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Epistle for December 20, 2002

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation December 20, 2002


In This Issue:
Sermon: Exodus 28:1-43
Bible Study: II Peter 3
Carol: "The People Who In Darkness Dwell"
PIAC Degrees

Urim and Thummim
(Exodus 28:1-43)

I. Concentration: on the garments for the priesthood
1. The priestly garments, to be made by gifted artisans whom God had filled with the
spirit of wisdom, included a breastplate, an ephod (an ornamental vest), a robe, a skillfully
woven tunic, a turban, and a sash, vv. 1-4.
2. The ephod was to include on the shoulders two stones engraved with the names of the
twelve tribes of Israel, vv. 5-14.
3. The breastplate included twelve precious stones, each engraved with the name of one of the
sons of Jacob; the breastplate also included two other stones: Urim and Thummim vv. 15-30.
4. Among the other items of the priestly garments was an engraved signet to be worn on the High
Priest's turban which read, "HOLINESS TO THE LORD," vv. 31-43.

II. Meditation: on the Urim and Thummim
1. "Urim" means "lights" and "Thummim" means "perfections" or "completeness," vv. 29-30.
2. When God's people needed a special sense of guidance or discernment (which only God could give,
and human wisdom seemed inadequate or undependable), the High Priest would inquire of the Lord
by the Urim and Thummim, Numbers 27:21; I Samuel 28:6; Ezra 2:63; Nehemiah 7:65.
3. The breastplate, which represented righteousness (Ephesians 6:14), was worn over the heart of the
High Priest, v. 29.
4. Although exactly how the device worked is unknown, we do know this:
(1) It provided direction and gave answers through "lights" . . . spiritual enlightenment.
(2) It also gave guidance by affirming the right or correct choice by "perfections" . . . a peaceful
confirmation that the perceived message was correctly understood.
Apparently, there was a combination of a supernatural signal blended witb an inner sense of God's
peace, wholeness, composure, and assurance to the heart of the High Priest.

III. Revelation and Applications: as a Christian, I need to know that . . .
1. The New Testament "Urim and Thummim" is the Holy Spirit, Who dwells within the hearts of believers.
2. The Holy Spirit gives spiritual guidance to those who live clothed in the righteousness of Christ,
I Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 3:9.
3. The Holy Spirit reveals to us the "light" of God's word . . . opening the eyes of our spiritual understanding
John 16:13; Colossians 1:9.
4. The Holy Spirit also signals "right" or "wrong" to us by His inner "ping" . . . giving us perfect peace
when we are on the right track, and "checking" us in our spirits when we go astray,
Colossians 3:15; Acts 16:6-7.

One Day Equals a Thousand Years
(II Peter 3:1-18)

I. Concentration: on man's "time" compared to God's "eternity" (v. 8)
1. If "with the Lord one day is as a thousand years," then one hour equals about 42 years.
2. If "a thousand years (is) as one day," then God's framework (of seven days making a week) could
foreshadow the chronology of God's dealing with mankind on the planet earth:

* From creation to the close of the Old Testament - 4,000 years
* From the advent of Christ until His return - 2,000 years
* The "Millennium" (rule of Christ on earth) - 1,000 years
TOTAL 7.000 years

II. Meditation: on these spiritual ideas
1. Even if a person lives to be 84 years old, that's just a couple of hours in God's sight.
2. When a saved loved one dies, I'll see that person in about an hour . . . only the time it takes to drive
from my house to the office and back!
3. In eternity, God lives in the eternal "now" . . . time is not a factor, so a day and a thousand years are
just the same in His sight; man's past, present, and future all are visible simultaneously with God.
4. Since God operates with a strict time-table, believers ought to take a posture of expectancy for Christ's
return and the "rapture" . . . for about 6,000 years have passed since God placed Adam and Eve in the
Garden of Eden. If the millennium represents God's Sabbath, then that 1,000 years period of "rest"
could begin any time now.

III. Revelation: on God's timetable (v. 9)
1. In due time, God indeed will fulfill all His promises.
2. During the time period between God's promises and their fulfillment, God is exhibiting His patience and
long-suffering toward sinful mankind.
3. God delays His judgment because it is His will that no person should perish . . . go to hell with Satan
and his angels.
4. God extends His mercy and grace, allowing mankind to have more than adequate time and opportunity
to repent.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Live each day in the light of eternity . . . realizing that my attitudes, my words, my actions, and my
influence can and may have an impact lasting a thousand years.
2. Not grieve too much over the death of a loved one . . . I'll be seeing that person in only one hour or so.
3. Exercise patience when I ask God to fulfill His promises . . . He has good reasons for delaying: for one
thing, He is testing my faith and endurance.
4. Watch and be ready for Christ's return . . . He's coming soon!

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The People Who In Darkness Dwell
(Isaiah 7:14; 9:2, 6-7)

The people who in darkness dwell,
Those fearing death and dreading hell;
With troubled heart and clouded mind,
Rejoice! On you a light has shined.


The Lord Himself shall give a sign:
A human child who is divine;
God's plan to save is marvelous,
Immanuel means, "God with us."

Behold, a virgin shall conceive,
Like Mary, we God's word believe;
His birth is written in the sky,
The Lamb of God who's born to die.

For unto us a child is born,
We worship Him on this glad morn;
God's government on Him shall rest,
He is our King, through Him we're blest.

He's Counselor - - Oh, praise His name,
Past, present, future - - He's the same;
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace,
His kingdom always shall increase.

Upon the throne, see God's own Son,
All battles fought, all victories won;
We bow to Him on bended knee,
His justice rules eternally.

(Tune: He Leadeth Me! Oh Blessed Thought)