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Epistle for December 12, 2003

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation December 12, 2003


This fourth quarter of 2003, I shall be sharing with you my "Personal & Practical" notes and applications on two
important books in the Bible. From the Old Testament, we'll be studying all 14 chapters of Hosea, and
from the New Testament, we'll be studying all 13 chapters of II Corinthians
In This Issue:
Hosea 11:1-12
II Corinthians 11:1-32
When Israel Was A Child, I Loved Him!
(Hosea 11:1-12)
I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Hosea, speaking for the Lord, revealed God's continuing love for His chosen people
even though they were bent on backsliding, vv. 1-7.
2. Hosea expressed the compassionate heart of God: "How can I give you up, Ephraim?
. . . like Admah and Zeboiim" (cities destroyed with Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis
14:8; Deuteronomy 29:23) . . . "My heart churns within Me; My sympathy is stirred":
unlike a man, the Lord has unlimited patience and love, vv. 8-9.
3. Hosea predicted that when God called His people back from captivity, they would respond
immediately, like lions or birds swiftly returning to their places of abode, vv. 10-11.
4. Hosea closed this chapter by condemning Israel's lies and deceit, in contrast to Judah's
continuing faithfulness to the Holy One, v. 12.
II. Meditation: on the manifold expressions of the love of God
"When Israel was a child, I loved him," (v. 1) . . .
1. God called His chosen people out of exile in Egypt into the Promised Land, v. 1.
(See Matthew 2:15)
2. God taught His chosen people, v. 3.
3. God carried His chosen people, v. 3; Isaiah 63:9.
4. God healed His chosen people (although they did not know it), v. 3.
5. God drew His chosen people unto Himself, with loving acceptance, v. 4.
6. God delivered His chosen people from bondage and oppression, v. 4.
7. God condescended ("stooped") to deal with His chosen people on an earthly level, v. 4;
Philippians 2:5-8.
8. God fed His chosen people and supplied all their needs, v. 4.
III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications seen here
1. The Lord has called His people out of the land of bondage, and He has delivered
them into the land of promise (# 's 1 and 6).
2. The Lord has taught spiritual truths to His people, and He has carried them when
their journey became too difficult (# 's 2 and 3).
3. The Lord has come down to earth (taking on human flesh), and He has drawn
believers unto Himself with tender love (# 's 7 and 5).
4. The Lord has healed His people (physically and spiritually), and He has supplied
all their needs (# 's 4 and 8).
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Thank the Lord for His love: His deliverance and salvation.
2. Thank the Lord for His love: His enlightenment and encouragement.
3. Thank the Lord for His love: His mercy and grace.
4. Thank the Lord for His love: His healing and provision.

Paul Defends His Ministry
(II Corinthians 11:1-32)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Paul expressed hope that the Corinthians would remain faithful, vv. 1-4.
2. Paul discussed his conflicts with false apostles, vv. 5-15.
3. Paul admitted that his reluctant boasting was foolishness, vv. 16-21.
4. Paul then described his sufferings and persecutions for Christ, vv. 22-23.

II. Meditation: on Paul's warnings (vv. 1-6)
1. Paul stated that all boasting is folly, v. 1.
2. His reason for boasting (defending his ministry) was to encourage the
Corinthian believers to be faithful to the Christ he preached, vv. 2-3.
3. He warned against those who:
(1) Preach another Jesus, v. 4.
(2) Preach a different spirit, v. 4.
(3) Preach a different gospel, v. 4.
(4) Claim superior apostleship above his, v. 5.
4. He admitted that he was not a trained speaker (orator), but he claimed to
be well-trained in spiritual knowledge, v. 6.

III. Revelation: on Paul's insights into Satan's tactics (vv. 3, 13-15)
1. Satan deceives by his craftiness, corrupting minds with confusion over the
simplicity of salvation by grace through faith in Christ, v. 3.
2. Satan uses false apostles and deceitful workers to ensnare believers, v. 13.
3. Satan transforms himself into an angel of light, v. 14.
4. Satan's ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, v. 15.
(See Matthew 7:20-23)

IV. Observations: on Paul's sufferings (vv. 23-28)
1. Physical - labors, stripes, hunger, thirst, cold, nakedness, prisons.
2. Mental - shipwrecked, journeys, weariness, toil, sleeplessness, deaths.
3. Emotional - "perils" of waters, of robbers, of countrymen, of Gentiles, in the city,
in the wilderness, in the sea, among false brethren.
4. Spiritual - fastings, concern for all the churches.

V. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Refrain from boasting about my personal accomplishments; exhibit humility
and avoid pride.
2. Have a clear vision of Gods destiny for me and a steadfast determination to
accomplish His will.
3. Be aware that Satan is crafty; he is seeking to STEAL my joy, KILL my witness,
and DESTROY my influence for good, (See John 10:10).
4. Expect and endure persecutions and sufferings as a faithful witness for the Lord.
"All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus WILL suffer persecution," II Timothy 3:12.

Spiritual Mentoring by Private Tutoring

Dr. Curt Scarborough, President and founder of Pillsbury Institute, is available to mentor a limited number of mid-career Christian ministers on a one-on-one basis. He will personally tutor mature graduate-level students one day per month . . . any day of the week except Sunday.

Here's how this Spiritual Mentoring program works:
1. A minister enrolls in the Spiritual Mentoring track, agreeing to
spend a minimum of 10 hours a week in disciplined private
devotions under the guidance of Dr. Curt Scarborough.
2. The goal is to develop personal and practical notes on selected
portions of Scripture within one year (on all 260 chapters in the
New Testament, for example). The mentoring partner will write
on at least five chapters each week, focusing on a few chosen
verses in each chapter and using a suggested simple outline:
(1) Concentration
(2) Meditation
(3) Revelation
(4) Applications
3. Every four to six weeks, the mentoring partner will meet with Dr.
Scarborough personally (or by telephone or computer) to review
the work, to compare spiritual insights, to discuss revealed truths,
and to sharpen each other's ministry skills. (See Romans 1:11-12).
At each monthly meeting, the previous month's work will be
reviewed and discussed, new assignments made, and the next
appointment will be scheduled.
4. At the end of one year, the mentoring partner in this example
would have produced a 260 page personal and practical devotional
commentary on the entire New Testament . . . to use in his preaching
and teaching, to publish as a book, to preserve and pass along to his
family, and to serve as a resource for mentoring others.

Degrees Available at Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity

Associate of Applied Christianity in Biblical Studies
Associate of Applied Christianity in Biblical Counseling

Bachelor of Applied Christianity in Biblical Studies
Bachelor of Applied Christianity in Biblical Counseling

Master of Ministry in Spiritual Mentoring
Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling Psychology

Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Mentoring
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling Psychology
Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Christian Counseling

For more information visit our web-site at
or call Dr. Scarborough toll-free at


Edith Wharton - "There are two ways of spreading light: To be the
candle or the mirror that reflects it."