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Epistle for December 27, 2002

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation December 27, 2002


In This Issue:
Sermon: Isaiah 11:1-16
Bible Study: Jude
Carol: "Another Year Has Come and Gone"
"Iron Sharpens Iron" meeting

The 6-Fold Anointing of the Holy Spirit
(Isaiah 11:1-16)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be a descendant of Jesse (David's father),
and that He would receive the 6-fold anointing of the Holy Spirit, vv. 1-2.
2. Isaiah forsaw the Messiah's coming in power, judgment, equity, and righteousness, vv. 3-5.
3. The Messiah's reign on earth will be characterized by peace between mankind and the
wild beasts (similar to conditions in the Garden of Eden); "the earth shall be full of the
knowledge of the Lord," vv. 6-9.
4. Gentiles will seek the Messiah, and He also will gather to Himself a faithful remnant of the
Jews, vv. 10-16.
II. Meditation: on the six "anointings" of the Spirit resting upon the Messiah, v. 2
1. Spirit of wisdom - giving the ability to see and perceive spiritual things.
2. Spirit of understanding - giving the ability to comprehend (grasp the significance) of spiritual
truths and realities.
3. Spirit of counsel - giving the ability to advise, admonish, guide, and recommend concerning
spiritual things.
4. Spirit of might - giving miraculous power and strength.
5. Spirit of knowledge - giving practical skill and the ability to teach the truths of God.
6. Spirit of reverence - giving the proper awe and fear before God the Father, bringing glory
and honor to Him.
III. Revelation: on the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy (Luke 4:18-19; Isaiah 61:1-2)
1. Jesus said that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him, giving wisdom to perceive and preach the
gospel to the poor.
2. He said the Spirit gave Him understanding, enabling Him to comfort the broken-hearted.
3. He said the Spirit gave Him counsel, enabling Him to proclaim liberty to the captivies
(those in bondage).
4. He said the Spirit gave Him power to heal the sick, including the recovery of sight to the blind.
5. He said the Spirit gave Him practical knowledge to teach the oppressed.
6. He said the Spirit gave Him the proper attitude of reverence, enabling Him to testify of God's
favor and grace.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to pray . . .
"Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I may have the wisdom to preach the gospel, the
understanding to comfort the broken-hearted, the counsel to bring freedom to those in
spiritual bondage, the power to apply your divine healing, the knowledge to be able to
teach and assist the weak and helpless, and the humble reverence which will enable me
to effectively proclaim your boundless love and amazing grace. Amen."

God's Judgment Upon the Ungodly
(Jude 1:1-25)

I. Concentration: on Jude's use of the word "ungodly"

1. Ungodly men - those who turn the grace of God into lewdness and who deny the Lord, v. 4.
2. Ungodly (persons) - those who will receive God's judgment, sentence, and punishment when
Jesus returns with His Saints, v. 15.
3. Ungodly deeds; ungodly way - those whose actions dishonor God, v. 15, and those who are
grumblers, complainers, sensualists, flatters, mockers, and divisive individuals, vv. 16-19.
4. Ungodly sinners - those who have spoken against Christ, vv. 15-16.

II. Meditation: on Old Testament examples of "ungodly" men (v. 11)

1. Cain - who murdered his brother, out of jealousy, Genesis 4:3-8.
2. Balaam - who prophesied for money, Numbers 22-25; II Peter 2:15.
3. Korah - who led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron, Numbers 16.
4. "Ungodliness" includes hatred of fellowman, greed for material gain, and rebellion against God.

III. Revelation: on other illustrations of "ungodly" men (vv. 12-13)

1. Clouds without water, carried about by the winds.
2. Late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots.
3. Raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame.
4. Wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Repent and forsake all ungodly thoughts, deeds, and words.
2. Avoid, especially, the deadly sins of hatred, greed, and rebellion.
3. Become a productive Christian, bearing spiritual fruit:
(1) as a cloud containing refreshing, life-giving water,
(2) as a living tree bearing nourishing fruit,
(3) as the peaceful waves of the sea, fulfilling their purpose in God's divine plan, and
(4) as premanently fixed stars, providing persons light and guidance in a dark world.
4. Rejoice that God our Savior is able to keep me from stumbling and to present me faultless before
the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, vv. 24-25. Praise His holy name!

"Iron Sharpens Iron" men will meet next on
Thursday, January 9, 2003,
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Another Year Has Come And Gone
(Hebrews 12:1, 2; Philippians 3:13, 14)

Another year has come and gone,
Twelve months are history,
The days ahead, my Father knows,
Not one's a mystery.

I press toward the goal above,
I run to win the prize;
The upward call of God I hear,
On Christ, I fix my eyes.

Surrounded by so great a crowd,
Who cheer me in my race;
I lay aside the weights of sin,
Relying on Christ's grace.

He's author and He's finisher,
For me, He bore the shame;
With joy, endured the cruel cross,
For this, I praise His name.

I know that I have not arrived,
Yet I go where Christ led;
Forgetting things I've left behind,
I reach for things ahead.

When this new year has come and gone,
When my short race is run;
My goal: to hear the Master say,
"Well done, my child, well done."

(Tune: "Auld Lang Syne")