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Epistle for February 18, 2005

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Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay
Foundation February 18, 2005

In This Issue:

Interview with ISAAC

Pillsbury College & Seminary


Featuring today's special guest ISAAC

CS Isaac, you are the son of Abraham, a great spiritual leader,
and your son, Jacob,

became the father of the Twelve Tribes . . . the nation of
Israel. Some theologians

have called you an obscure molehill between two towering
mountains. How do you

respond to that unflattering characterization?

Isaac I've heard it all . . . I'm a midget between two giants, a
scrawny little sapling between

two mighty oaks! But, I see myself as an important link in
the eternal purposes of

God, as He dealt with His chosen people.

CS You're the middle-man in the famous phrase used to identify
God: "The God of Abraham,

Isaac, and Jacob."

Isaac Precisely! I am the fulfillment of the Lord's promise to my
father and mother, and I am

the one through whom God's Abrahamic Covenant blessing was
passed along to my

son, Jacob.

CS But your wife, Rebecca, and your son, Jacob, tricked you into
blessing him.

Isaac To quote the Messiah, "You are mistaken, not knowing the
Scriptures not the power

of God." (Matthew 22:29)

CS How so?

Isaac I was led by God to withhold the spiritual "Abrahamic Covenant"
part of my blessing

until I was absolutely positive I was speaking to God's
chosen one. Not until the day

Jacob left home to go visit his uncle Laban did I officially
pronounce the Abrahamic

blessing. See for yourself in the First Book of Moses,
Chapter 28.

CS Did you have a dramatic, "holy ground" encounter with Almighty
God similar to your

father's or your son's experiences?

Isaac In fact, I did. The Philistines had envied my tremendous
prosperity, and, out of spite,

they had filled my father's wells with dirt, forcing me to
leave the country.

CS Why didn't you fight?

Isaac It's against my nature to retaliate. My name means "Laughter,"
and I've always been a

happy person who avoids trouble, trying to get along with
everyone. So, when opposition

and dispute came with the unbelievers, I moved away.

CS I think you named the disputed wells "Quarrel" and "Hostility."

Isaac Yes, it's good to remember the important events of one's life,
whether they are good or

bad. I often meditated on those unhappy days in an effort
to understand what the Lord

was trying to teach me.

CS Your actions seem rather wimpy in these modern days of
litigation and of demanding

one's rights in a court of law. What spiritual lesson did you learn?

Isaac Non-violence and forgiveness.

CS These spiritual traits were emphasized by the Messiah.

Isaac Yes, and being like Him is even better than being known as a
famous leader, like my

father and my son were.

CS So, rather than being remembered as "Father of the Faithful" or
as "Father of the

Twelve Tribes," you'd prefer to be remembered as the "Father of

Isaac That would be flattering, of course, but Jesus the Messiah is the
prime example of

forgiveness. Beside Him, I'm a very imperfect example.

CS What was God's purpose in allowing you to be persecuted?

Isaac He was using the Philistines to move me along to where He wanted
me to reside:

Rehoboth . . . a place where there was plenty of room.

CS When you arrived there?

Isaac God spoke to me and renewed His covenant with our family. I
built an altar and

worshipped, and there I pitched my tent, making that place
my permanent dwelling.

CS And there you dug another well, I think. But you still were
under enemy attack?

Isaac Correct. Even in that place of covenant renewal and worship, the

continued to harass me. In their hatred, they again tried
to force me to leave. They

destroyed my work, stole my property, and lied about their

CS But you did nothing!

Isaac I treated them with kindness. With God-given patience, I treated
them as I wished

to be treated.

CS That sounds like "The Golden Rule!"

Isaac Perhaps. At any rate, I feasted them, swore not to retaliate,
and sent them on their

way without hostility.

CS Did "loving your enemies" pay off?

Isaac On that very same day, my servants exclaimed, "We have found
water!" . . . an artesian


CS So you think that was a sign from God?

Isaac Absolutely! Whenever believers today live in the spirit of
forgiveness, they too shall

discover, as the Messiah said, "rivers of living water" flowing out from
their lives to

bless others.

CS Any final words?

Isaac When I was a boy, I asked my father "Where is the lamb for the
sacrifice?" Centuries

later, John the Baptist answered my question when he pointed to Jesus
saying, "Behold,

the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." My word to believers
today is simply

this: Resolve to faithfully follow the holy Lamb of God, with His marvelous
spirit of silent

suffering and free forgiveness.

CS Thank you, Isaac, for your words of wisdom, and for your

Isaac Shalom!

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