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Epistle for December 26, 2007

Posted by: info <info@...>


                            Dr. Curt Scarborough, President            FreeWay Foundation                   December 26, 2007

From Nazareth To Bethlehem

Luke 1 & 2

Dr. Curt Scarborough

Written in January 1998

        Lately, the headlines have been full of the story of the woman who gave

birth to seven children at one time.  Imagine the feeding and changing of seven

infants!  Not to mention the future trials of having seven teenagers in the same

house . . . or sending seven students to college the same year!

        Luke 1:31 and 2:5-6 tell us of the most significant birth in human history:

        "Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and you

shall call His name Jesus . . . So it was, that while they were there the days completed

for her to be delivered.  And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him

in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger,"  (NKJV)

        Conception and delivery are key words associated both with having a baby

and with having a vision . . . a divinely-inspired idea; a spiritual revelation.  The word

"conceive" means "to take in."  "Delivery" means "to set free; to bring forth."  The

process of giving birth to a child and giving birth to a God-given vision of destiny are

similar.  Both involve four stages.


        In Mary's case, she was willing (Luke 1:38) for the Holy Spirit to "come upon"

her and the power of the Highest to "overshadow" her (Luke 1:35).

        Conception of a child (or of a vision) requires an outside-of-self agent . . .

"to take in."  Just as a woman cannot impregnate herself, neither can a person

produce a true "vision" without God's creative activity.


        Gestation takes a period of time . . . nine months for human beings.  Vision,

also, take time to develop before it sees the light of day.

        That period is a time of growth, of discomfort, of stretching.  In the spiritual

realm, as well as in the physical, pregnancy changes the way a person eats, looks,

feels, and walks.


        Birth pains signal that the time is near for the child to be born.  Similarly,

inner turmoil usually precedes the birth of a vision.  One word of caution:  beware

of "false labor."  Before giving birth to a God-conceived idea, make certain that

it has gone full term . . . achieved the development necessary for its life to be

sustained in the "real world."


        At birth, a child is "brought forth" . . . "set free."  No longer does it remain

safe and secure within the mother's womb. 

        With every God-inspired idea, there comes the "fullness of time"

(Galatians 4:4) when the concept has grown from a tiny seed into a fully-formed

vision of destiny.  According to God's timetable, it is then ready to be brought forth

and set free . . . publicly presented and introduced.

A final word:  Both a newborn infant and a God-inspired vision must have a healthy

environment, adequate nourishment, and continual intensive care.  Without these,

 rather than developing into full maturity and fruitful productivity, such "children"

will starve and die.

"Like Your Mother Is Watching"

by:  Harvey Mackay

I had the great honor several months ago of being inducted into my high

school Hall of Fame at St. Paul Central in St. Paul, MN.  Previous honorees include

Charles Schulz, creator of the Peanuts cartoon strip; Richard Schulze, founder and

chairman of Best Buy; and Dave Winfield, a member of Major League Baseball's

Hall of Fame.  About 500 selected students were invited to the auditorium for the

ceremony and to hear a few remarks from this year's recipients.  I shared four ideas

with students:

1)      Believe in yourself even when no one else does.
2)      Don't quit.
3)      There is no "I" in team.
4)      Act like your mother is watching.

Unfortunately, the business community does not get stellar grades for ethics the past

few years. Too many companies have tried to fool the public.

Ethics and integrity must be the cornerstone of your existence.  If you want your

employees to tell the truth, a company better start by being truthful with its employees.

Our mission statement at MackayMitchell Envelope Co. is:  "To be in business forever." 

What does that mean?  It stands for no hidden liabilities; no cutting corners; no small

print; no red flags.  We in the business community need to set a good example for our

young people.

Mackays Morals:  Never lie to your mother - - or anyone else.

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