antioch.

CS That church continued to mushroom!

Barnabus Yes it did . . . to God be the glory! Within a short time,
we were

blessed with several other prophets and teachers,
who came alongside

us in ministry. We had a ministerial staff of five
men, not including

our intern, John Mark, a relative of mine from

CS John Mark became a bone of contention between you and

Barnabus The Holy Spirit spoke to the church at Antioch, separating
Saul and

me to go into other heathen lands, preaching the
gospel and planting

churches. John Mark went with us . . . for a few

CS Why did he desert your missionary party?

Barnabus He was just a teenage boy . . . scared and homesick for his

CS You and Saul had a very successful missionary tour,
according to Dr.

Luke in the Book of Acts.

Barnabus The Lord Jesus protected us and blessed His word

CS Tell us about the preparations for your second
missionary journey.

Barnabus Paul . . . by this time he was using the Roman form of his
name . . .

and I decided to revisit the churches we'd
established in order to

strengthen and encourage those new Gentile
Christians. I wanted to

take John Mark, but Paul absolutely refused to take
him along.

CS You had a heated dispute and split up! Who was right
or wrong?

Barnabus Oddly enough, this incident was a "holy ground" experience
in my

spiritual life. Candidly, Paul and I both were
right . . . and wrong,

depending upon your point of view and spiritual
gifting. Paul had the

gift of prophecy, focused on telling sinners about
Christ, regardless of

who got offended or hurt. He was right: service to
the Lord demands

strong endurance and total faithfulness.

CS But you also were right?

Barnabus I had the gift of mercy, focused on individual persons,
seeking always

to comfort and encourage them. The boy, John Mark,
deserved a

second chance. The Lord had given Paul a second
chance! I was

right: John Mark had great potential. He ended up
writing the first

of the four gospels, and later even Paul wrote
requesting Mark's help.

CS Barnabus, do you have any final words of advice for

Barnabus Respect and pray for all Christian endeavors, even those
which are

"different." Exercise your own spiritual gifts,
while encouraging

others to exercise theirs, without judging motives.
Maintain a sweet

spirit of acceptance toward all believers by
"agreeing to disagree."

Accreditation of Pillsbury College & Seminary

Pillsbury College & Seminary represents a personal and practical
distance-learning alternative approach to Christian education. By its very
nature, Pillsbury is too innovative and experimental to fit into the
traditional mold established by most official accrediting agencies in the
United States. At its founding, however, the College & Seminary did adopt
and meet all the structural, financial, and academic guidelines established
by an officially recognized accrediting agency.

Pillsbury, furthermore, does uphold the highest standards of
academic excellence, ethical conduct, and moral integrity to assure that all
the degrees awarded are absolutely legitimate and totally honorable. The
College & Seminary is owned, controlled, and operated by Freeway Foundation
. . . formerly Christian Civic Foundation . . . a widely respected, legally
recognized Christian educational institution chartered by the State of
Missouri in 1890.

As a Christian school, Pillsbury College & Seminary was granted
an "exemption" by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education of the State
of Missouri on August 19, 1992.

In January, 2003, Pillsbury College & Seminary was granted
"Accredited" status by the Accrediting Commission International for Schools,
Colleges, and Theological Seminaries. ACI is an independent non-profit
corporation chartered as an accrediting agency for small Bible colleges and
specialized Christian schools, institutes, and seminaries.

ACI is dedicated to assisting those institutions of Christian
higher education to gain a quality, non-regional accreditation,
characterized by academic excellence and ethical practices. It has a
current membership of over 250 schools in 39 states. Because of the
convictions of its member schools in support of religious freedom and the
separation of church and state, ACI has elected not to request official
recognition as an accrediting agency from the U.S. Department of Education.

Persons whose professional or career goals require certification
by a state or federal government agency should check to determine whether a
degree from Pillsbury College & Seminary would be acceptable. Individuals
needing to earn a regionally accredited degree in one of the disciplines
offered by Pillsbury may wish to investigate comparable programs offered at
more traditional on-campus institutions currently accredited by a regional
association recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

For more information contact or call Dr.
Scarborough at 314-739-1121

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect

us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as

sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes,

and they come back to us as effects."

- Herman Melville

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