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Epistle for February 11, 2005

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Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation
February 11, 2005

In This Issue:


Change at Pillbury!!


Featuring today's special guest: LAZARUS

CS Lazarus, I expect you've been asked thousands of times

what you saw and experienced between the time you died and

the time you stumbled out of that tomb?

Lazarus Yes, it seems like everyone wants to know about life
after death.

CS And, of course, there haven't been very many persons

returned from the grave to be able to give such a
first-hand account.

Lazarus The few of us who were raised from the dead have gotten

from time to time to discuss what we remember about
our death to

life experience.

CS Sort of a Resurrection Club?

Lazarus I guess you could call us that. Besides myself, there is
Ruth-Anna, the

little girl the Master raised to life, and Reuben,
the widow of Nain's son,

and Eutychus, the boy who "fell asleep" (in more
ways than one) during

one of Paul's long sermons, and . . .

CS There are some others from the Old Testament era, I

Lazarus True, but all of us have one thing in common with regard
to that

experience of dying and then being resurrected.

CS What's that?

Lazarus During our four years on earth between the day we were
raised from the

dead until the day we permanently arrived back in
heaven, we could not

recall anything about our experiences during those
lost days.

CS So, you are unable to tell anyone about your heavenly

Lazarus Apparently the Lord God in His mercy had blanked out our

giving us temporary amnesia.

CS What do you mean, "In His mercy"?

Lazarus Looking back on that experience, I realize how much
sorrow and loss I

would have felt, if I had been allowed to remember
the unspeakable joy

of being in the presence of God . . . then being
removed from that place

of spiritual communion with the Creator. What glory
. . . what peace

to be present with the Lord!

CS So, what did you remember?

Lazarus The last thing I remember was my running a high fever,
with my sisters,

Martha and Mary, trying to keep me alive until the
Master arrived, I

rallied for a few hours, then slipped into a coma.

CS I often wondered about you and your sisters living
together in Bethany.

Didn't any of you ever get married?

Lazarus Oh yes, I was married once, but my wife Rachel died
giving birth to our

son. He lived for a few months before also passing
away. My older sister,

Martha, moved in with me to help care for him, and
my younger sister,

Mary, joined us later when our mother died.

CS How did you get to be such good friends with Jesus?

Lazarus That was one of those "holy coincidences." The Master
was on His way

to Jerusalem with His disciples one day, when they
stopped near our

home to rest a bit in the shade and to get a drink
from our well.

CS What happened?

Lazarus We invited them to have a bite to eat, they stayed the
night . . .

CS All of them?

Lazarus We had plenty of room . . . it was a spacious,
comfortable house. God

has blessed me abundantly with material things.

CS What was the first thing you remember after going into
a coma?

Lazarus I heard my name being called, and I woke up in a dark
cave, wrapped

up in about a hundred pounds of cloths and spices.
I tried to walk,

but I was bound up like an Egyptian mummy.

CS Your sister was afraid you'd have the stink of death
on you.

Lazarus I smelled okay, but those wrappings! That's another

CS So, your resurrection was the "Holy Ground" experience
of your life?

Lazarus It was the beginning of it. I became something of a
celebrity in that

part of Judea. In fact, people came from miles
around to see me and

to ask the same questions you've been asking. But
the high point of my

life was being used by the Master to bring glory to

CS I don't quite understand.

Lazarus My death, and my being brought back to life, had a divine
purpose. Not

only did it result in praise to God the Father, but
it also verified that Jesus

was the Son of God. My resurrection was the
Master's way of accelerating

the Jewish leaders' opposition to Him.

CS He deliberately provoked them in order to be arrested
and crucified?

Lazarus That's right! Word spread that He was coming into
Jerusalem, and that

I was coming with Him. People mobbed the streets to
see us; I was just

part of the crowd as He rode into the city on a
small donkey.

CS We call that the Triumphal Entry! So, your
resurrection occurred just

before Palm Sunday?

Lazarus Yes, and many people believed that the Master was the
true Messiah

because they witnessed the fact that He had raised
me from the dead!

CS In his gospel, John called your resurrection a "sign."
But before that

week was out, the crowd became a mob, and Jesus was

Lazarus But He didn't stay dead long! In fact, He didn't stay in
the tomb as long

as I did.

CS In closing, would you like to pass along any words of

Lazarus Jesus sees the future. From His viewpoint, true
believers never die.

CS That truth always has been a great assurance to

Lazarus Another lesson I learned is that all miracles have the
primary purpose

of glorifying God. No matter how famous a
God-blessed celebrity

may become, he always should point the praise and
worship toward

Jesus Christ, the source of the miraculous power
operating in his life.

CS Thank you, Lazarus, for these edifying insights.

Lazarus Hosanna!!

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